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Aunt Dying of Cancer

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I need some support from my fellow brides. They have just sent my aunt home from the hospital so she can pass away at home. They have set up hospice for her and she has battled cancer for several years now, always beating one form than another form would develop. Now the cancer has caught up to her and like everybody I am having a hard time dealing with the knowledge that she is going to pass very soon. I feel selfish for planning the wedding amidst all of this, but I know life has to move forward.


I could really use some encouragement. Thanks everyone.

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Preciousmi811, I'm thinking sending you good thoughts and an e-hug your way! I'm sorry to hear your news.

I know that feeling you're having, to a much lesser degree...My grandpa had heart surgery, and then proceeded to break his hip about a month before my cousin's wedding - it was awful timing, and he was supposed to walk down the aisle, etc., and the planning just had to go on. He ended up not being able to fly to the wedding and was still in rehab, but, for that day we all focused on the bride and groom.

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aw i am really sorry. cancer is the fricken devil i swear. im glad though that she will be home at peace and surround by her loved ones. she is a strong woman for fighting so long. i also think she'd want you to continue your planning. you, your aunt, and your fam are in my prayers. hugs to you.

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I feel for you, as I had to go through this with my dad. He battled cancer for 2 years, only to be sent home after they could do no more. It's difficult to know someone is nearing the end, but take comfort in the fact that they will be in a better place, where there will be no more pain. I swear that my dad held on for as long as he did b/c he didn't want to leave us, b/c the second we told him it was alright to let go, he did. It's hard I know, so hang in there; I'm sending you hugs b/c I know you will need them.

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