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My mum needs heart surgery


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My mum was born with a whole in her heart that didnt get fixed when she was a child.The last couple of years it has been troublesome.She lives now in the west coast of ireland and im sure if she was in the uk she would of had surgery months ago.Today after nagging the hospital since her last op appointment in november when they told her she would need to spend a few days at the hospital (4 hrs away) to get some more tests done to see if they can do it by keyhole they have told her she needs to get 2 holes closed and a defibrilator fitted.Ive only managed to text her as shes not arrived home yet but it can be done by keyhole which is good news i guess

We had no idea she had 2 holes!!! and ? the defibrilator.

So girls is this normal?

Ive just spoken with her and she is in a state of shock she does have the 2 holes and he asked if she had ever had a heart attack? no, had she ever been VERY sick umm no i thought maybe when her dr overdosed her on thyroxine !! but then she remembered she had been very ill once with the flu and he said well the heart pump is damaged and that damage is caused by a bad virus!!!! so well maybe the flu years ago.Hes added another tablet to the list and she must stay out of the sun.He isnt sure if he can do both holes at once and the defibrilator will /can be done more locally after the closing of the holes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!.When she asked when all this would happen he said if we havnt called you in the next four months ring us back girl_werewolf.gifIm so far away and she needs it done.Thanks girls if your still reading i really needed to off load.If anyone out there has any info on heart surgery i would appreciate your 2 pennies worth thanks maria xx

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Wow-I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. I'm glad someone is finally noticing what needs to be done and I hope it happens soon! Good news though that it's such a non-invasive proceedure.


Heart problems are so scary. Brandon (FI) got a call from our next door neighbor last summer, she just wasn't feeling well and so he took her to the ER-she had suffered several mild heart attacks over the previous day and a half and they had her in for open heart surgery the next morning. It took her a while to heal and she'll have a scar-but the good news is she's doing great now. She said she hasn't felt this good in years now that her heart is functioning properly. I hope your mom has the same experience (minus the open heart surgery and scar part!)

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Sorry about your mom. Im a little shocked at the doctors reaction, if they dont contact your mom in 4 months she should call them. like does that mean they might forget about her. i dont know anything about this type of condition but if i were your mom i would call until they made me an appointment till get it done. they shouldnt leave your mom hanging for 4 months like that.

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oh girls ive just thought a few years ago she had gynae surgery and she was gone for hours the lady in the next bed said there was some panick.Later a nurse asked them to wait as the surgeon wanted to speak with them both.He told them that she had a heart condition which was not news to them.My mum had overheard a nurse saying i told you they dont read the patient bands properly.We wonder if she had a heart attack then.On a lighter note mums just told me she woke this morning with her face stuck to the pillow.she couldnt get the comb through her hair.Shed gone to sleep with a mouthful of mints.Thats my mum trying to make light but also unable to get over that she has 2 holes when all her life she only knew about the one.Imiss her so much and just wish she had come home here when it first become troublesome.The dr today asked if she could walk a mile and she was like no way.Then said well i could if i lived in New York she was able to walk miles there cos its flat.The dr also gave her another tablet and told her she musnt go out in the sun she needs to get a hat.She has just come back from Portugal where she got such a tan my dad told her she would need a new passport to get back into Ireland.I miss her so bad im not seeing her till the 1st august.Thanks girls for your kind words xxx your the bestxx

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I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. I remember my mom's friends daughter had the same or similar condition but I believe they operated on her when she was rather young. I can't remember what the procedures were as it was a really long time ago. Keep us posted on your Mom and I'll be thinking of you and your family.

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"If we haven't called in four months.."


What the hellhuh.gif

I can only imagine the stress and fear you are feeling-let alone your poor mother! I'm completely unfamiliar with the condition, but what are the chances of her being able to consult with a second doctor? It just doesn't sound right to me that she has this SERIOUS medical condition and her physician is following it in such a laid back manner.


You're in my thoughts...blessings to you and your mother.

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I would definitely look for a second opinion and hopefully a new hospital, one that specializes in cardiac care. If your mum is near a major city with a teaching hospital that is what I would suggest. (Not sure what is closest to her.) Her medical care sounds frighteningly substandard and I would not put up with it for a second!

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Mum is going to see her gp today to ask him the questions that she now has.Having spoken with her last night she thinks she wont be waiting 4 months.The treatment she has received is very shabby i just wish she had come home after all she has paid taxes here and would be of been done by now.Here nearest hospital is over an hour away but god youve got to be sick to stay there its very shabby as most people have private cover they dont stay there.She will get the hole closure done in Dublin which i understand is very clean and there cardiac dept is as good as anything we have in London.I spoke with a locum radiologist who worked with us and he said they have good results from heart and lung transplates so im confident she will get good care eventually

The consultant said she must take all the medication she has been prescribed which she wasnt happy about.Thanks girls for all your kind words i just wish we didint have to go through all this i cant imagine life with out my mum even though shes a long way from us i speak with her everyday.

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