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Aunt pisses me off

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Okay Ladies.. I need to vent..


I just got off the phone with my dad and aunt. My dad tells me hey, you need to talk to your aunt.. she is informing us that its not safe to travel to mexico for your wedding.. WTFcensored.gif you got to be kidding me.. So he calls my aunt on the three way.. and low and behold yeah she says.. and not only that..she says its her duty to inform the whole family that its not safe to travel to mexico.. (first it was the drug cartels, swine flue, and now kidnappings in cancun). I am royally pissed at the moment. WTF why would you do this to someone. I can understand that you dont want to come, but really you are trying to convince everyone else not to come also.. when I asked about it she was like its my job.. unless I can convince you to change the location. I told her the wedding is 1yrs away.. im sure whatever ban you have cooked up will be gone by then.."until theres another one" was her response. Well it really pissed me off that she told my Father not to come.. at this point I was in tears.. I couldnt believe it.. and I think I blurtd out you bitch. At told him and her that if you come you come if you dont ..well the wedding is still on.. when FI saw me, he was like if they dont come, we are still getting married..regardless.. as long as we show up.. then games on!. I was just so pissed at the fact that she was encouraging family not to show up instead of letting make the decision themselves. I know that in the end, everyone maynot show up, which is fine.. but dont paint a picture like you are going, and then abck out. .I honestly think its because they booked a room that they cant afford.. they booked the presidental suite for two weeks.. but anyway.. I feel much bette now. Oh, so would it very wrong not send an invite, travel brochure, etc. since you already said that you would be joining us since we wont change the location?


Thanks for listening ladies

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OMG that's horrible! I would be super pissed too. She sounds like a know-it-all, always got something to say drama queen to me. Do you think the rest of the family will really take her seriously or would they just disregard whatever she was saying because they probably know what she's like? I agree with your FI though, the wedding should still be on as planned. It's crazy to get all worked up when its a year away!! The way I look at it is, bad things can happen anywhere! In terms of "safety" the numbers have to be relative and put into perspective. You might hear about a few instances about Mexico on the news, but how many things happen in your own area that you don't even hear about, KWIM?

Good luck and keep us posted!

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I'm so sorry!!! All I can say is I can relate, and I went through the same thing with My FI's GM's wife.......she was such a bitch and started sending everyone articles on how unsafe it is. She then decided to book at a different resort and started calling FI's friends and asking them to stay at this different place...trying to convince people NOT to stay at our resort. I was fuming. Probably how you're feeling right now. I am glad you stood up for yourself and made it known that you're not changing locations........especially when its a $()%*$( year away!!!!!! That is ridiculous. What does your dad sayhuh.gif I'm sure the rest of the guests will not be swayed by her, don't worry!!!!!!!!! As most girls say on here, chances are: if people WANT to come, they will be there!!!!!!!!! Look at all the girls on the forum who had weddings smack in the middle of swine flu and the true blue guests stuck it out with them!!!!


I'm sorry you're going through this!!!!!!! What a censored.gif

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OMG she is HORRIBLE and seriously needs to be put in her place. I think you should send a pre-emptive email to your whole family letting them know that it is safe, why and they you and your FI would NEVER put yourselves or your family in danger. that your Aunt is on a rampage and will most likely be contacting everyone with negative information that is NOT based on the truth so you are giving them a heads up blah blah blah.


p.s. i will move this for you :)

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Either she's completely paranoid...or this is personal some how.


No-I wouldn't send her an invite or anything else. Not sure if thats your question, but wanted to cover it. As for your dad, send it-but ..what was his point in telling you this? Is he like, actually LISTENING to what she is saying? If so, forget him too. I mean, seriously, it even SOUNDS like lunatic ravings and paranoia. I'd look up some stats on Mexico tourism and fling 'em at her. How out of the tens of thousands of Americans that holiday in the area every year, the number of tourists encountering a problem of ANY kind is so miniscule.....it's hard to reason with hard facts. But sounds like it woulnd't matter to her anyway, because she's just paranoid and all her wires aren't real tight, if ya know what I'm saying.

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