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Originally Posted by ebredhawk View Post

i've been looking for my "something old" lately and my mom was cleaning out a closet the other day and found her garter from her wedding. i'm not doing a garter toss or anything, but i think it will be cool to have that of hers!

also, my amazing flower lady sent me pictures of her first stab at my bouquet... what do you think? (personally.. i'm in love!) the stems are going to be wrapped in strips of the fabric taken off my dress when it's shortened.

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Click the image to open in full size.

So forgot to mention that I love your flowers, I think they are absolutely beautiful, and I'm going to check out the website that you posted down the line (I think it was you) Also I think it's a great idea to use your mom's garter as your something old...I have to figure out that as well...
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Originally Posted by echo2_62 View Post
Mel - thanks for mentioning where you ordered FI's ring from! We'd been looking at a few at the mall the other week and seriously I have THE most passive guy EVER when it comes to picking one. And sounds like they're good with service to Canada which is a plus!

Maybe some of you can confirm something for me... I thought I had read that unlike titanium, the tungsten rings are more "medically safe" because in case of an accident they can be cut off. Then when I was at a jewellers, the woman working said that they could NOT be cut off, but later as part of a different topic admitted that she was quite new... so I really wasn't sure if she'd just made a mistake and mixed it up with the titanium afterall. Comments?!?!

Erin - I am totally going to check out the site for the flowers! I do have a bouquet for myself included in my wedding package but like you said, it can be used for anything I want, and I'd rather my girls and I all have great looking flowers as a group!!
Hey!! I'm checking out the site as well, so maybe we could group order!! lol
I'm like both of you, I have a bouquet included, but have a ton of boutonniere's and BM's bouquets to do...again my only problem is getting everything there unless I mail everything or send it to other people to bring it with them...I have to figure out what's the most cost effective...it might be just ordering from the resort :o(

We really like the tungsten too, but I'm still a little nervous about the whole "vice grip/damaged fingers not able to be cut off" deal. And like I know someone had already mentioned, possibly you Meghan, my FI too is very laid back, lackadaisical really, and doesn't see the rush to pick out his ring, wants it very plain has even gone as far as saying "Do I really need a ring to prove my love to you..." just to see the look on y face of course - he loves to "razz" me!
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Originally Posted by SuzyQ76 View Post
And like I know someone had already mentioned, possibly you Meghan, my FI too is very laid back, lackadaisical really, and doesn't see the rush to pick out his ring, wants it very plain has even gone as far as saying "Do I really need a ring to prove my love to you..." just to see the look on y face of course - he loves to "razz" me!
My FI has been pretty relaxed about the whole wedding planning thing too- except for the ring thing, oddly. He was all over picking out a ring, researching the options, and picking out what type he wanted and then where he wanted it from. I didn't even have to nag him about going out ring shopping, and I always have to nag him about shopping. It was strange for him- he was treating it the way he would treat buying a TV or something. I think he was afraid if he left it up to me I'd pick out matching bands or something and they wouldn't be "manly" enough lol!
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That's hilarious! My FI is really pretty good about listening to me babble on about wedding crap, he's a good man...

He just can't wait to get to Mexico and drank some tequila and chill out with all our friends and fam!! I can't wait either...and by the amount of snow we have on the ground I wish it was a little sooner than 6 months...but then I think of what I look like in a bathing suit and think...no, I can wait the 6 months!! lol But good news for Calgary - Saturday is supposed to be a high of 12 degrees Celsius!!! I think we may hit the corn maze and pick a pumpkin!!


Oh and big announcement!!!! THIS IS MY #151 POST!!!! FINALLY!!!!!!!!! hahahhaha :o)

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Originally Posted by SuzyQ76 View Post
Hey!! I'm checking out the site as well, so maybe we could group order!! lol
...again my only problem is getting everything there unless I mail everything or send it to other people to bring it with them...

We really like the tungsten too, but I'm still a little nervous about the whole "vice grip/damaged fingers not able to be cut off" deal. And like I know someone had already mentioned, possibly you Meghan, my FI too is very laid back, lackadaisical really, and doesn't see the rush to pick out his ring, wants it very plain has even gone as far as saying "Do I really need a ring to prove my love to you..." just to see the look on y face of course - he loves to "razz" me!
I'm in for a group order! Always! And with all my decorations, I've told my friends here that they'll need to either leave room or be prepared to bring an extra bag. Thankfully a number of my friends have been to mexico before, so they've got packing down to a bag each (max three bags per two people - and really, how much space do bikinis and tank tops use up?!?!) so that will help me a TON! I said that for any bag I packed and made them carry, I'd provide a detailed list of what was included just in case they have issues at customs. But I'll be travelling with most of them too so it shouldn't be a big problem I think.

Originally Posted by Melidell View Post
My FI has been pretty relaxed about the whole wedding planning thing too- except for the ring thing, oddly. He was all over picking out a ring, researching the options, and picking out what type he wanted and then where he wanted it from. I didn't even have to nag him about going out ring shopping, and I always have to nag him about shopping. It was strange for him- he was treating it the way he would treat buying a TV or something. I think he was afraid if he left it up to me I'd pick out matching bands or something and they wouldn't be "manly" enough lol!
You are SO lucky!!! I just *mentioned* that I had a few rings online that i wanted to show FI tonight and you could visibly see the "oohh, enough already. I don't want to look" expression along with the eyes rolling! He just doesn't get the point of looking now, when it likely only takes a couple weeks to have a ring ordered and we still have six months to do it! I can't seem to make him understand that the more we can get out of the way earlier then the more sane I'll be close to our date!!

Originally Posted by SuzyQ76 View Post
But good news for Calgary - Saturday is supposed to be a high of 12 degrees Celsius!!! I think we may hit the corn maze and pick a pumpkin!!

Oh and big announcement!!!! THIS IS MY #151 POST!!!! FINALLY!!!!!!!!! hahahhaha :o)
Corn maze? What corn maze? Do they allow pets? Details!!

And YAY for 151!!! now go open all those documents you've been waiting to get your hands on!
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Originally Posted by ebredhawk View Post
tracy, my package does come with a bouquet, but i can always use that as decoration for the judge's table or something like that. the flowers from there are pretty expensive if i wanted any additional ones, and this way i don't have to worry about my flowers being in season or getting just what i want. it's one of "those things" for me.. i can let other stuff go, but my flowers were my whole inspiration so i want them to look right!
I totally agree with this... Although my package comes w/ a bouquet, I didn't really like the selection they offered and when I contacted the local florists they told me most of the flowers I wanted were unavailable and they would have to use a substitute... NOT FOR MY BOUQUET!!! So I chose to go w/ real touch flowers for the entire bridal party and I will just use the one that's included in the package as my toss bouquet...

Btw, I love your bouquet Erin... It's gorgeous :) You have me totally psyched and I can't wait to see my preview pics in a few weeks!!
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Morning ladies..hope all is well with you guys..now why did I see the Tungsten rings in Wally World yesterdayhuh.gif I am still gonna go with the site recommended here but I thought that odd...or is this common?


I have some issues..beware might be long but thoughts are appreciated. My original wed date was in June but we had to change due to my vac schedule and the fact we pick in seniority order...we had invited folks to go with us but opted to change that since we changed the date to April and most folk's kids would still be in school and told them we will party at the AHR we are planning.


There was still one couple that was gonna go with us in April and now they have opted not to go...leaving it just Brian & I (which is what B wanted). I still plan to wear my dress, jewelry, all that and Brian his outifit.


Here is my dilemma:


should I have photog do any getting ready shots since it will be just me or just keep him for our shots on the strip? (we had to get an outside photog since venue doesn't allow them)


B & I were gonna sleep in separate rooms the night before..should we still because I don't want him to see me until the wedding time.


will we look stupid going by ourselves?



Erin don't feel bad B is the same way...why rush when we have a minute...no we really don't...

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I think it all just depends on how important the different photos are for you!

Personally, I didn't care for the pictures of me getting ready and all the lead up, so we didn't book our photographer then. AND I don't even know if we'll have a photog. for the ceremony since I know all our guests will be taking a ton of pictures there anyways! The shots that are important to me are the ones of just FI and I, more like ones that you'd see during a TTD session. To me, those are ones that just can't always be caught offhanded. And again, enough of our guests will be snapping shots during the reception etc so we'll be covered!


I don't think that it would look stupid if you're all by yourself in those pictures, if they're something you really want especially! But if you won't be heartbroken about not having them, then perhaps save the time you have with your photog. for something more important to you both.

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Originally Posted by shortnsweet7675 View Post
I had a great idea, or so I thought, to use fabric/lace from my Momâ€s wedding dress to make a garter (my mom would make it not me). Her dress has been hanging in the back of a closet in my grandmotherâ€s spare bedroom for 25 years (not preserved).
this is EXACTLY what we had originally planned to do!! unfortunately, the lady who is making my makeup bags for my BMs and my table runners is super busy so i didn't press her any more on it. then my mom randomly finds her and it was perfect!

just an fyi for everyone too on the topic of dresses after the wedding.. i've seen some really pretty blankets made out of people's wedding dresses after the fact. i kind of want to do with some fabric from FI's shirt, a BM dress, table runners and chair ties too. does that sound weird?

Originally Posted by KimmyG View Post
Erin- Nov 8 works for me... unless you need some female support to come with you to your dress fitting on the 7th, I'm happy to do that too! If all else fails, we can hit up the Cheesecake Factory in Kenwood, they have an amazing raspberry martini! Is that super far away from where you are?
I think your flowers are going to be beautiful!!
mmmm i LOVE cheesecake factory and that's a perfect location! is lunch okay? i'm always up for a martini at noon! thanks for the offer on the dress fitting too.. i may have to think about that! right now it's just me and my mom since one BM lives out of town and the other two are working.

Originally Posted by SuzyQ76 View Post
That's hilarious! My FI is really pretty good about listening to me babble on about wedding crap, he's a good man...
He just can't wait to get to Mexico and drank some tequila and chill out with all our friends and fam!! I can't wait either...and by the amount of snow we have on the ground I wish it was a little sooner than 6 months...but then I think of what I look like in a bathing suit and think...no, I can wait the 6 months!! lol But good news for Calgary - Saturday is supposed to be a high of 12 degrees Celsius!!! I think we may hit the corn maze and pick a pumpkin!!

Oh and big announcement!!!! THIS IS MY #151 POST!!!! FINALLY!!!!!!!!! hahahhaha :o)
my FI does the SAME thing.. why don't they understand?! when we're all crazies right before, we can blame them for making us wait for things!

and CONGRATS!!! that 151 milestone is huge! yayyy for downloading things now!

Originally Posted by shan13 View Post
Here is my dilemma:

should I have photog do any getting ready shots since it will be just me or just keep him for our shots on the strip? (we had to get an outside photog since venue doesn't allow them)

B & I were gonna sleep in separate rooms the night before..should we still because I don't want him to see me until the wedding time.

will we look stupid going by ourselves?
i don't think you'll look stupid at all!! and i'm all about the "night apart" tradition.. stick with it if it's what you really want to do. no reason it should be any different w/ or w/out guests.

as for your photog, if you want pictures of getting ready, then i say do it. the "in the mirror" makeup shots and the guy tying his tie are always really sweet and don't require anyone else. if you want more time on the strip though.. you have that option as well!
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Originally Posted by echo2_62 View Post
I'm in for a group order! Always! And with all my decorations, I've told my friends here that they'll need to either leave room or be prepared to bring an extra bag. Thankfully a number of my friends have been to mexico before, so they've got packing down to a bag each (max three bags per two people - and really, how much space do bikinis and tank tops use up?!?!) so that will help me a TON! I said that for any bag I packed and made them carry, I'd provide a detailed list of what was included just in case they have issues at customs. But I'll be travelling with most of them too so it shouldn't be a big problem I think.

You are SO lucky!!! I just *mentioned* that I had a few rings online that i wanted to show FI tonight and you could visibly see the "oohh, enough already. I don't want to look" expression along with the eyes rolling! He just doesn't get the point of looking now, when it likely only takes a couple weeks to have a ring ordered and we still have six months to do it! I can't seem to make him understand that the more we can get out of the way earlier then the more sane I'll be close to our date!!

Corn maze? What corn maze? Do they allow pets? Details!!

And YAY for 151!!! now go open all those documents you've been waiting to get your hands on!

YAY opened my first attachment this morning!!! Hahahaha I'm going to go attachment crazy today!!!!
I think I'm going to start pre-warning my Calgary peeps to prepare for extra bags - good thing about flying with Air Canada is that each person gets 2 checked bags and 1 carry-on so I should be able to spread out all the extra crap...crossing my fingers and toes!!
I think we're going to get our rings at Christmas...that's my plan!! lol Christmas will be pretty low key this year considering I'm going away for a month and then the wedding is speedily approaching!! SO we'll have fun with baby toys but for us it'll be all wedding shopping!! lol As far as MY wedding band goes - that's a mess...lol We picked and purchased an e-ring (remember this has been 8 years and a baby in the making so there wasn't much room for the element of surprise )...and now want to change it! I found a band I LOVE and it doesn't go with my e-ring so now we're looking into changing my e-ring too...might not happen but we're both a little miffed that we didn't research a little more on rings!! lol I had no real idea about jewelry so I hope this doesn't sound bad or materialistic because if anyone knew me personally I am Definitely not materialistic!! We just both had no idea what we were doing when he bought it so let's call it really uneducated!!
CORN MAZE!!! I'm soooo excited although I haven't been there so I can't vouch for it myself!

Looks like K9's are welcome Monday through Thursday for a treat and to run the maze - which would be really cool!! Other activities include the petting zoo, pedal kart track, pig races, cow train rides, rubber duck races, corn cannons (which can shoot cobs of corn over 1000 feet), mini mazes, playground activities, and the pumpkin patch. FUN FUN~~ This year the maze is a T-Rex and our whole family including the baby are huge dinosaur buffs so we can't wait - although unless we're in a plane we'll have no idea we're walking in a T-rex design! lol
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We're going to pick a pumpkin when we're there too!!
Bad new though unless you're planning on bringing your pups tonight - it'd the last weekend for the maze and that means tonight is the last night to bring K9's - sorry I didn't mention it earlier :o(
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