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It's About Principle and Scruples, Not The Money


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Hey Ladies,


Just throwing this out there as I have pretty much decided to pursue the matter just because of "principle", and best believe money does come secondary because its a small amount.


Back in August of 2007 (no mistake), I decided to support my SIL in yet another of her fly by night home based businesses. In the past I had supported her in Tupperware (chef parties) , Avon, Mary Kay and now the jewelry based Lia Sophia business. Since her quest for being a LS rep, I have helped her with setup of these jewelry shows, and supported her endlessly by purchasing hundreds of dollars worth of stuff, just to be supportive. At one of her last shows, I ordered one of the premier COSTUME pieces priced at $300 and she gave me a discount of half.


Since that time I received the merchandise but returned it (60 day policy) to her the following week because it was one of those instances where the jewelry looked better in the book and not on me! Wouldn't you know I have not seen my money since almost 2 years ago? Mind you I have been the one to followup with her on 4 separate occasion just to say hey, can i get an update on what's going on?? She offered me the option to re-order something else for the same value and each time I got an excuse as to why my order was never placed, got lost etc. Finally in January of this year I gave her an ultimatum. Return my money--no re-orders etc.


Needless to say she does not even acknowledge that issue. It is however, the 800 pound gorilla in the room. She acts as if nothing is amiss and as I have always been good to hear but definitely drew back since our wedding for other reasons. This only compounds the issue even more. what do you girls think? Should I let it go?? It is so hard to realize the nerve of her to think that she can take someone's money and not even acknowledge me, my requests, or the wrong she has done. UHHHHHHHH!!!!fryingpan.gif

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Hi, I am sorry to hear about your troubles. I too have had a similar experience, and from my own it was easier to let it go. I however did try to clear the issue with my FSIL. She did repay some but not all of the money.


If I were you I would try to talk to her again. Or maybe your DH if it is his sister (mine would not get involved), or brother if it is his wife. Hopefully she will understand and refund your money, but if not I recommend you chalk it up to a very expensive lesson in life. God willing you won't have too many of those, but they are hardest when inflicted by family. After this is sorted out I would avoid any further financial involvement, regardless of how it is presented with this individual.


Good Luck I hope evrything works out for you.

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I never understand how people can do something like that and be able to sleep at night!! Seriously, I would feel horrible if I did that to someone!


Considering it has been so long, I would probably just let it go. Should you have to? NO!!! But I think in the longrun it would be best just to live and learn, however the next time that chick wanted something from me I wouldn't be jumping that's for sure! The way I look at it is what goes around comes around....she'll pay for that mistake someday! Good luck :)

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If it were me, I would be upfront and honest about the situation and that it's hurting your feelings. Not to mention it's inconvienent to you, and you have gone out of your way to support her. If you don't say something, its ALWAYS going to bother you and be the "gorilla in the room". I think it's best to put it all out there and no matter what, at least discussing it will allow you to move on.


Good Luck!

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I would probably say something to her about the situation, and then let it go. Since it's taken this long, I doubt that she's ever going to refund the money, but if you say something it gives her one last chance to do the right thing. Nonetheless, I'd be prepared to lose the money, and let it go.


And never give her one red cent again.

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All priceless advice ladies. And as Josie said--she will become the gorilla in the room alongside this issue. Actually she is already the gorilla in the room-but that is another story (lol). You guys are right, I will let the $ go, however when the opp presents itself, I will let her know (a grown ass woman) her actions are dead wrong. Thanks Girls!

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