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My sister isn't going???

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I was dumb.. i emailed her..I know.. i should have spoken to her face to face but i've been so busy.. I told her it did bother me that she wasn't going to be there and it broke my heart. She's my only sister and I thought we were really close. But i felt so aweful telling her because my mom later told me my sister was crying her eyes out because she was sad!! So i quickly called to apologize!


Yes I did tell them we bought insurance on the tickets =(


I mean.. i know times are rough.. the whole country is in recession! But when tickets are handed to you.. air/ and hotel/ and extra $$500 why would you still say nohuh.gif

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OMG how horrible for you. I know for me if my sister was not going I would maybe think twice. If one of my sisters fifn't go it wouldn't bother me, but my other one, I would be devasted. She IS my best friend thru choice not birth. I feel so bad for you. Maybe if your talked to your sister's husband and explained the importance of their attendance, or maybe, just maybe she can go without him, maybe take one of the kids instead (in case he can't go because of work, fear of flying, or something), But since you have the insurance I wouldn't cancel their tickets right way. There must be someway to convience them, I mean this is not just a family friend, or cousin even. It's immediate family, They should always be important. Good luck, I really hope everything works out for you.

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I feel so bad for you!! I know how you feel, I am going through the same thing and it hurts to bad!! Try to talk to your sister and convince her to change her mind. Good luck to you. I am sending hugs your way.

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This sucks! Sounds like your sisters husband is running the show. If he is that kind of guy maybe you have to figure out a way to work the situation with him, if reasoning doesn't work maybe try smoozing to get in good graces. It sounds horrible but if you really want your sis there got to work all the angles.

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I know exactly how you feel.

I have 1 sister, and she isn't coming to my wedding either. My parents offered to pay for her entire trip, and she still says no. she does have a husband and 2 kids - my parents couldn't afford to pay for all of them, but thought my sister would want to at least be there for me, but she says she won't come without her husband and he says he doesn't want her to go. Ever since we announced our engagement she's been weird to me, never congratulated us, and when we said we're getting married in Jamaica, she said "how do you feel that your sister can't come?". She doesn't even act like she wants to be there.


Did they actually cancel the trip yet?

Do you think there's any chance they'd still come?

My mom keeps telling me we have time.

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I don't understand some people!!

I read these things and think of my own situation with my own family not booking and it drives me nutso! If I knew in the beginning they would not come to the wedding or that they thought it was to expensive I might have changed my mind but now when people pull this crap so close to the wedding it is only them who are going to miss out.


Hopefully your sister has a better reason then the one you are getting right now. I totally feel for you! HUGS!

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Aww.. I'm so sorry. That really sucks and you have already gone out of your way so she can be there. Do you think it would help if she wasn't there the entire week, but just for a day or two around the actual wedding day? Maybe, if time off work is an issue that would at least allow her to be there for your wedding day? It isn't ideal but just a thought.

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I am so sorry to hear about all of this...I have one sibling (a sister), and when she said she didn't think she could afford to go to our original destination (St. Lucia) because of cost-concerns, we switched our island to Jamaica for her, and I thought that was generous! Wow, you've even offered to pay for their entire trip -- how amazing and thoughtful of you! Hopefully, they will give it more thought and will decide that your wonderful offer is too good to refuse, pride or not!


(And if it makes you feel any better, I don't think my FI's sister and her husband will be coming to our wedding next year -- in addition to having a new baby, I just don't know if it would be financially possible for them.) Here's hoping everything works out...and if not, just try to remember she WILL be there with you in thought and spirit!

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You said you're not fond of your BIL (ok, don't really like him). I'm sure he knows this and he probably feels that he doesn't want you guys to pay for them because then he'll "owe" you. I have a feeling there is some hostility there and your sister is stuck in the middle of going to your wedding or abiding by her husband's wishes (otherwise, she wouldn't have been crying her eyes out). I would try to talk to your BIL. Be honest and put it on the line. Tell him how important it is that your sister be there and you know she wouldn't go without him. Play up the fact that they'll both be getting a "second honeymoon" without the kids and they'll be able to have a lot of alone time together with just each other.

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