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Going the extra mile...


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Through the DW planning process, I know many of us are hurt/disappointed/upset by the fact that someone we care deeply about is unable or unwilling to attend our DW. While we may understand, that doesn't mean it hurts/disappoints/upsets us any less.


I wanted to share something that proves that there are others who will do anything to attend. My MOH and I have been friends since we were five. I am an only child and she is the closest thing I will ever have to a sister. So, her being at my wedding was incredibly important to me. Shortly after my DH and I announce our engagement her husband was laid off. While she teaches a couple of college courses each semester, her primary occupation is a stay-at-home-mother. Also, their two children are on the autism spectrum, which results in a lot of out-of-pocket medical costs. If anyone had a justified reason not to attend, I would say she did and I would have understood. As the wedding approached (she did have insurance), her husband was still out of work. At no point in time (and she told me this) had they ever discussed her not coming to the wedding. Obviously becuase of costs, the family could not attend. But it was never up for debate that she might not come to my wedding. I helped a little by covering the costs of her being in the wedding (dress, shoes, jewerly), but I know that the money she spent to come to my wedding could have been used for better/other purposes. In addition, she flew up for my shower, which was an additional expense.


I thought with the many stories about people being unable to attend (and I am not begruding anyone those posts, since I can sympathize with them) it might be nice to share a story about someone who I felt went out of her way to be there.


Does anyone else have a story?

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Jamaica0619, what a touching story and experience! It's really refreshing to hear a positive story, especially when so many of us feel discouraged or hurt from our friends and families. Thanks so much for sharing that!


I have a BM that I have been friends with since we were kids that recently got let go from her company. She is trying to get on her own feet after finishing University, etc and I felt horrible for her. What I love so much is that she has NEVER showed one once of negativity and has never made me feel guilty for having a DW. I was expecting her to tell me that she wouldn't be able to attend, which I would totally understand but she insisted that she would find a way! As much crap that I've taken from my family and some other close friends, her support has really helped me :).

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We had limited our guest list for our own expenses as well as making sure we had a valid reason to explain the cut off (keeping it small). Friends of my mom that have known me since childhood called me and said "Congrats, Hooray, Where is my invitation?" I explained that we were funding this ourselves and for that reason were keeping it small and limited. She informed me that she had watch me grow up and become who I was and she didn't care if she needed to pay for her costs of our reception etc... she was going to be there to celebrate the awesome occasion with people she considered family. What you don't realize is this is a single mother of 3 that is currently taken on a part time job so she could fund coming to our wedding. We obviously told her to make it out there and we would love to have her... but how touching.

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It's so nice to hear a positive story...I am truly thankful for all of our family /friends that will be coming down to Jamaica (40 people) I know that it is tough for a lot of them to spend the money and take the time off from work...I love them all!

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Incredible story and great idea for a thread! I have a story too that is uplifting about someone going the extra mile. That someone happens to be on of my bridesmaids, a close friend since high school. Her fiance was recently transferred to CA, and she moved out there to be with him this May. They are paying for most of their wedding including the cost to fly back to chicago for 2 weeks....their wedding is August 1st. I told her many times that I completely understood if they could not afford my wedding, because they are also flying the 1st weekend in September, to STL where she is standing up in a wedding.


She told me she wouldnt miss my wedding for anything, and she actually re-arranged her HONEYMOON so that she could double up the trip to mexico for my wedding, and the whole 1st week would also be her honeymoon. I just thought that was so amazing, she deferred her honeymoon 4 months just so she could come to my wedding :)

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