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Umm... lol, I see how Kelly interpreted it, but Heidi... that last part, did you instantly want to write something dirty?! lol - just curious, that's not really the kind of response I'm looking for! haha

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I think it totally depends on who is filling it out. Obviously Grandma & Grandpa aren't going to put "f*$! like rabbits" as a verb or activity or whatever... although that would make for an interesting story... smile120.gif


I think even if people want to fill in dirty sayings, most won't go through with it. And the ones that do will probably make you laugh. wink.gif


I can't wait til you start getting these things back to hear what people said!

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Originally Posted by Nini_Bride View Post
Umm... lol, I see how Kelly interpreted it, but Heidi... that last part, did you instantly want to write something dirty?! lol - just curious, that's not really the kind of response I'm looking for! haha

I always want to write something dirty, LOL, it's just not often the oppurtunity presents itself! smile120.gif

Does this mean I'm not invited to the wedding?crybaby2.gif

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Courtney this is soooo funny and it will be hysterical to read what people write. I think this will all depend on what type of guests you have. I know my friends would be annoyed by this and would never send it back b/c they can't be bothered. (They are so annoying!!!) I think if I got this, I would put it aside so that I could think of good stuff to write but then this would delay you getting the RSVP from me. Okay now I am just rambling. smile120.gif

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Originally Posted by Nini_Bride View Post
Umm... lol, I see how Kelly interpreted it, but Heidi... that last part, did you instantly want to write something dirty?! lol - just curious, that's not really the kind of response I'm looking for! haha
OMG!!!! NO!!!!!!!!!! I was watching Pirates of Caribbean on TV!!! Now that I re-read it! Oh my goodness....... no!!!!!! blush2.gif
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lol - good!! I didn't read yours as dirty, but I'm afraid that's the first thing people will think when they fill it in!


Thanks for the help. This madlibs thing is turning out to be incredibly frustrating. Everyone seems to thnk it's a bad idea (family included), and I'm starting to feel a bit deflated and just give in to the "check yes or no here" option. sad.gif

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  • 3 months later...

Ok guys, I wanted to give an update.


I sent my invitations in June with an RSVP of July. A lot of people actually sent back the Mad Libs RSVP, and I have to be honest, it's the one part of the invitations that I don't regret. Receiving these RSVP's was so much fun, and everyone had a different answer. They're perfect for a wedding album or scrapbook. I honestly only expected to get a couple back, but of the nearly 30 I sent back, I'm only waiting for 6!! Granted, most people didn't actually send them until after the RSVP, but I still didn't have to hassle for them either.


Like I said, this is easily my favourite part of the invitations, and would do it again in a heartbeat. And some of their responses even gave me ideas for my wedding ceremony!! We'll see if they noticed that I took their advice! wink.gif

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