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Does your FI/DH know how much you weigh?


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My FH knows how much I way. I'm a big girl, so it's kind of hard to hide it anyway, lol.


We've been open and honest with each other about our weight. To us, it's just a number. I know he's not going to love me any less if I way 300 our 130 pounds.

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I'm actually surprised so many of you have shared the "number" or do not care. I have not told FI, he has not asked and I'm sure he probably knows better than to ask!


Weight is a struggle for me and FI is the same height as me but weights less than me (even with his buldging muscles). So I would refuse to tell him if he asked, its too personal to me. Maybe one day when I am happy with my weight I would tell him. If he were to get angry about it I would have a problem with that. But to make it fair, I don't tell my girlfriends either....


I do however know FI's weight but that was his choice to get on the scale in front of me, I never asked him to.

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I know my Fi's weight and he knows mine.


We also play the Wii Fit so it's displayed for the whole living room to see!!


Plus Fi try's to encourage me to eat more in an attempt to make my boobs grow bigger. He's ever the optimist!


Plus, our weight is plastered on the front of our driver's license which i think is weird!

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Originally Posted by Jocy View Post
I know my Fi's weight and he knows mine.

We also play the Wii Fit so it's displayed for the whole living room to see!!

Plus Fi try's to encourage me to eat more in an attempt to make my boobs grow bigger. He's ever the optimist!

Plus, our weight is plastered on the front of our driver's license which i think is weird!
That's how my FI found out too. darn Wii! it told us we were both obese and we just cracked up laughing and he said he loved me anyway (he better!)

we are both short and round, I am 5'1 and in between a size 8 and 10, a while ago he asked me how much I weighed and he guessed 125, I told him thanks for being so sweet since that is a bit far from the truth...really guys have no idea. I'm just happy he has 50 lbs on me.
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  • 4 weeks later...

FI doesn't know my weight. I think if I was happier with it, I would tell. Right now he's like 30 lbs heavier than me but 5 inches taller. I know his because when he stepped on the scale and say it he freaked out.


I don't feel comfortable saying the number outloud right now. I guess everyone's different.

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FI knows but only because I've recently lost 26 lbs so am more confident about it...but I started at 174 (the weight I was at when he proposed, God love him!) and there was NO WAY I would ever have told him that number when I still weighed that! lol

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John knows how much I weigh, and I'm 20-40lbs heavier than he is at any given time. But, I'm also much taller than he is.


That being said, he's not super judgmental about me being bigger than he is. I know he's still very much attracted to me. If I ask him to evaluate me (to determine whether or not I can get away with wearing a bikini out in public or something like that), he will give an honest answer though.

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