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April 2010 Brides

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Ummm I`m sitting here trying to make up my playlist (yes totally last minute) and was grabbing some Justin Timberlake when I came across it. I sat here laughing and laughing and FI just walked away shaking his head at me!!!

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i love Justin Timberlake!


so this is my last day home - leaving for my nail appointments soon - it feels weird - I'm not sure that it's all hit me yet - my packing is pretty much done - just have to see if i can get some of those water/aqua socks to wear when we go to the falls - go for one last round of tanning...all my papers and documents are in order.


the bad thing is that i feel like i'm coming down with a cold - my FMIL was sick this weekend but still cooked Easter dinner - i told FI we could get sick from eating it and here I am with a sore throat. I'm going to go buy some zinc stuff to see if I can knock it out.


I ended up writing a toast to everyone - i have nobody else doing speeches - we aren't writing our own vows either but wanted to make sure i got some stuff out - here it is:


I just wanted to take a moment to thank you and make a toast to all of you for being here. It means so much to us that you made such an effort to be with us for our special day and we really appreciate it.


First, to my new husband Jim


–you have changed my life – made it better in so many ways – you let me be myself but you still challenge me to want to be better.

–From the moment you told me you loved me on my couch…..I have loved you too.

You have shown me love, made me laugh and given me more than I ever thought Iâ€d have. Youâ€ve taught me to pack a little lighter and worry a little less. Youâ€ve put up with incessant wedding planning for the last year and let me do pretty much whatever I want with this.


I love you more every day.


I also want to thank my parents, who for my entire life have been there for me for everything, good and bad. I know that no matter what I can always count on you. I appreciate everything youâ€ve done for me, and I hope you can rest a little easier knowing I have Jim in my life. You are the greatest parents and I tell everyone how lucky I am to have you.


My in-laws Carla and Jim – you do so much for Jim and me – youâ€ve welcomed me into your family – I feel so lucky to have gotten such a great husband and a wonderful mother and father in law as well.


And Thank you to my friends – who have always been there for me – Debbie, Michelle, Bethann – I donâ€t know what Iâ€d do without you.



And now Iâ€d like to have a toast – to all of you –

Took time off

Got on a plane


who came so far to see us get married –


Thank you for being in our lives – and thank you for believing in us.


To Love, To Luck, To Laughter and To Our new life together



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happy wedding day to julie!!


and thank you all so much for your thoughts and crossed fingers tomorrow. we need the good vibes from all over!


suzy... i completely missed your post earlier about your mom, but i am SO sorry to hear that. here's hoping that everything gets worked out and there won't be any more tears or stress and your day will be just how it should.


and just as a sweeping comment to everyone.. what is with everybody having crazy guests and bridal party members? is this some sort of looney disease that people get before they go to a DW? i'm so amazed, it seems like everyone's got some bit of drama going on! let's all make a deal to tell everyone to suck it up, be thankful that they get a great excuse to go on an amazing trip (regardless of the location) and to just enjoy and be happy! is it so hard? probably about as hard as people getting their butts up and trying on their outfits or getting fitted!! (which apparently is very difficult!)


eeeek michele!! good luck with everything today!! travel safe tomorrow and check in when you're down there if you can!


one bright spot for today... my hair pieces are on their way to me! my photographer also has a hairpiece business (www.poshrebel.com) and she made me one for the wedding and one for the TTD. i love the really modern looking veils, but since our ceremony is on the beach and it's windy, i couldn't use one for the wedding. so instead i've got it for the TTD!



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Meghan- thanks for the video, I needed a laugh! I need to go over our playlist one more time with FI this weekend and make sure it's the way we want it. Who knew that the music would be that much work?


Natasha- sorry to hear about the troubles with your little sister. I have a younger brother and that's exactly the type of thing he'd pull, too (except for him it'd be dying his hair an odd shade right before the wedding, or something like that). I feel your pain!


Michelle- good luck with your last day today- I hope you get everything done that you want to. Enjoy the nail appointment! I love your speeches, I think you're going to have a few damp eyes amongst your guests after you give them. I can't believe you leave tomorrow! Have a safe trip and an amazing wedding and give us all the details when you come back, please.


Erin- I have no idea what's up with all the wedding drama that everyone goes through. It's a shame, but at the same time (in a totally selfish way) I'm glad that it's not just me. I guess weddings can bring out the best and the worst in people! I think on the day of, though, none of that stuff will really matter. Oh, and I love your hair pieces! Very cool- especially the fuchsia birdcage veil!

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Originally Posted by SuzyQ76 View Post
Awe congrats to everyone, it's all here!!!!!!! YAY!!!

Nat, the garter is very sweet and beautiful and has so much more meaning that it's from your mother's dress.

Michele, you must be so glad to be done work tomorrow! so exciting!

Tracy, so sorry you have to go through this added stress with your GF, if it makes you feel any better I'm having lots of problems, my mom wants to cancel her trip now...3 weeks before the wedding. This has put a HUGE stress on me and has me pretty down and emotional. I don't want to force anyone to do anything they aren't comfortable with, but I do want my Mom at my own wedding...considering I don't have a huge family attendance coming anyway, at least we have lots of our mutual friends coming, they should be able to fill up my empty lacking family side.

Hope all is going well with everyone else, I haven't had a chance to catch up on everything yet, it was a pretty buy weekend with Easter and all. I actually told FI to shoot me next time I had a bright idea like inviting everyone over to our house for Easter - although because I cooked for 2 days straight, the last thing I wanted to do was eat anything! lol so that's a good thing!
Aww, it def doesn't make me feel better your mom doesn't want to come!! May I ask why?!?!?!! WHat exactly is her problem? My mom wouldn't miss my wedding if her life depended on it. and she hates going anywhere new, but I wanted this, so she is willing. She was even in the hospital this weekend with pnamuina, making sure she can fly on Sunday.
I can't imagine how much that hurts. I am so sorry!!!! grouphug.gif
We're here for you, and I know you've become close with Meghan, so you have a lot of support.

Originally Posted by echo2_62 View Post
My mom's birthday is May 23!!! LOL! And FI's is today, and my dad's is this Friday! We've got a TON of birthdays this time of year so it's been hard to keep track of them with everything revolving around the wedding.

On a "funny" note, FI and I received an email from one of our groomsmen this morning. He had tried on all the clothes we bought for the guys to wear (special ordered linen pants, basic cotton button down from Old Navy and flip flops from American Eagle) and he's decided that the only part that he likes and that fit well are the shoes!! He's already tried having the pants altered a little and still isn't happy with them, the shirt is too small in part and too large in part and he just doesn't think he looks good enough for a wedding!! Okay I understand that he doesn't want to look like a slob, but if you are the kind of person who has troubles with the fit of clothing, or is picky about your clothes - tell the person who is trying to be nice and buy you all your clothes ie. ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Granted that FI left it until the last minute a little to figure this stuff out for the guys but I don't even know what to say about someone being that concerned about what they're wearing (and a guy no less!!). So when I talked to FI about it quickly, I just said that I wanted nothing to do with making this work, that he needed to be the one to find time in the next day or two and figure it out with them. I'm TOTALLY not dealing with this one! AGGH!
Happy Belated Bday to your FI!!

That's horrible, I gotta say Men are worse then some girls, I swear. My GM too, was all about how he looks... he wears fake dimond earrings 1 on each ear. To me, it's a teenage thing... not a 27 year old man kind of thing. I didn't want him wearing them for the wedding. OMG was he ever a baby about it. He was seriously mad at me LOL. I just laughed at him and called him baby.
I am sorry your FI has to deal with it (but at least it's not you HAHAHA)
I love it Michele, Tell him to Suck it up, Totally made me laugh!!!
Did your FI get it all taken care of his GM yesterday then?

Originally Posted by Melidell View Post
Oh- I almost forgot! We had some wedding guest related drama ourselves this weekend! Strap yourselves in for this one if you have a few minutes, it's a bit of a story.

My FI's younger brother has been seeing/living with this woman that none of his family can stand for the last few years. She's at least 15 years older than he is, and that wouldn't really be that big a deal in the grand scheme of things but she's just a really obnoxious person. She's b*tchy, rude to younger brother, condescending and patronizing to everyone else and is just a complete nightmare drama queen. At first she complained about our having a DW, then about where we'd chosen (she prefers Jamaica and couldn't believe we didn't consult with her before we booked- pretty much her exact words). All the while we all just bite our tongues because we don't want to alienate FI's little bro. We were hoping she wouldn't go, to be honest, but she decided at the last minute to come (I think she just didn't want little bro to go without her and decided to come once she realized he wasn't going to stay home just because she was). I was bracing myself for a week full of her drama, where she'd try to make everything about her, criticize everything I do and have temper tantrums at the most inconvenient times- no exaggeration. Well, last week little bro comes to his senses and dumps the cow! General celebration ensues!!! Until she calls our travel agent to try to cancel not only her own ticket but little bro's as well!!! She put both on her credit card (he gave her the cash for both btw) so apparently she thought she'd be spiteful and and try to keep him from his brother's wedding. She decided not to, but only after FI's brother agreed to give her even more money (pain and suffering, apparently). Grrrrr.
OMG, we're so not lucky with guest us girls!! I'm sorry to hear about the whole drama, but on the bright side, at least his not longer with that byatch!!!
That's horrible he had to pay her off, but probably in his mind it was worth it. Now he never has to deal with her again, and neither does the rest of the family.

Thanks girls!!! your amazing, if yesterday I didn't get her evoucher I would have paid for you girls to come down here to help me lol. But lucky for her.. she sent me all the required info, and she is coming. Lucky me she decided to take her mom instead of her 'husband' so it works out for me!!! Her mom is cool, and she'll have all the other 'adults' to hang around with.
Sorry this is as far as I was able to catch up for now. I have to get some stuff done, but will def be back to catch up with you all and especially you Nat.

Michele, Have a safe flight, have fun... I'll be thinking about you while I'm flying, I know it'll be your big day!!!! xoxoxoxox
Can't wait to catch up with you when we all get back.
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Originally Posted by jerseykitten View Post
i love Justin Timberlake!

so this is my last day home - leaving for my nail appointments soon - it feels weird - I'm not sure that it's all hit me yet - my packing is pretty much done - just have to see if i can get some of those water/aqua socks to wear when we go to the falls - go for one last round of tanning...all my papers and documents are in order.

the bad thing is that i feel like i'm coming down with a cold - my FMIL was sick this weekend but still cooked Easter dinner - i told FI we could get sick from eating it and here I am with a sore throat. I'm going to go buy some zinc stuff to see if I can knock it out.

I ended up writing a toast to everyone - i have nobody else doing speeches - we aren't writing our own vows either but wanted to make sure i got some stuff out - here it is:

I just wanted to take a moment to thank you and make a toast to all of you for being here. It means so much to us that you made such an effort to be with us for our special day and we really appreciate it.

First, to my new husband Jim

–you have changed my life – made it better in so many ways – you let me be myself but you still challenge me to want to be better.
–From the moment you told me you loved me on my couch…..I have loved you too.
You have shown me love, made me laugh and given me more than I ever thought Iâ€d have. Youâ€ve taught me to pack a little lighter and worry a little less. Youâ€ve put up with incessant wedding planning for the last year and let me do pretty much whatever I want with this.

I love you more every day.

I also want to thank my parents, who for my entire life have been there for me for everything, good and bad. I know that no matter what I can always count on you. I appreciate everything youâ€ve done for me, and I hope you can rest a little easier knowing I have Jim in my life. You are the greatest parents and I tell everyone how lucky I am to have you.

My in-laws Carla and Jim – you do so much for Jim and me – youâ€ve welcomed me into your family – I feel so lucky to have gotten such a great husband and a wonderful mother and father in law as well.

And Thank you to my friends – who have always been there for me – Debbie, Michelle, Bethann – I donâ€t know what Iâ€d do without you.

And now Iâ€d like to have a toast – to all of you –
Took time off
Got on a plane

who came so far to see us get married –

Thank you for being in our lives – and thank you for believing in us.

To Love, To Luck, To Laughter and To Our new life together

Michelle, your toasts are so touching! Good job. Have a safe trip and a wonderful wedding day and honeymoon!!
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Thanks everyone - sitting here waiting now is killing me!!!

if you read my other post - FI has only packed a duffel bag - I know he doesn't have enough stuff and if I say anything he will get mad.

i'm too keyed up to nap!

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Yes amazing speech very touching!! I love it.. so will everyone else.. especially FI


It's the stress getting to you... I know FI is getting on my nervs too!!!!

If worse comes to worse he'll have to wear some things over again. Just wash a shirt or two (and a pair of underwear) in the sink!

Everything will be fine!!! You'll have a blast once you get to Jamaica.. just keep reminding yourself that!!!!

I'm out the door for an hour, but for the rest of the night I'll be aroud if you want to chat just to keep your mind busy!!

Maybe you can just lay down with your eyes shut.. don't have sleep.


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Hi April 2010 brides!!!!!!


I am an old married lady now but an april bride too! (which IMO is the best month to get married in wink.gif ) my DH and I are celebrating our 1 year anniversary in a couple of weeks and I seriously can't believe how fast this first year has FLOWN by!


Just wanted to stop in here and tell all of you April brides congrats! thewave.gif

Enjoy EVERY SINGLE SECOND of your entire trip because I promise you it will go way too fast and try not to worry about the minor details...don't sweat the small stuff..just enjoy your day and live in the moment!


Have fun girls! and come back with pics!

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