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January 2010 brides!!


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Originally Posted by kuteliya View Post
Urgh so now my list has gone down to tons of little things that are annoying me!!!!

1. Finally make a choice in the darn color FI and the GMs are going to wear due to the fact that my future MIL decided has an amethyst dress and my future FIL is going to be one of the GM's. So find a color that matches us and her! (urgh!!!)
2. Get fans and card stock to make the lables for them
3. Make the place cards
4. See if i have to rent extra linens due to having more ppl than expected show up..
5. Get a coffee bar set up for FI family
6. Get some chair sashes for the ceremony
7. Pick out shoes for the flower girl
8. Contact the cake guy double check the design is going to be made per FI request
9. Finish the damn music list
10. Contact the venue about having the ceremony on the beach to get the proper permits.
11. Keep myself SANE through all of this!
You will be fine! Take a big breath and tackle one task, get it done and cross it off... don't look at the whole list, just one item.. I have been starting to panic too about all the things we need to get done.
We don't even have our bridesmaid dresses yet (just my sister) or our groomsmen stuff or groom's stuff...
I (oops, I mean we) have decided to save some $$ we are going to get married the day before we leave and do a symbolic down there (way less paperwork too).. still feel guilty about this but in the big picture I guess we'll be married either way right?
Also, I haven't even started my AHR stuff which we really need to do as we want to have it in the spring when there will be no possibility of snowstorms etc. and everyone can come..
You guys seem much more organized than me!
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Originally Posted by kuteliya View Post
Lol!! thanks Tam..! Trying to breathe! It just seems the day is just getting closer and closer and so much other stuff keeps appearing that needs to be done!


I haven't touched any AHR details yet! YIKES! Just booked the venue and thats it! hahaha
Same thing for us! We booked it and we basically got a WC for our AHR that runs the place we rented so she is doing everything. All we have to do is pay haha!
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this is exciting but freakin' scary! lol


we are doing OOT bags, that's all! we're now talking about an AHR, but it won't be until a few months after the wedding, so we'll have some time to work on some things.


When are you ladies having your AHR and what are you having?

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Originally Posted by ~*Lisa*~ View Post
this is exciting but freakin' scary! lol

we are doing OOT bags, that's all! we're now talking about an AHR, but it won't be until a few months after the wedding, so we'll have some time to work on some things.

When are you ladies having your AHR and what are you having?
We aren't having an AHR, which makes planning it easy, lol. It just wasn't in the cards for us because we have been legally married since Jan 2008, and our families are in different areas so there was no good place to have one. (Which is why we thought about a DW in the first place).

How's progress?

I'm going to sit down & crank out the place cards this weekend. I finished our pre-wedding mailer, which is exciting! Still not much luck with the playlist. (kick me into gear someone!)
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ugh I'm so completely undecided about it. At first, I was like NO WAY for an AHR because those who want to attend my wedding will, but now, no one from my dad's family is coming and I am really close to them. My grandfather was supposed to come, but he just had his hip replaced last week so I am totally reconsidering it now. UGH! I hate decisions! lol

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We are doing a AHR, but closer to the summer. We have not started to plan that yet. We thought we should since:

A. Only my FI's Grandmother can make it to Jamaica

B. Only my nana can make it from my Dad's side

It will be a blast, but kind of low key. A band, no formal dinner, kegs and in a barn. Nothing fancy, but just what we wanted.

Everything is moving fast now ladies. January will be here before we know it! Pumped!

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