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What triggered your bridezilla moment?

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So whether we like to admit it or not, we all have had at least one bridezilla moment. What was yours?


Mine was when I looked in the mirror and saw hot pink eyeshadow up to my eyebrows and I was supposed to have already left to get to the ceremony site. I kept saying, no, no, it must be lighter. It took 3 tries to lighten it up to an acceptable color. I just kept looking at clock and tried not to freak out, but it was pretty obvious that I ready to swing the make-up artist around by her hair and launch her out the window. It was awful!


Your turn!

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haha fun thread Kristy! I guess mine would have to be when I was supposed to walk to the spa with my mom at 11:30 a.m. the day of the wedding for our hair appointments and my mom showed up at the lobby (our meeting point) 20 minutes late! I thought she had forgotten or something and I totally spazzed on her. I know it was a silly thing to spaz about and felt bad afterward but I couldn't help myself! lol I still don't know what triggered that! Anyway, she and I figured out that her watch was slow, I don't know why she wouldn't just set it to the same time as the resort, yeesh!

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Mine happened as I was getting into my dress - i was worried it was gonna mess up my hair and then i got lipstick on my dress and it was obvious - i was trying not to freak when my friends were shout wiping hte hell out of it but i was def getting stressed out!! Luckily with shout wipes and a tide pen it came out

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Mine was at the salon. They took me 30 minutes late becuase they double booked the 2pm wedding (me) with the 4pm wedding. I had to wait for them to finish up some of the people for the 4pm. Then, she did my hair nothing like I asked, and she had to re-touch it - which only made it marginally better. Then she did my manicure after my hair. I was running at least 45 minutes behind at this point, and I now had to go back to the room to repair the damage to my hair. I was ready to go ballistic. Given how furious I was I thought my obnoxious attitude was doing pretty good.

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Originally Posted by YoursTruly View Post
Mine was when I realized my trifling sister intentionally smeared my wedding dress with makeup 2 hours before the wedding and felt no need to apologize! I went ballistic on her azz!
OMG! I would kill her!!
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Originally Posted by RIUMBBride711 View Post
OMG! I would kill her!!
Carly and RIU bride-- I really did Want to kill her. It took every ounce of strength I had not to. Thankfully my DH and MOH calmed me down and aassured me they would handle everything and they did, despite no available cleaners to steam it. My WC was wonderful with helping them remove the steam and ironing a heavy chiffon and silk dress. They were amazing. To this day we are still not cool. I can’t forget that!!
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