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How I Met Aaron - MADLIB Style! (lol)

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So, after all of this Madlib RSVP work I've beeng working on (thanks again Heidi! lol), I came across this. It's called "How I met my wife" but I did it for Aaron and I and it came out pretty funny. I entered certain information that related to how I really met Aaron, e.g.: we met online and Aaron is a computer wiz etc.


So... this is how I met Aaron according to the people at wordlibs.com



The year was 2000, and I was in the internet doing some scientific studies on the squishy mating behavior of cats. It was difficult because specimens were so hard to obtain. I was wiggling in lab one day when a woman walked in carrying a particularly awkwardly specimen.


'Hi, Aaron, I heard you were looking for these! My name is Courtney.'


As we talked, I couldn't stop looking at her amazing eyes, her incredible smile, and her beautiful couches.


'Will you take me to where you found this?' I asked.


'Sure,' she said, 'It's right over there in the Agridome .'


As we walked there, we found a restaurant that served delicious fried paintball guns and powerful drinks made of vodka and computers. The next thing I knew, we were back in my apartment and trotting passionately. After a whole night of punching, I knew I was in love with her.


After 34 months, I proposed to her. I still remember her saying 'Yes' as I slipped the ring onto her stick.


At the wedding, she said to me, 'You know what I love about you, Aaron? You're tall, handsome and sweaty, of course, but what I love most is your sense of humor and your stinky smile. Of course the fact that we both love hairspray doesn't hurt either.'


Now, 18 years later, we are still together, living in a cold house in Los Angeles with our 98 children and our pet printer cartridge, George Bush. But even after all this time, I still remember the time that I met my wife, and a feeling of air conditioning fills my heart.




lol... here's the site if anyone else wants to give it a go (there is also a wedding one that Aaron and I were about to do before the phone rang!)

How I Met My Wife Libs Mad

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How I Met My Wife


The year was 1999, and I was in AC Moore doing some scientific studies on the sweet mating behavior of pirates. It was difficult because specimens were so hard to obtain. I was singing in lab one day when a woman walked in carrying a particularly smelly specimen.


'Hi, Reggie, I heard you were looking for these! My name is Heidi .'


As we talked, I couldn't stop looking at her amazing eyes, her incredible smile, and her beautiful flowers.


'Will you take me to where you found this?' I asked.


'Sure,' she said, 'It's right over there in Jamaica .'


As we walked there, we found a restaurant that served delicious fried televisions and powerful drinks made of vodka and yoga. The next thing I knew, we were back in my apartment and yelling passionately. After a whole night of jumping jacks, I knew I was in love with her.


After 4 months, I proposed to her. I still remember her saying 'Yes' as I slipped the ring onto her telephone.


At the wedding, she said to me, 'You know what I love about you, Reggie? You're tall, handsome and green, of course, but what I love most is your sense of humor and your soft smile. Of course the fact that we both love pillows doesn't hurt either.'


Now, 8 years later, we are still together, living in a gigantic house in Miami with our 15 children and our pet picture frame, Pippin. But even after all this time, I still remember the time that I met my wife, and a feeling of clock fills my heart.



LOL! This is too fun Courtney!!! rolleyes.gif

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Haha, I don't think mine turned out quite right (where did Matthew come from?? lol!) but there are some funny parts...


The year was 2005, and I was in bar doing some scientific studies on the amazing mating behavior of bunnies. It was difficult because specimens were so hard to obtain. I was running in lab one day when a woman walked in carrying a particularly soft specimen.


'Hi, Matthew, I heard you were looking for these! My name is Jaime .'


As we talked, I couldn't stop looking at her amazing eyes, her incredible smile, and her beautiful buns.


'Will you take me to where you found this?' I asked.


'Sure,' she said, 'It's right over there in Mexico .'


As we walked there, we found a restaurant that served delicious fried rings and powerful drinks made of vodka and buttons. The next thing I knew, we were back in my apartment and making passionately. After a whole night of riding, I knew I was in love with her.


After 5 months, I proposed to her. I still remember her saying 'Yes' as I slipped the ring onto her vacuum.


At the wedding, she said to me, 'You know what I love about you, Matt? You're tall, handsome and beautiful, of course, but what I love most is your sense of humor and your hard smile. Of course the fact that we both love vases doesn't hurt either.'


Now, 14 years later, we are still together, living in a sweet house in Dallas with our 42 children and our pet jump rope, Martin. But even after all this time, I still remember the time that I met my wife, and a feeling of candle fills my heart.

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