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Custom made wedding dress in progress!

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I just wanted to give a quick update (sorry no pics this time! lol). As some of you know, I have been following the CYWT diet and have lost 13 lbs on it. I have lost a totaly of 17 lbs because I was watching before I started the diet. ANYHOW, I thought that I would try on the dress just for fun. OMG!!!!! My mom was down to about the 4th lace-up thing and couldn't make it any tighter. There are some snaps to hold a piece of material under the lacing and they are almost 2 inches too big. The dress wouldn't even stay up!!! I AM SO FREAKIN' SUPER EXCITED!!!! My mom was actually holding 2 fists full of material to take in it to what I would need for now, it was crazy!


I'm sorta scared because I'll have to break the news to my aunt soon! She's living out of the country right now and won't be back until Christmas. I don't think that'll be enough time (seeing as we're leaving on the 2nd of jan) to take it all in. I don't know if I'll have to bring it to another seamstress. If I do, I think my aunt would be insulted....ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! lol Because seriously, I would need alterations to start at the beg. of december, to be safe, but I don't think my aunt will be back until mid-december....another stress...lol

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Lisa that's so exciting that the dress is now too big for you! Would your aunt really be insulted? I mean most brides try to lose some weight before the wedding so it's not surprising that you did. I would just take it to another seamstress but that's just me. It's not like your aunt didn't do an amazing job, because she did and you're not totally changing the dress, you just need it taken in. Maybe give her a call soon and see what she says?

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Lisa, I just found this and have looked all through this at the progress that was done on your dress and it is absolutely beautiful! Your aunt is very talented and that is very special to have something made just for you from someone close to you in your life. I'm so excited for you that the dress is too big now! I hope there won't be any hold-ups with getting the alterations done!!

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CONGRATULATIONS, Miss Lady! That is a great problem to have....you've lost close to 20 lbs. and I am sure your aunt will understand, since I'd imagine you had mentioned you were dieting, as you two were working so closely on the dress over the past few months. I think as long as the credit that she made the dress is given it's fair due, then I really don't think she'll be offended.


And who knows? Perhaps she will even feel a little relieved that her work on the dress is done, and now she can just hand it down to another seamstress to take care of the little "nips and tucks" that don't require her expert attention? wink.gif

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