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Hello ladies! So, my wedding dress hunt is over, but now a new hunt begins ... the AHR dress! I thought it would be much simpler than th wedding dress, but apparently not.


Now, I've gone and started an addiction to BCBG dresses ... and that's all fine and dandy except I'm in Canada and BCBG hates Canada ... well, that's a lie, it's not that they hate Canada just that they refuse Canadian credit cards on their site and they won't ship to Canada ... so that's pretty hateful! LOL


Now, I've absolutely fallen in LOVE with this one dress from BCBG and I MUST have it. On the BCBG website it's listed as $578 USD ... now that's more expensive than my actual wedding dress, which is a bit intense ... so I'm asking for your girls internet expertise!


I've been searching around and it seems that there are a lot of in between sites that I could order from that would get their order from BCBG ...but I wouldn't mind getting a bit of a deal either. Does anyone have any suggestions? :)


Here's the dress:



Click the image to open in full size.


Click the image to open in full size.


Thanks ladies!!!! blush2.gif

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Also Miranda.. if you can find someone in the US to ship the dress to and then ship it to you, I just got a coupon in my email for friends and family, 30% off your entire order! July 11-14th. SO you might want to scoop it up getting 1/3 off. Let me know if you want me to email you the coupon.

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