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Private reception!!help

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I know we definitely want a private reception, but we are having trouble deciding if we are going to carry our own music or use the DJ at the hotel. The speakers that we have is a Bose companion 3 with the 3rd speaker a little big and about 10lbs. I was also worried about immigration, taking electronic into the island.

What size were the speakers you took? And did you have any problem with immigration?

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I can't exactly tell you about speakers, but getting electronics into the DR (Punta Cana specifically) has never been a problem for me and I have been there at least 10 times in the past year. I usually bring a few cameras, lots of lenses, and electronic accessories and have never been questioned about anything.

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We have the bose speaker that the ipod sits on and that is what we are bringing. The sound is excellent and we are greating playlists so we can enjoy ourselves and not have to keep changing the songs. Hope this helps!

My family often brings electronics over to Colombia and the only thing they usually do is bring dogs over to make sure there is nothing in them. That is usually done upon arrival not leaving the US

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Are u guys comfortable with carrying that? As long as u guys are than go for it! We felt that buying the Bose speaker was easier for us b/c 1. we did not have one 2. we really wanted one any way. And like foxytv said maybe u can try to use the speakers that the hotel has?

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