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Bridal Shower Games... Something Different?


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I am confident that all you creative ladies will have some suggestions for me. I am hosting a bridal shower for my sister in about three weeks and am trying to come up with some games that aren't standard (i.e., toilet paper bride, memory game etc)


They need to be for all ages young and old - we are about 30 people ... sitting at tables of 4-6 ppl.


I have already done a "how well does the bride know the groom" trivia where I asked her FI questions that she will have to answer.


Any suggestionshuh.gif??smile03.gif

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To play on the "how well does the bride know the groom" - i video-taped his answers and played the video and paused after each question to make her answer - it was a HUGE hit!


-bridal shower bingo was a huge hit too, and made getting through present opening a lot easier (guests filled in a blank bingo card of what presents they thought she'd get.....as she opened presents they marked them off until getting a bingo)


-I also bought a bucket of household items, windex, sponges, air freshener, etc...and made the guests guess the total cost of all items. I gave the bucket to the bride as a present since they were just moving into a house and figure'd she'd need the supplies :)


-I found a few other cool ideas - one of them was getting pics of the bride at all different ages, and having people guess her age (her mom has to help with that).


-We also framed pictures of the bride & groom and asked people to guess how long they were dating when the pics were taken.


those are a few more ideas wink.gif

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at my cousin's shower a few weeks ago we played Wedding Pictionary. The bridesmaids split us up into groups and had us pick wedding-themed items (walking the aisle, first dance, something blue, the garter, cutting the cake, etc.) to draw, it was pretty fun.

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Originally Posted by Jenn79 View Post
at my cousin's shower a few weeks ago we played Wedding Pictionary. The bridesmaids split us up into groups and had us pick wedding-themed items (walking the aisle, first dance, something blue, the garter, cutting the cake, etc.) to draw, it was pretty fun.
That sounds really fun! I'm just remembering that I went to a bridal shower where they played bridal balderdash - and there were all these different stories about the bride & groom (outrageous, funny, drunk stories, or just really funny moments) and the guests had to submit either one TRUE or FALSE....then we had to guess which ones ACTUALLY happened, and which were just made up.

It turned out really hilarious!
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We played a game at my friends shower and it was fun because it was a male/female party and everyone was able to play even kids. You buy 5 gifts, out of those five gifts one is something thats funny like a toilet bowl scrubber. Everyone writes there names on 3 pieces of paper and you collect it in a bowl or bag. As the names are being called out they get to choose a gift until all the gifts were taken, then for the remainder of the game people steal each others gifts. So if the gift you want is already chosen you get to steal the gift from the person who has it. Wehad a blast b/c the person with the toilet bowl scrub pretty much had it for the whole game. Hope this makes sense, if not let me know I will try to explain it better.

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