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Originally Posted by echo2_62 View Post
My mom's birthday is May 23!!! LOL! And FI's is today, and my dad's is this Friday! We've got a TON of birthdays this time of year so it's been hard to keep track of them with everything revolving around the wedding.


Cute garter Natasha. I just spoke to my grandma this morning and asked if she had something she could send down for me with my parents, since neither she or m grandpa are able to come with us. So I'm not sure what I'll even be getting (she mentioned pearls, I mentioned a pin or brooch) but she knows me well so I know it'll be good. And definitely special since it'll be a part of them with me on my wedding!


Erin - we'll have everything crossed here for you as well and hopefully the ruling goes in your favour!!! It would be heartbreaking after all this time if his daughter was NOT allowed to go so here's wishing you all the luck I can!!



On a "funny" note, FI and I received an email from one of our groomsmen this morning. He had tried on all the clothes we bought for the guys to wear (special ordered linen pants, basic cotton button down from Old Navy and flip flops from American Eagle) and he's decided that the only part that he likes and that fit well are the shoes!! He's already tried having the pants altered a little and still isn't happy with them, the shirt is too small in part and too large in part and he just doesn't think he looks good enough for a wedding!! Okay I understand that he doesn't want to look like a slob, but if you are the kind of person who has troubles with the fit of clothing, or is picky about your clothes - tell the person who is trying to be nice and buy you all your clothes ie. ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Granted that FI left it until the last minute a little to figure this stuff out for the guys but I don't even know what to say about someone being that concerned about what they're wearing (and a guy no less!!). So when I talked to FI about it quickly, I just said that I wanted nothing to do with making this work, that he needed to be the one to find time in the next day or two and figure it out with them. I'm TOTALLY not dealing with this one! AGGH!

3 words for the Groomsman:



If your FI wants to go with him to find another comparable shirt let him - could it really look THAT bad? SHEEESH....men can be such babies.


2 hours till I leave work!

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Originally Posted by jerseykitten View Post
tomorrow I just have to wrap up at work - today they tell me about all the projects they want me to start - I'm like -you know that won't happen till i get back, right?
That is too funny- I had the same thing happen last week! They want me to come up with and facilitate a new literacy program here (for teens) and I had to remind everyone that I'll be gone for over a month- so it's not happening until May at the earliest!

Originally Posted by shortnsweet7675 View Post
Just wanted to share a photo of the garter that my mom made. It is my "something old". She made it out of the satin and lace from her wedding dress. The blue ribbon and rhinestone detail is not from her wedding dress, just something she decided to add to it. I'm so proud of her!
That is beautiful! Wow, that's really amazing that your Mom made that from her dress- that must be so special to you!

Originally Posted by caribbeanLover View Post
So back to my GF, who I think I no longer consider one. They place where I told her to book, was to book separately because she could only come for 4 days (room,then go to usairways to book the fligh as suppose to a package). The room you book and then they send you an email to fill out an authorization form, and you must send it back 48 hours latest, if not the money doesn't get taken off the card and you have no reservations.
ShE NEVER SENT THE FORM BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!! then I get a call saying her fake husband can't go, but maybe she should take her mom, that was yesterday... I told her game over!!! then today she calls and says she'll just come alone. I told her with what reservations!!!!
This has become way to much for me,especially a week before my wedding. If I get one more call (even tho FI doesn't want me to answer her calls anymore) I'll tell her she is no longer invited (I really will too, enough is enough.. I've been way to darn nice!!)
*sigh* sorry for my vent sad.gif who has these kinds of problems with guest booking a week before their wedding LOL!!!!! I have to laugh or I'll cry ( not about her not coming, but hows she going about everything, and adding extra stress.. trying not to let her get to me tho..def not loosing any sleep over it)
The hellhuh.gif She sounds like one of those people who have to make everything about her- I can't believe she's bothering you with her BS this close to your wedding! If you want me to come down there and help you straighten her out you just let me know lol! Seriously, though, what is she trying to pull? Your FI is right- just don't take her calls right now- you don't need this silly drama.
Originally Posted by SuzyQ76 View Post
Tracy, so sorry you have to go through this added stress with your GF, if it makes you feel any better I'm having lots of problems, my mom wants to cancel her trip now...3 weeks before the wedding. This has put a HUGE stress on me and has me pretty down and emotional. I don't want to force anyone to do anything they aren't comfortable with, but I do want my Mom at my own wedding...considering I don't have a huge family attendance coming anyway, at least we have lots of our mutual friends coming, they should be able to fill up my empty lacking family side.
Aw, Suzy, I am so sorry to hear this. I hope your Mom changes her mind- I understand why you're feeling emotional about this. Either way, your wedding is going to be beautiful. Hang in there!hug2.gif

Originally Posted by ebredhawk View Post

i have my fingers, toes, eyes, everything crossed for thursday. that should be the day we find out whether or not FI's daughter can come with us. nothing like cutting it close, huh? it'll give us just enough time to work with her teacher to get her assignments and all that organized. plus i'll have to tear through all her clothes to make sure she has what she needs! i hate all this uncertainty!!
I was wondering about that. I'll keep everything crossed for you too. I really hope it goes your way- for you and your FI and especially for that poor little girl. I really hope she gets the chance to be there with her Dad and you.

Originally Posted by echo2_62 View Post
My mom's birthday is May 23!!! LOL! And FI's is today, and my dad's is this Friday! We've got a TON of birthdays this time of year so it's been hard to keep track of them with everything revolving around the wedding.

On a "funny" note, FI and I received an email from one of our groomsmen this morning. He had tried on all the clothes we bought for the guys to wear (special ordered linen pants, basic cotton button down from Old Navy and flip flops from American Eagle) and he's decided that the only part that he likes and that fit well are the shoes!! He's already tried having the pants altered a little and still isn't happy with them, the shirt is too small in part and too large in part and he just doesn't think he looks good enough for a wedding!! Okay I understand that he doesn't want to look like a slob, but if you are the kind of person who has troubles with the fit of clothing, or is picky about your clothes - tell the person who is trying to be nice and buy you all your clothes ie. ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Granted that FI left it until the last minute a little to figure this stuff out for the guys but I don't even know what to say about someone being that concerned about what they're wearing (and a guy no less!!). So when I talked to FI about it quickly, I just said that I wanted nothing to do with making this work, that he needed to be the one to find time in the next day or two and figure it out with them. I'm TOTALLY not dealing with this one! AGGH!
Too funny- FI's birthday is a week from Saturday, and then my Mom's is May 7th (I'll miss it, unfortunately, I'll still be in Cuba). They actually offered me May 7th as a wedding day, but we turned it down for that reason.

Men!! I can't believe he's that anal about his shirt! I think you did the right thing handing that one over to your FI- you probably have enough stuff to finish up right now without having to be this guy's style consultant too!
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Oh- I almost forgot! We had some wedding guest related drama ourselves this weekend! Strap yourselves in for this one if you have a few minutes, it's a bit of a story.


My FI's younger brother has been seeing/living with this woman that none of his family can stand for the last few years. She's at least 15 years older than he is, and that wouldn't really be that big a deal in the grand scheme of things but she's just a really obnoxious person. She's b*tchy, rude to younger brother, condescending and patronizing to everyone else and is just a complete nightmare drama queen. At first she complained about our having a DW, then about where we'd chosen (she prefers Jamaica and couldn't believe we didn't consult with her before we booked- pretty much her exact words). All the while we all just bite our tongues because we don't want to alienate FI's little bro. We were hoping she wouldn't go, to be honest, but she decided at the last minute to come (I think she just didn't want little bro to go without her and decided to come once she realized he wasn't going to stay home just because she was). I was bracing myself for a week full of her drama, where she'd try to make everything about her, criticize everything I do and have temper tantrums at the most inconvenient times- no exaggeration. Well, last week little bro comes to his senses and dumps the cow! General celebration ensues!!! Until she calls our travel agent to try to cancel not only her own ticket but little bro's as well!!! She put both on her credit card (he gave her the cash for both btw) so apparently she thought she'd be spiteful and and try to keep him from his brother's wedding. She decided not to, but only after FI's brother agreed to give her even more money (pain and suffering, apparently). Grrrrr.

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Originally Posted by Melidell View Post

Until she calls our travel agent to try to cancel not only her own ticket but little bro's as well!!! She put both on her credit card (he gave her the cash for both btw) so apparently she thought she'd be spiteful and and try to keep him from his brother's wedding. She decided not to, but only after FI's brother agreed to give her even more money (pain and suffering, apparently). Grrrrr.
Okay, WHAThuh.gifhuh.gif?!!!!!!!!! He had to pay her to keep his tickethuh.gif?
I don't even know what to say to that.

BTW, coming from the American perspective, did she have any idea how lucky she was that you chose Cuba for your wedding? I would LOVE to be able to have my wedding in Cuba! Or just visit for vacation...even that would be okay!
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Mel, Thanks for your kind words, it's pretty upsetting but I do know this is what we've always wanted and I wouldn't change things anyway! She called to cancel today and I think their travel ins only covers natural disasters, carrier bankruptcy etc...but now I'm feeling awful knowing she doesn't want to go and now is forced too. It's a mess for sure....


And for your dilemma:


Yay!!!! on him dumping the Cow!!!!! he's so going to look back and wonder why he didn't do it sooner...but her antics just prove how much of a Mad Cow she actually is!!!!!! Especially when he had already paid for both their trips!!!!

Not to happy that she had to be paid off, I'm sure, but at least his tic didn't get canceled!!! So congrats on that!!!


As for Cuba, we would have loved to go there too, but we have some Americans coming too, had to nix that plan!!!!

GORGEOUS beaches, it will be absolutely amazing!!!


and just think, now your whole group will have even more fun - minus the Cow!!! ;o)

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Originally Posted by taylorwd View Post
Okay, WHAThuh.gifhuh.gif?!!!!!!!!! He had to pay her to keep his tickethuh.gif?
I don't even know what to say to that.

BTW, coming from the American perspective, did she have any idea how lucky she was that you chose Cuba for your wedding? I would LOVE to be able to have my wedding in Cuba! Or just visit for vacation...even that would be okay!
Yeah, she's pretty crazy. There's a reason we don't like her! I don't think she was upset was because it was in Cuba exactly- she's the type who would have complained about anywhere that we picked. If we'd gone to Jamaica she would have complained about that, too, and asked us why we weren't going to Cuba. Last year FI and I went on a vacation to Dominican Republic and she was telling us how crappy it is there, too (it isn't, we loved it).

That is a shame about not being able to visit Cuba. Hopefully someday things will change.

Haha- thanks Suzy! Yeah, he figured it was a small price to pay to get rid of her so he just swallowed the cost.
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Originally Posted by jerseykitten View Post
3 words for the Groomsman:

If your FI wants to go with him to find another comparable shirt let him - could it really look THAT bad? SHEEESH....men can be such babies.

2 hours till I leave work!
HAHA thank you so much for this!!! It totally made me laugh and the few friends I've vented to around ehre today have all said the same thing. Look at the decades of horrible bridesmaids dresses that have been around - he's not the only one to think he doesn't look like a model LOL!

FI is being good about handling it but I kind of feel bad because now he has to cancel his own plans this week just to take care of this sad.gif It's not fair but at least he's willing.

Oh and you must have been EXPLODING out of your office today! Not much longer and you'll be heading to the airport YAY!!

Originally Posted by Melidell View Post
Oh- I almost forgot! We had some wedding guest related drama ourselves this weekend! Strap yourselves in for this one if you have a few minutes, it's a bit of a story.
Wow. I don't even have the words for someone who could do that kind of thing. Little bro is definitely better off without her and hopefully you can just help him realize how much more fun your wedding/vaction will be without her cheesy.gif Cow indeed.

Originally Posted by SuzyQ76 View Post
Mel, Thanks for your kind words, it's pretty upsetting but I do know this is what we've always wanted and I wouldn't change things anyway! She called to cancel today and I think their travel ins only covers natural disasters, carrier bankruptcy etc...but now I'm feeling awful knowing she doesn't want to go and now is forced too. It's a mess for sure....
Suzy I hope you get things worked out for your mom and just try not to think that she doesn't want to be at your wedding - she obviously just has other concerns and reasons for not wanting to travel. Especially considering you live so far away and don't get to see her often, I can't imagine that she'd easily make a decision to miss your wedding.
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Thanks Ladies for all the compliments on the garter that my Mom made. My Mom actually made her own wedding dress and all of her bridesmaids†dresses for her wedding years ago. I did not want to burden her with making my wedding dress. We live about a 16 hour drive apart too, so that would have been difficult logistically. Plus, she is more of a sew-by-pattern kind of person and I could not find any wedding dress patterns that I liked. Can you believe she was not very satisfied with how the garter turned out… I was like, “are you crazy, itâ€s beautiful†and its extra special since it was made from her dress.


Originally Posted by caribbeanLover View Post
Michele, I know the feeling!!! but it must be worse to be having to work, but not be easy... 1 more day!!!


OMG Nat I love the garter, your mom did an amazing job. Plus it's your something old!!!

Good job!!!


I know it def crept on me too!!!


Are you all done plann Nat? if not hows everything coming along?


Meghan, can't wait to see your pretty bouquets you made!!!


So I made a few orders last week Monday, saying to myself I'll have plenty of time to recieve it in (curling iron, Pro-active, more tote bags) but I completely forgot there was no mail Friday or today!!!smile105.gif


Now I'm in panic mode!! lol ugh what'd I get myself into... I only had over a year and a half to order that stuff!!!


So back to my GF, who I think I no longer consider one. They place where I told her to book, was to book separately because she could only come for 4 days (room,then go to usairways to book the fligh as suppose to a package). The room you book and then they send you an email to fill out an authorization form, and you must send it back 48 hours latest, if not the money doesn't get taken off the card and you have no reservations.

ShE NEVER SENT THE FORM BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!! then I get a call saying her fake husband can't go, but maybe she should take her mom, that was yesterday... I told her game over!!! then today she calls and says she'll just come alone. I told her with what reservations!!!!

This has become way to much for me,especially a week before my wedding. If I get one more call (even tho FI doesn't want me to answer her calls anymore) I'll tell her she is no longer invited (I really will too, enough is enough.. I've been way to darn nice!!)

*sigh* sorry for my vent sad.gif who has these kinds of problems with guest booking a week before their wedding LOL!!!!! I have to laugh or I'll cry ( not about her not coming, but hows she going about everything, and adding extra stress.. trying not to let her get to me tho..def not loosing any sleep over it)

Tracy, sorry to hear about the drama with your girlfriend. Iâ€m not sure I would go as far as un-inviting her, but I would just not answer her calls anymore, like your FI said. You have other things to worry about and she has had plenty of time to plan for this trip. Enough is enough. Some people!


My planning is coming along, not much left to do. I have my final dress fitting on Monday 4/12, yay! I have to make CDâ€s of my wedding ceremony music and wedding reception music. FI is going to work on making wedding favor CD's. I have to draft up my photography wish list for the wedding photographer, book at least one group shore excursion for our group that is cruising with us, put the iron-ons on my bridal party hoodies (gonna try to do that tonight), and start packing (Iâ€ve drafted up a packing list). That was just off the top of my head… there are probably some things that I am missing, but nothing major.


Can you believe that the best man for our wedding has not been fitted for his tux yet? He claims he has done it, but Menâ€s Wearhouse has no record of him being fitted. After this Friday, we will get charged “rush fees†for anyone who is not fitted by this Friday. I told FI that either the best man is going to have to pay the rush fees if heâ€s not fitted by the deadline or he is out of the wedding. Luckily, my brother is going to be an usher for the wedding, so he can stand in as a groomsman if needed. Iâ€m hoping itâ€s just a mix up on Menâ€s Wearhouseâ€s part and not the best manâ€s irresponsibility. He shouldnâ€t have waited until the last minute anyway. Iâ€m letting FI handle this one. Heâ€s starting to get frustrated because his “best man†will not reply to any of the text messages that he sent him today. FI says he has never had this kind of issue with him before.


Oh, and my sister decided a couple of weeks ago that she was going to cut all of her hair off, like boy cut short, like 1/2 inch short (why she cut it is something I donâ€t even want to go into). I donâ€t know if you are familiar with african-american hair, but it does not grow back quickly. So, when she was here to get her bridesmaids dress fitting, we went wig shopping too. I paid for it of course, because she just graduated from college so she doesnâ€t have the money to buy it; they are not cheap She is wearing the wig in the photo that I posted a few days ago of her in the bridesmaids dress. I mean, why couldnâ€t she wait until after the wedding to make such a drastic decision? Just an extra expense and stress for me! I had already made an appointment for her to get her hair and makeup done on the morning of the wedding, now I have to see if I can cancel the “hair†part without penalty.


After all of my on-line ordering, I was finally scammed. See my post http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...ved-com-57613/. But, everything is going to turn out ok in the end I think.


Whew!! Iâ€m so sorry for my vent. I think today was venting day!


Originally Posted by ebredhawk View Post
i have my fingers, toes, eyes, everything crossed for thursday. that should be the day we find out whether or not FI's daughter can come with us. nothing like cutting it close, huh? it'll give us just enough time to work with her teacher to get her assignments and all that organized. plus i'll have to tear through all her clothes to make sure she has what she needs! i hate all this uncertainty!!
Erin, I will be keeping my fingers crossed for you too. I sure hope everything works out.


Originally Posted by echo2_62 View Post
Cute garter Natasha. I just spoke to my grandma this morning and asked if she had something she could send down for me with my parents, since neither she or m grandpa are able to come with us. So I'm not sure what I'll even be getting (she mentioned pearls, I mentioned a pin or brooch) but she knows me well so I know it'll be good. And definitely special since it'll be a part of them with me on my wedding!
Thanks Meghan, you will have to let us know what your grandparents end up sending. I feel so blessed that my grandma will be able to make it to my wedding. She and I are very close.


Did your groomsman wait until the last minute to try on all of his stuff or what?


Originally Posted by Melidell View Post
Oh- I almost forgot! We had some wedding guest related drama ourselves this weekend! Strap yourselves in for this one if you have a few minutes, it's a bit of a story.
The nerve of her!! Some people only think of themselves.


Originally Posted by SuzyQ76 View Post
Tracy, so sorry you have to go through this added stress with your GF, if it makes you feel any better I'm having lots of problems, my mom wants to cancel her trip now...3 weeks before the wedding. This has put a HUGE stress on me and has me pretty down and emotional. I don't want to force anyone to do anything they aren't comfortable with, but I do want my Mom at my own wedding...considering I don't have a huge family attendance coming anyway, at least we have lots of our mutual friends coming, they should be able to fill up my empty lacking family side.
Suzy, if you donâ€t mind me asking, why doesnâ€t your Mom want to come? Is she afraid of flying? I hope everything works out for you. I can only imagine how you are feeling.
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Hilarious!!! where'd you find it, or how'd you fall on to it?

Thanks so much for sharing.


Wow girls, I have a lot to catch up on!!! I'll have to get right on that!!


I came back to say Fi kicked me off the pc for the night (he does work from home too and we only have 1 desk) so pls lady do not chat it up to early in the morning I still need to catch up from today LOL j/k! wink.gif g'night all

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