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When to change legal name?

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First, my apologizes if there is a thread for this, but all I found was how to change your legal name (very helpful and plan to use btw)


My issue is when to legally change my name? We have actually been married for over a year now since we had to in order for me to be listed as a dependent on his Employment pass while we are living in Singapore. I had planned to have my named changed when we moved back to the US right after our wedding, but now we are staying in Singapore for at least one more year.


Is there any timeframe I need to change my name within from my legal wedding day? Also, has anyone already done this while living abroad? If so, any tips on where to start? We have been "fake" married for a year now and I would really like to start using my married name after the "real" wedding.


On a side note, my married name will be Carla Garber and if you say it fast a few times it comes out as Gobble Gobble -- this name is already starting to stick with my friends! smile35.gif

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hehe that is so cute. gobble gobble! I can't help with the living abroad thing....but I assume there is no specific time frame that you "have" to change your name by. I think you can do it whenever you want. We are getting legally married next week, even though our wedding is not until November......I battled FOREVER on when to change my name, because I just want some consistency and we bought a house and I have to get a new license with the right address, but didnt want to get 2 new licenses in 4 months...........ok that was way to long of a story...but I decided to just wait and do it after I get back in December. My passport, DL, etc etc has my maiden name and I just wanted to make sure there were no issues getting on the plane! Plus nobody knows we'll be married and I didnt want it to slip out if somone saw my DL or something!

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Agreed! You can change your name whenever you want! I'm going through the process now and it is such a process trying to remember all the companies you have to inform.


Gobble Gobble - sorry but I had to laugh out loud at that one!

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We have been married for over a year as well, and while we are not living abroad ... I still have not *legally* changed my name. I have changed it on my drivers license and on my bank accounts, etc ... but not with the Social Security office. Every time I think I have time to do it, something comes up or I don't have our marriage certificate with me. Ugh. But I don't think you have anything to worry about. Just change it when you get back to the States or via mail if that works!

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*Phew* feeling better about it then. The lady at the courthouse had told us we had to change it within a year (even though have already missed that deadline) so I was concerned. I may just wait until we move back so I don't have issues with my passport and get stuck here!

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Good thread goble...lol. I mean Carla.. Yeah the lady at the courthouse also mentioned us that we have to change within one year. Waiting to do after the year, she said it will be harder, and wont be due to marriage ?? like a standard name change.. but we just had our legal day one year before our dw.. so idk. .but I am waiting until after the wedding.

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