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Ok first, I'm VERY VERY sorry for those of you who took offense to my comment. I meant no offense at all. This is what I hate about the internet. None of you have actually met me and don't know my personality or how I say things at all. I'm really upset that I have offended you when that wasn't my intention at all.


My comment wasn't to knock the quality of SI books at all. I was mearly try to point Jessalyn that she didn't have to do any of that if she didn't want to because she didn't sound like she knew she was getting a book. I'm sorry if anyone took offense. That's all I meant by my comment. nothing more.


Please forgive me for offending you. I think you just mis-interpreted what I meant and how I meant it to sound.


Tammy - I have plenty of tact, and I'm very hurt that you would even say such a thing. You don't know me and for someone to say I have no tact is very hurtful. I'm sorry if you took my comment the wrong way, and maybe I could have worded it a little better but give me a break. As I said, this is the internet and things are easily misinterpreted when you don't have voice inflection and body language.



I think it's great that you all are so interested in making your own albums and taking pride in your work. I have many friends that do the same thing. Again, my comment was NOT to knock the quality of SI books. I think they are great for the money and I understand not everyone is going to be able to afford the albums that photographers make. I apologize profusely. I would actually love to see some of the albums that you all create.

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Jonathon thank you for clearing up your comment and now this can end here...ladies your photo books are amazing as are the photographers books!


Courtney let me know if you need any help with photoshop or anything, my FI is a pro with that program and he knows some of the ins and outs.

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I wanted to share my fantastic experience with Shared Ink.


As most of you know, Leigh did my BD photos for me. I received the electronic pictures from her on Saturday night, and I worked diligently into the early morning hours of Sunday and then worked even more on designing the pages of my book most of Sunday. By Sunday night, I was ready to upload the pages to shared ink.


I sent an email to Chris (the President) at Sharedink to let him know that I was ready to order my book....he had to convert the book to full bleeds (so I wouldn't have a white border around the pages) before I could submit my order. He sent me an email back and pointed out that my cover picture wasn't formatted in a way that I would be happy with (he didn't exactly say it like that) and further explained the result I would receive if I didn't change it. He also told me how to change it if I chose to do so.


Given this information, I modified the cover picture last night and sent him a new email at 8:45pm. He responded to my email just over an hour later to tell me that the book had been converted to full bleeds and was ready for me to order.


My point of this long post is that from my experience Sharedink has fantastic customer service, and I would highly recommend them if you plan to make your own book.


I ordered my book expedited processing and 2nd day delivery, so I should have it on the 13th. I'm not even worried about the quality, as I know Sarah's and Tammy's turned out fantastic. ...granted my designing qualities aren't quite up to snuff with Sarah's, but I'm happy with the way it turned out. I'll let you know once i receive the final product.

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Originally Posted by jthrasherphoto.com View Post
Tammy - I have plenty of tact, and I'm very hurt that you would even say such a thing. You don't know me and for someone to say I have no tact is very hurtful. I'm sorry if you took my comment the wrong way, and maybe I could have worded it a little better but give me a break. As I said, this is the internet and things are easily misinterpreted when you don't have voice inflection and body language.
Jonathan, i said what i said because:

1. this forum is a DIY forum...for brides asking for help on DIY projects. They are DIY-ing for their own reasons: they want more control, they can't afford to have someone else do it, whatever!.

2. the post was from a member asking for help on how to DIY her own photobook in sharedink...not advice on whether or not YOUR photobook is better.

your post was out of line in many ways. so many brides cannot afford to pay $2000 for a photobook. that comment justs is another reminder that they can't.

also sarah's books are beautiful and i took offense at your comment because i did feel like it was knocking her book (and mine because i also made mine).
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Oh, thanks Jess! :)


When you get it, (if you don't mind) could you post pictures of the final quality? I remember seeing Sarah's and being completely impressed, but more pictures always help!


Also, that's amazing that the president got back you to so quickly - and with suggestions!! It would have sucked to have received it and be disappointed, so I feel a little more confident sending it knowing they won't let me completely screw it up!! lol

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Courtney ~ I'll definitely post some pics of the book for you. And, it was so nice to know that Chris was watching my back. I will say it is a little embarrassing to know that he is looking at my book, but at least I'll never meet him. lol.

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I've also had similar experience with Chris- he is sooo helpful and replies to questions with detailed "how-to" instructions. I am so excited that you got your book done Jessalyn! I hope you will share some pics of some of the "safe" pages!

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Have you ladies every thought of trying shutterfly.com?

I did one for my FI for Valentines day and the quality is the same as the ones I am seeing on Sharedink.

They have templates and I know ours were "full bleed" (only just figure out what that ment :P )

I spent hours making it look nice then clicked to send it on it way. You can pick leather covers and many other options. I was very happy! I am doing one for our engagement party.

Take a look- can't hurt.

Let me know if you want to see pictures of the one we did of our trip.

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