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TA Changed the departure date and "F'd" everything

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So my travel agency emails me the other day saying "by the way, sunquest changed your departure date from Nov 5 to Nov 3rd. Hope it's not a problem". Soooo long storey short it is a big problem..... Now that meant we would have to get married on the day we leave... So we had to change everything around and I had to confirm a new date. And now that we are getting married on a sAturday there is another added expence for the minister.... The other problems I have is that ALL of my gift beach bag favors FILLED with personalized loot which I have worked on for over a year all has the wrong wedding date.... There is nothing I can do about it but I really feel like I've been ripped off. The TA has offered to take a whole 150.00 off our trip for the mix up.. WOWeeeeeeee. Thanks!!!! ... we have 20+ guests confirmed and I feel like they could do better. Im so depressed about the whole wedding now. It seems like just when things start to go good and I get a little excited something happens and flips everything upside down again.

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When we booked our trip through Sunquest we were told that our departure date could change. It's always a risk with sunquest. So I made sure our wedding date was in the middle of the week and I didn't order anything with our wedding date on it. I wish your TA would have told you in the beginning that this could happen...unfortunately it happens with Sunquest all the time sad.gif


Sorry to hear about it though, I know it's a major PITA! Don't be depressed...none of your guests will care that the wrong wedding date is in your stuff! You could take a sharpie to everything and kinda make it funny...everyone will laugh it off. I promise that after awhile you'll see that it isn't that big of a deal...you can still get married and have everyone you love there, right? Try to focus on the positives cheesy.gif

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I feel your pain. Same thing happened to my fiance and I! Air Transat NOT ONLY changed our dates...they cancelled the flights all together out of the departure city...so we have to travel to a completely DIFFERENT province in order to get there in February. All of this after my invites went out...and we had 18 confirmed guests (meaning booked) before we even sent out our invitations. So, I know how you feel.


Try not to let it upset you too much. There's nothing you can do about it, right?!

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^Me too. Sunquest cancelled our trips altogether! We had to rebook everything separately and now we're flying AeroMexico and connecting in Mexico City, which sucks but at least we can still go. We're trying to focus on the positives. We didn't get any money back or discounts due to this change sad.gif

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Ohhhh noooo!! I feel so bad for all of you...and I am truly hoping that this doesn't happen to us too! We booked with Air Canada Vacations and so far the only changed we've had is changing the Sunday to Sunday charter to a Saturday to Saturday charter. I really hope that they don't throw any last minute changes in there over the next 3 months. We also have alot of personalized OOT bag items with our date listed. I'm hoping for the best...

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Heather...why didn't Sunquest offer you refunds or deposits back? Is this legal...if you pay by credit card...and if the services are not rendered...can't you get your money back? I've read about this type of thing before and I thought that you would be able to be reimbursed if it was the airline doing the cancellations. Good luck to you!!

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Well they would have refunded us everything if we cancelled everything. But we decided to keep the room block through them and just book our flights separately. The crappiest part was that our guests had to pay for their entire trip within 2 weeks (this was about a month ago) instead of having another few months before the final balance was due. This was a huge pain in the butt to most people and pissed me off but there was nothing we could do. Everything is pretty much sorted out now, but I was super pissed at the time! These are the joys of dealing with Cdn tour operators sad.gif

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We had the same problem with Sunquest changing the flight schedule, fortunately it worked out for us in the end and we were able to keep our date and time but i definately know how you are feeling right now. I think that you should stay on your TA's A$$ and try to get more then $150 off.


Let us know how it goes...

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We had the same problem with Sunquest changing the flight schedule, fortunately it worked out for us in the end and we were able to keep our date and time but i definately know how you are feeling right now. I think that you should stay on your TA's A$$ and try to get more then $150 off.


Let us know how it goes...

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