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Location of your first dance/ Suggestions!

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Hello ladies!

We have chosen to go with the Classic package at RPTB and will have our dinner at the Steakhouse after our ceremony. The WC told me in an email that we couldn't have an IPOD dock inside the Steakhouse because we have a small amount of people (6) and there would be other people eating. I don't really think that people would mind if we played one song after the cake cutting. Who would? But, do you think we should try to "sneak" it anyways and chance not being able to?


Where are you or have you had your first dance? I have heard that RPTB isn't really a resort with night life and we don't have the money for renting a disco or a poolside reception after dinner...besides, it would be silly with 6 of us.


So, any suggestions anyone? I was possibly thinking that we could set up our IPOD Dock near the pool after dinner near one of the bars outside. I don't know. I'm kinda at a loss with this one and it is one of the very few things that is important to me. This and the pics. That's all, so please help if you can.

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We only had 11 people for our reception at RPTB's steakhouse. We brought our Bose sounddock and just ran it on batteries. I didnt mention anything about the sound dock to Keneika. It never occurred to me. There were other guests in the restaurant and they didnt seem to mind - although I wasnt paying attention to them. I wouldnt worry about it. Just bring your dock and run it on batteries. We had our first dance right at the table. No biggie.

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Great ideas keep comming!

Sloan, I think that we will sneak our, as well. Unless you're insane, who's going to really object to songs played at a table for a wedding party? The other guests probably thought that yours was all planned out anyways.

I think we will probably have our dance after the sand ceremony when we are announced husband and wife....then just have the song played after our first kiss.

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