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It's not that serious!!!


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Well, I am having my bridal shower & bachelorette party tomorrow - 2 separate events that is being hosted by some ladies in my group. Well, the hosts invited everyone in the chapter to the bridal shower but not everyone was invited to the bachelorette party that evening - we wanted it to be a smaller group.


I got a text message from one of the ladies not invited to the bachelorette party saying "hey, i didn't get invited to the bachelorette party, LOL" I didn't know how to respond because we talk when in group setting but not that close. I let the host know & she sent her an email letting her know that we didn't want the group too big because it was at someone's house - which is true!! well, her response was "ok" but then later "I guess I didn't make the cut"!


Do you think we were wrong for not just inviting everyone? I don't think it is that serious. I am sure she has had events & not invited me to them on numerous occassions, but I guess some people like to be involved in everything!!!

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no, but if she was your friend I would have just invited her on the spot, because now she feels like she is not as good of a friend.


I would have been hurt too if I was in her shoes


I'm not saying your wrong to do it at all, I just can see the other side too

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I totally understand about wanting to keep it small but obviously her feelings are hurt if she actually talked to you about not being invited. That seriously is a little awkward but good for you for sticking to your guns! I would have felt obligated at that point even if I didn't want her there.

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Yea, I'd have probably invited her right then and there. What's one more person at that point, ya know? BUT, I can see you not wanting to make the exception at that point since it was something that had been decided earlier. But I can definitely see her being hurt. Tricky situation...for sure. Would have been easier if there had been a way to keep the other group from even knowing about the bachelorette, but clearly that wasn't an option. Can't change anything now, so....just a tricky situation. Maybe when you speak to her again, just let her know that you weren't in charge of sending out the invites which is basically the truth.

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