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My work shower/going away party

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For the past year, I have been working at a high school as a counselor intern (a requirement of my Masters program) and it's coming to the end of the year and end of my internship...YAY.


Anyway...the guys I work with threw me a a very casual wedding shower/going away party a few weeks ago at the golf club across the street from school. They all chipped in for a gift certificate where I'm registered and my supervisor got me the sheets and duvet cover off my registry! My first shower and my first wedding gifts! Totally exciting...


Here are some pics...


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My going away gifts...a clock for my desk when (and if) I get a REAL job!

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Click the image to open in full size.


I wish I had a pic of this open...it opens up to a calendar, pen and sticky notes...also for my desk...

Click the image to open in full size.


Everyone I work with has a 2 or 3 letter nickname...they call me RTI for "Rachel the Intern" (some others include LGG for "Lipgloss Girl" and "RTP" for "Rob the Phantom"...it's really a fun place to work...I'm going to miss it. This cake was delicious by the way...I'm a chocolate addict.

Click the image to open in full size.


Click the image to open in full size.


The whole gang!

Click the image to open in full size.


I have my family/friends shower at the end of the month...I HATE HATE HATE opening presents in front of people, but I still can't wait!

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