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Nominate Your MotM for June!


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Summer is here!

Nominate your Member of the Month for June to help kick it off!


Many of you may not know about this contest. "MotM" is short for Member of the Month. Each month we open a thread where you can nominate a member as a "Mrs." or as a "B2B" (Bride to Be).


The rules are:

A) Please limit your choices - 1 nominee per category

(if you post more, only the first nominee will count)


B) The winners from the past 3 months cannot be nominated.


The winners from the last 3 months that we have had the contest are:


May: Kathy and Jacilynda

April: Kaylee and Savannah

March: Amanda and MarieSam


This will be a short nomination and voting round as I had some family issues to attend to over the weekend and am just now getting to this. I will post a Poll with your nominations by Friday the 3rd, then we can vote and have our new winners by the 8th of July!


Happy Nominating!

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Totally agree with you on the b2b Danielle. She is super sweet and has been all over the board helping with wedding stuff, diet, and overall encouragment.


b2b- Erika J

mrs- YaelM


Yael has been so helpful in sharing all of her fabulous wedding details even though it wasnt the wedding she originally planned!

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Awwwe Thanks for all the noms girls!!


All of the noms for Mrs are so good it is going to be tough to vote, but I am going to add another one!


B2B - Jess ( always finding the coolest wedding stuff to share) and she is Etsy Queen


Mrs- Andi (her video was awesome, dying to see more pics! and she is always helpful for moral support)

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