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January 2010 brides!!


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well, we found DH's pants and shoes online (tommy bahama) after doing a little shopping at the mall. so things are moving right along for him... oh to be a man! so easy!


i had my first fitting last night (no pics, sorry!). and now i'm focusing my attention on toning up my arms. :/ ugh.

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you know what's funny? I am really going to miss this once I'm married...all the planning, organizing, comparing, shopping, imagining...never thought I'd enjoy doing this stuff but it's actually really a blast. :) Just glad I have you girls to share it with....blush2.gif

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Oh my gosh Im going to miss planning sooo much! I do have our AHR to look forward to once we get home so Im excited!!!



Well ladies. I found my wedding band woot woot! ANd our purchased FI's and mine! CHange it up a bit. We also purchased FI's wedding attire along with the groomsmen. Everything is coming together! Our last payment is due on december 4th. I cant believe how close we are getting!

Christmas will be here soon and before you know it we will be taking downt he decorations and leaving!


How is everyone else doing? Does it feel real yet?

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We are getting really excited and cannot wait to soak up the sun! It is hard to believe that we are leaving soon. I have packed most of our stuff, I know its a bit early, and only need to complete a few more DIY projects. We are going to have a blast, and then its on to planning our AHR in the summer.

Hope all is well January brides, sounds like everyone is getting their To-Do list completed. Always a nice feeling isn't it? I was thinking of doing my planning thread in the next couple of weeks, and cannot believe it is that time already.

Only a month and a few short weeks left! Yay!

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I can't believe how close it's getting, it's all com ing so fast! I'm glad to hear that others are starting to pack. My FI thought I was crazy that I wanted to pack so early. We have all of the major things taken care of. Just need to find my FI some shoes, a tie and a belt and I need to wrap up a few DIY projects as well and begin my dress fittings (first one next week). I'm really starting to get excited!!!


Happy Packing everyone! :)

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Urgh so now my list has gone down to tons of little things that are annoying me!!!!


1. Finally make a choice in the darn color FI and the GMs are going to wear due to the fact that my future MIL decided has an amethyst dress and my future FIL is going to be one of the GM's. So find a color that matches us and her! (urgh!!!)

2. Get fans and card stock to make the lables for them

3. Make the place cards

4. See if i have to rent extra linens due to having more ppl than expected show up..

5. Get a coffee bar set up for FI family

6. Get some chair sashes for the ceremony

7. Pick out shoes for the flower girl

8. Contact the cake guy double check the design is going to be made per FI request

9. Finish the damn music list

10. Contact the venue about having the ceremony on the beach to get the proper permits.

11. Keep myself SANE through all of this!

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