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My bachelorette party - Need to vent


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Originally Posted by koolatta View Post
That sucks, but look at it this way..at least they took the time to organize something for you. My BM's haven't asked or planned anything for me and probably won't. I would totally love for them to acknowledge me but it seems this whole wedding is on me, I have had no help or input from them at all. so although I think they went about it the wrong way, I think its nice that they thought of you (even though they should not be doing it in your own house..don't they have houses they can throw it in??)
Maybe they are not talking about the party with you b/c they want to surprise you? Is it something possible?

From the beginning, I was glad they organized something for me. It's just that it put a LOT of stress on me, because of all the renovations in the house, and the last details to plan/do for the wedding. My bridesmaids are lovely women, I love them, but I didn't understand why the party needed to be at my house, and not in a restaurant, by example. Now that it's over and that everything went well, I'm feeling better and what I will remember is how fun was the night!

They could not host it at their houses, because one of them lives three hours from where I live and people would probably have not come if it was at her house. My other bridesmaid live in a really tiny appartment, so it wasn't a option. My mom could have host it, but she's actually dealing with health problems, and they didn't want to put that pressure on her. I'm very happy that it turned out that way - but that for sure a lot of stress.

And now stop with the bla bla bla, here are some pics!

My new house by the beach!
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Yummy buffet (I'm the one in the background, doing a weird thing with my arms...)
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With my girl pug... she's a good listener when I'm stressed! There are no real good reason to a post this photo, but I love her and she was funny all the evening!
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Opening some gifts
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hmmm... sounds fishy. I agree with LC_Rachel, maybe having a another party- on you imagined- a little later would be best. That way you are appreciative of what they did trryyyy to do, but then you are still happy as the Bride and have something special like you envisioned in the first place.


All the Best!

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