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Dress Fitting FAIL - I am SO bummed...

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Hi Ladies!


I am having a destination wedding. On the beach. In September. In St. Lucia. It will be hot.


I therefore decided to forego the traditional wedding dress route...and ended up purchasing a discontinued "formal" dress - sight unseen - from the designer himself - in New York City. I thought that since I wanted a discontinued dress that I would be able to find it somewhere online at a discounted price. Yeah Right. I ended up paying an arm and a leg....for a dress that once purchased, I could not return (whether it fit or it didn't.)


I knew I was taking a risk....


Fast forward. The dress comes in. It is gorgeous. Light weight, sexy, airy and perfect for a beach wedding. HOWEVER...it was in need of some alterations (too long, halter top section did not fit tight enough, etc.) to make it fit as it should.


I went for my 2nd fitting today. My cups have been sewn in and the halter top has been proportioned appropriately. From my chest up, the dress looks gorgeous - everything I have ever wanted. It is perfect.


From the chest down...we have another story. Since the linining on the underside had to be taken out, I assumed - before it was done - that once complete, the dress would drape accordingly. It does not. It still pulls slightly around the largest of my areas (butt and thighs) and I do not feel pretty in it. Even with spanx it pulls too much and is too snug against my skin. It is hard to move, and very hard to sit down without the terrible worry that my dress is going to split up the side.


I have my Mother and the woman that was doing the alterations telling me it fits beautifully. And I agree that it does (from the chest up). I am SO incredibly bummed...as that was the only dress that made me say "It's the one" as soon as I saw it (in a shop, just NOT in my size)


I broke down in tears (literally I couldnt hold it together and I am normally much stronger then that) at the alterations. I do not feel that this is any longer my pefect dress..and I do not feel beautiful while wearing it...


The tailor is going to lift the underside of the dress as it has french seams which means NO additional fabric to work with on the sides. When I went to my Mothers House later this morning...she already had the Bridal Dresses on Nordstroms sight pulled up :-(


I have to keep my fingers and toes crossed tightly for another two weeks. If my dress doesnt fit (with the new alterations) at the end of June, I am back to square 1 with the finding of a NEW dress for my wedding in September. Lots of money out (for dress #1 and my alterations) and in need of an entirely new dress (plus added stress of finding it and getting it to fit properly)


Sorry for the long post. I actually feel slightly better now that I have totally vented my worries and frustrations.

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Ok deep breath....

It sounds like the seamstress is trying something else, so all hope is not lost.

If for some reason it can't be fixed, you may be able to find a knock off, or have someone make the dress. There are brides on here that have places in China that make dresses for not too much money.

Or you may find a dress that you like better. There are a lot of brides on here that started with one dress, then months later bought another dress they liked better. Is that what you want? No, but, there are options out there.

Keep breathing deep, we are all routing for your alterations to work and you get to wear the dress of your dreams!

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Fingers crossed that the dress fits better post alterations but you are SO right in going with your instincts! This is a day when you should feel beautiful and if you already don't feel good about the way it fits, it isnt the right pick. Keep looking and just think, the altered dress may be a perfect fit for someone else...you can just take credit as the stylist :)

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