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$$$--where to get it & how to save?!

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Omg great advice girls, thank you so much! Some days I just think about EVERYTHING that we will have to pay for and it totally freaks me out. But you guys gave great advice on things to cut back on, saving money from each paycheck, and just cutting back on unimportant things at the wedding. I think I am going to sit down and just make a list of everything!

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I have set a savings account aside for our wedding. However recently our cars have taken a tole and we spent a total of $1600.00 on them :o. So we are down to a small sum of money. Thankfully my FIL's paid for our plane tickets so that is like $800 right there but we have 9months to save and how we are going to come up with all of it. God only knows!!! UGH

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Originally Posted by Scubadiva View Post
I have set a savings account aside for our wedding. However recently our cars have taken a tole and we spent a total of $1600.00 on them :o. So we are down to a small sum of money. Thankfully my FIL's paid for our plane tickets so that is like $800 right there but we have 9months to save and how we are going to come up with all of it. God only knows!!! UGH
Omg oh no...sorry to hear about that! Everything will work out in the end...or so I keep telling myself.
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here is the biggest thing that helped me save: I set up an automatic transfer from my checking to my savings. I set it up for the 16th and 1st of each month (the days after payday). I never saw the money and forced myself to budget on what was in my checking and not touch my savings. Because the transfer was set up automatically, it felt like i never had it in my checking long enough to spend! I cut down on eating out, getting my hair/nails done, and limited my shopping and it worked amazing for me.


Good Luck!

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My fiance and I have cut back on many expenses. One of the things we try really hard to do is live off of one check and put the other check towards our wedding. I am really against getting a loan for this wedding so Im hoping to save as much money as possible.


Good luck!

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Originally Posted by mmontgo View Post
My fiance and I have cut back on many expenses. One of the things we try really hard to do is live off of one check and put the other check towards our wedding. I am really against getting a loan for this wedding so Im hoping to save as much money as possible.

Good luck!

This is a great idea......one of my best friends does this. She set up her paycheck on direct deposit into their savings, and they budget to live off his paycheck - which is direct deposited into their checking!
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Originally Posted by mmontgo View Post
My fiance and I have cut back on many expenses. One of the things we try really hard to do is live off of one check and put the other check towards our wedding. I am really against getting a loan for this wedding so Im hoping to save as much money as possible.

Good luck!
I wish we were that lucky! If we lived off one paycheck it would be mac n cheese for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. My car would be taken away so I would be riding my bike 20miles to work one way. I probably could not afford shavers so I would be a hairy mess, LOL.
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Originally Posted by Scubadiva View Post
I wish we were that lucky! If we lived off one paycheck it would be mac n cheese for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. My car would be taken away so I would be riding my bike 20miles to work one day. I probably could not afford shavers so I would be a hairy mess, LOL.
hilarious! i love mac and cheese, so that sounds kinda appealing wink.gif
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Biggest thing that has helped us save? Cook at home/eat at home. Seriously, no lie. This has been the first month we seriously dedicated ourselves to doing it and it's made a BIG difference. We just didn't realize how often we were hitting the drive thru-whether it was to pick up something for the fam on the way home, or picking up the phone and dialing all those magical digits that bring food hot and fresh to your door.


Plus, RESEARCH. You should have what you want at your wedding, but don't take the first price you come across as the bottom line. Most of the time, I've been able to find EVERYthing we need cheaper than what I initiallly came across it. For instance things flowers/bouquets, things for the OOT bags, ceremony decor....Ebay is your friend. Same thing with Etsy...tons of online suppliers and businesses who are trying to get off the ground and produce AMAZING wedding products for so much less.


Even my dress! Found it brand new with the shop tags still on it on Ebay. Got a friend of a friend who is an amazing seamstress to do my alterations...the list goes on and on. You can do it all and have what you want, just at a lower cost if you put some effort into it. The beautiful thing is that planning early allows us that luxury! It's never too early to research and the more you do the more you start to see patterns on things that you can buy for less via private sales, discount stores, etc.

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Originally Posted by JOSIE View Post
here is the biggest thing that helped me save: I set up an automatic transfer from my checking to my savings. I set it up for the 16th and 1st of each month (the days after payday). I never saw the money and forced myself to budget on what was in my checking and not touch my savings. Because the transfer was set up automatically, it felt like i never had it in my checking long enough to spend! I cut down on eating out, getting my hair/nails done, and limited my shopping and it worked amazing for me.

Good Luck!
I have the same thing. I was sick a few years ago and on disability, which paid 75% of my salary. I realized that I could live on that, so when I went back to work, I set up the automatic transfers to savings for the other 25% and didn't really miss it. Huge help. Couldn't cut down on the hair and nails though...lol!
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