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April 2010 Brides

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welcome suzy! i hope that you find this forum very helpful as it has for the rest of us :)


michele, congrats on sending out your invites! people better start booking bc now they have no excuse!


meghan, good find with the led lights!


gotta run! FI cousin's getting married today... We were complaining the wedding is on a friday. We kept saying, "who gets married on a friday?!" Apparently, FI and I do lol..we LOL'd so hard when we came to that realization.


BTW, I posted pics of my Maggie dress!! Check it out when you can wink.gif

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Yeah, I'll warn you, but you probably already figured it out, this site is very very addictive. And be careful you'll read so many good ideas, you'll wantto include them all, but we just can't.

OOT bags: Out of town bags.

Have you ever gone to an all inclusive before? when your at the pool or beach during the day you go for a drink, they give you this little plastic cup, you take a sip and you need another refill. Well most of us are putting Travel mugs in each bag (the bag is also good for the guest to put their towel and other things they need during the day) lip balm with spf, things you might have forgotten to pack your first trip but things you needed, like aleo. deck of cards.

You do not need to add oot bags.

but you could also put a welcome letter in there. If you plann on having a few things for the guest to do before the wedding, like maybe a welcome cocktail, you could have a list.

A list off al the guest and their room # so everyone knows where everyone is.

List goes on and on.

We are all here to help!

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OOT, so funny, it all makes sense now!

I may have to add them, I was planning on doing something like that just didn't know the formal term...but the travel mugs! good idea, thanks for that - we've never been to an all inclusive. Wholly crap, I guess I better get pricing things...

How does everyone expect to bring everything with themhuh.gif?

Canadian Luggage allowance is pretty strict...we're flying Air Canada which isn't too too bad but still....I'll need separate luggage for all the party favors...and what about all this chatter about centerpieces? I'm not even going there...I get carried away way too easily! lol

Addicted and over budget already!

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it's definitely easy to get carried away! some people have different methods of getting their stuff to their locations.. some ship (depending on the reliability and price of shipping to your resort), some bring it themselves and some pass out the bags beforehand and let their guests worry about it!


if you have any questions at all, let us know.. that's what we're here for!!


tonya.. on my way to check out your dress now!

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I'm telling all my guest leaving from Montreal to be aside like 5lbs per couple and I'll sort whatever I'm taking into 5 lbs per bag and give it to the guest, lol! I spoke to most people, they have no problem with that.

I am not spending anymore then $15 per bag and that includes the bag.

and for favours I'll give lanterns at dinner time (I'll have them lit up)

The resort I'm staying is charging me $65 per centerpiece, for me that is way over budge. So I am making my own. I made sure to get a vase that weights almost nothing. ask any questions any time.



Me too on my way to see your dress

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Originally Posted by caribbeanLover View Post
Yeah, I'll warn you, but you probably already figured it out, this site is very very addictive. And be careful you'll read so many good ideas, you'll wantto include them all, but we just can't.
OOT bags: Out of town bags.
Have you ever gone to an all inclusive before? when your at the pool or beach during the day you go for a drink, they give you this little plastic cup, you take a sip and you need another refill. Well most of us are putting Travel mugs in each bag (the bag is also good for the guest to put their towel and other things they need during the day) lip balm with spf, things you might have forgotten to pack your first trip but things you needed, like aleo. deck of cards.
You do not need to add oot bags.
but you could also put a welcome letter in there. If you plann on having a few things for the guest to do before the wedding, like maybe a welcome cocktail, you could have a list.
A list off al the guest and their room # so everyone knows where everyone is.
List goes on and on.
We are all here to help!

Ok so really silly question:

Do you make OOT bags per person or per couple, and then individual bags for the attending singles? Is this a tacky idea? Like for instance 1 bag with 2 travel mugs, bla bla bla...
We have almost 50 guests coming, so I'm really freaking out about this now...I want to do them but just seems like a lot of extra packing...and expense!
Thanks again for all your help!!
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There is so silly question. That is exactly what I am doing, 1 bag per couple (but 2 mugs and 2 lip balms everything else is one per bag) and for the single travelers I'll be giving them their own bag (even if they book with another single traveller)

50 ppl!!! wow! I'd freak a little too. i am sure there are other ideas that would be cheaper but close to a OOT bag.

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Oh Thank You Tracy!! You are great! Now comes the fun part - Shopping!!

BTW, love your centerpieces, the flowers are sooo vibrant - Beautiful colors~

I think I'll forget about the centerpieces...go with the OOT bags! lol

50 is pretty crazy - I never thought this many would actually show!! lol

We invited 100, so 50% isn't that bad. But when we first started planning we were going for small and intimate, but when we found out how many people will actually front the cost to come we had to book a larger resort.

Lets just say it's going to be a minimal oot bag...like budget friendly, and probably not the bubba kegs unless I get them at a ridiculously low price! Maybe I'll just do the Bubba's for all the wedding party... ;o)

Too bad dollarama isn't actually a dollar store anymore! lol

Drives me nuts that it's $1, $2, $3 and more!

I'll figure it out!

Thank you so much for your help,

Chat soon :o)

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