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Natural Family Planning anyone?


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Originally Posted by *Meagan* View Post
Yes thats what we were talking about in the "mommies to be thread". I wanted to see next week if she would suggest any or give me some samples etc. Then if not I will go purchase them! Im excited to start taking them. Im taking my normal vitamins and vitamin C also! So are you trying carolina24?
not trying trying, but we're not using any protection either. granted, i'm a little away from the wedding and i DO NOT want a baby bump when i'm walking down the aisle, but if/when it happens we'll be super excited :) :)
once we get back from the wedding, then we're gonna really start trying, counting days, taking temps, etc!!
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  • 3 months later...

I have this book and its really been a great education tool. It has made me so much more aware of what is happening with my body each day. I highly recommend it. I definitely am too lazy to do all 3 steps, but I did the temperatures for 2 months which really made me more aware of the length of my cycle. Also, once I got past being uncorfortable discussing cervical fluid, it made it super easy to figure out what days I was fertile. My husband is pretty anti pill, so I feel pretty lucky that he is so supportive and concerned with my reproductive health. :-) I think our generation just expects that we should be on the pill and that it is safe and it's OK to be on hormones for so many years. It's nice to feel like I have an alternative. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

We have recently switched to this method, but more in an effort to TTC rather than TTA.  I LOVE this book.  I had heard about temping and charting, but had no idea about cevical fluid or cervical position.  Whether you are TTC or not, I think every woman should read it and gain a better understanding of their own bodies.  I never realized how perfectly timed intercourse needs to be in order to get pregnant.


If you don't own Taking Charge of Your Fertility, go buy it so you fully understand what is taking place in your body.

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  • 3 weeks later...

WOW... You learn something everyday...like some of the others commented it was called the Rhythm method as far as I knew...I guess I practiced this method for year (not taking temps etc.) but knowing when my cycle came and when I was ovulating.  I was never able to take pills (neither were my mom or grandmother) so I always used condoms and when me and FI started dating seriously (engaged) we just knew when not to and when we could... I think being relaxed and not stressing makes for a happier baby and mom to be...IMO.

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