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Hope Someone Has Bail $$ (FUMING)

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This is why holidays will be for us to spend time with each other and the only reason I'll go home for a holiday will be when my FI is deployed.


We will take vacations and maybe be near one parent or another near the holiday but the day of will be for us and when we have kids.


But we also dont live near our parents his are 6 hours away mine are 15 hours away, I love my parents but I dont see the need to be with them on a holiday over any other day in the year.


I can see why you are mad though, if he had last year this year should be yours if thats your agreement, but if he is not into being in groups I can see his point to, if your family makes holidays a big deal and he is not very comfy being around alot of people


So I guess you two just need to talk alot of things over and set up how you two will handle the holidays so you dont have this fight every few months of every year

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