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Advice to Brides from a MOH

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i have been in a lot of weddings and never had a bad experience so far. But I agree, communication is KEY. My one gf started going a little bridezilla on us so we straight up said 'woah bridezilla!' and we all just laughed it off. After paying for five $200+ dresses that I will never wear again I swore when I got married I would buy my girls dresses, so I did. And im being super low key adn not making them get their hair or make up done (unless they want and if they want they can pay for it) and they can wear whatever they want from shoes to accessories.

someones got to draw the line on these girls that go ape shyte just cause its their wedding! holy mama.

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Nadine- I think it's great that you are bringing what you've learned/felt from previous experiences into your own dealings with your bridal party. I wish everyone did that..not sure why they don't since it seems like common sense!


I've never seen the point in being so...regimented. I mean, who am I to tell someone how to wear their hair or how their makeup should be applied? YES, I want great pics, but damn, if someone's face doesn't look the way I think it should, that's on THEM regardless of if they are standing next to me or not! hahaha

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hahahahahhaahah very true billysbride! And you would think as a bride you would want your friends to look and feel their best on your wedding day, so shouldnt they get to choose how they want their hair and makeup done? Watching bridezillas the other day there was a bride who wouldnt let anyone under 200lbs in her wedding party cause then they would be skinnier than her! lol I nearly died.

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my advice, ask her to meet you at a restaurant and let you know how you felt about the whole thing. Obviously you guys are good friends and should talk it out. That way you did the right thing, it's up to her to figure out what the next step should be.....just a thought.

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I feel if the bride asks you to jump you should say how high? It's a brides (and grroms lol) day. Yes treat people with respect but realize that the bride is under a lot of stress during the day and they may not realize how they are being. No one understands unless they have been through it!!!! It would be a good idea to talk to them if something is or was bothering you for sure (a.k.a communication) before it bottles up and explodes. Hopefully she will be a great BM for you, but don't torture her during you wedding lol. 2 wrongs don't make a right lol you are friends btw right....??

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