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Hi ladies,


So I am having my BD shoot this weekend, but it got me wondering. When should I give my FI the BD book since it is meant to be a wedding day present? Its not a gift I want him to open in front of everyone, but I also don't want him to see me in my wedding dress prior to the ceremony.


Should I give him the BD book before the ceremony via a trusted friend? or should I wait until after the ceremony and reception to give it to him myself? How have you presented or plan to present the BD book?




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Lots of brides have had their photographer deliver it to the groom during the day-off getting ready process, then capturing his reaction on film. I've seen so many cute photos of the groom looking at the pics, that's my plan so I'll get to see his reaction without being in front of him wink.gif

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I gave it to him the first day of our honeymoon. There was so much going on the day of wedding and I didn't want to gibe it to him when he was in the room with all his buddys and photog. It was great doing it this way and I just took pics of him opening it in our honeymoon room.


He was completely surprised.

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