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April 2010 Brides

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Originally Posted by jerseykitten View Post
I'm excited - I'm ready to go. 4:30pm tomorrow (when i leave work) can't come soon enough!
I'm so excited for you Michele!! I can't believe it's time already. Have a great time and all the best to you and your future hubby. Can't wait to see pics when you get back.
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Wow, this month crept up on us sooo fast! So many of you are off to your weddings this week and mine will be here before I know it. So exciting!!!woot.gif


Originally Posted by katie424 View Post

Happy Wedding Month Ladies!

I bet a lot of you are leaving in only a few weeks - so congratulations and have a lovely wedding and trip!


I wanted to pass on a bit of helpful name change information:

MissNowMrs Online Married Name Change Service

It is a website that essentially walks you through the entire name change process, fills out all your forms and then you print PDF's with instruction sheets for each one! there are 2 prices $20 or $30 which is not bad at all.

I am going to check to be sure they can accept foreign wedding documents - but I know a lot of us probably have to get a local marriage certificate anyways so it may not matter.

Hope it is helpful -- and Happy Weddings to all! Looking forward to seeing pix and reviews ;-)

Thanks for sharing the link. I'm not looking forward to all the paperwork to change my last name, but maybe this site will help.
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Michele, I know the feeling!!! but it must be worse to be having to work, but not be easy... 1 more day!!!


OMG Nat I love the garter, your mom did an amazing job. Plus it's your something old!!!

Good job!!!


I know it def crept on me too!!!


Are you all done plann Nat? if not hows everything coming along?


Meghan, can't wait to see your pretty bouquets you made!!!


So I made a few orders last week Monday, saying to myself I'll have plenty of time to recieve it in (curling iron, Pro-active, more tote bags) but I completely forgot there was no mail Friday or today!!!smile105.gif

Now I'm in panic mode!! lol ugh what'd I get myself into... I only had over a year and a half to order that stuff!!!


So back to my GF, who I think I no longer consider one. They place where I told her to book, was to book separately because she could only come for 4 days (room,then go to usairways to book the fligh as suppose to a package). The room you book and then they send you an email to fill out an authorization form, and you must send it back 48 hours latest, if not the money doesn't get taken off the card and you have no reservations.

ShE NEVER SENT THE FORM BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!! then I get a call saying her fake husband can't go, but maybe she should take her mom, that was yesterday... I told her game over!!! then today she calls and says she'll just come alone. I told her with what reservations!!!!

This has become way to much for me,especially a week before my wedding. If I get one more call (even tho FI doesn't want me to answer her calls anymore) I'll tell her she is no longer invited (I really will too, enough is enough.. I've been way to darn nice!!)

*sigh* sorry for my vent sad.gif who has these kinds of problems with guest booking a week before their wedding LOL!!!!! I have to laugh or I'll cry ( not about her not coming, but hows she going about everything, and adding extra stress.. trying not to let her get to me tho..def not loosing any sleep over it)

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Awe congrats to everyone, it's all here!!!!!!! YAY!!!


Nat, the garter is very sweet and beautiful and has so much more meaning that it's from your mother's dress.


Michele, you must be so glad to be done work tomorrow! so exciting!


Tracy, so sorry you have to go through this added stress with your GF, if it makes you feel any better I'm having lots of problems, my mom wants to cancel her trip now...3 weeks before the wedding. This has put a HUGE stress on me and has me pretty down and emotional. I don't want to force anyone to do anything they aren't comfortable with, but I do want my Mom at my own wedding...considering I don't have a huge family attendance coming anyway, at least we have lots of our mutual friends coming, they should be able to fill up my empty lacking family side.


Hope all is going well with everyone else, I haven't had a chance to catch up on everything yet, it was a pretty buy weekend with Easter and all. I actually told FI to shoot me next time I had a bright idea like inviting everyone over to our house for Easter - although because I cooked for 2 days straight, the last thing I wanted to do was eat anything! lol so that's a good thing!

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Originally Posted by shortnsweet7675 View Post
Just wanted to share a photo of the garter that my mom made. It is my "something old". She made it out of the satin and lace from her wedding dress. The blue ribbon and rhinestone detail is not from her wedding dress, just something she decided to add to it. I'm so proud of her!

Click the image to open in full size.
Soooooo very pretty!

Originally Posted by caribbeanLover View Post

So back to my GF, who I think I no longer consider one. They place where I told her to book, was to book separately because she could only come for 4 days (room,then go to usairways to book the fligh as suppose to a package). The room you book and then they send you an email to fill out an authorization form, and you must send it back 48 hours latest, if not the money doesn't get taken off the card and you have no reservations.
ShE NEVER SENT THE FORM BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!! then I get a call saying her fake husband can't go, but maybe she should take her mom, that was yesterday... I told her game over!!! then today she calls and says she'll just come alone. I told her with what reservations!!!!
This has become way to much for me,especially a week before my wedding. If I get one more call (even tho FI doesn't want me to answer her calls anymore) I'll tell her she is no longer invited (I really will too, enough is enough.. I've been way to darn nice!!)
*sigh* sorry for my vent sad.gif who has these kinds of problems with guest booking a week before their wedding LOL!!!!! I have to laugh or I'll cry ( not about her not coming, but hows she going about everything, and adding extra stress.. trying not to let her get to me tho..def not loosing any sleep over it)
You must be joking! What is wrong with your GFhuh.gif? I mean this is way out of control. I agree with your FI that you shouldn't take her calls anymore. There's no need to let her add more stress one week before you go, no matter what she has to say!
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michele, i think i'm losing my mind! i guess i was thinking that may 22nd was actually april 22nd.. i need help! that's my mom's birthday though, so a fun date either way!! :) here's hoping for a fast last day of work for you!


natasha, your garter looks JUST like mine, and mine's actually just my mom's old one. i love the "something old" thing! plus she made it for you, that's awesome!


tracy, that friend of yours is psycho! fingers crossed that the whole situation gets figured out soon! i can't imagine a huge vacation so last minute!


i have my fingers, toes, eyes, everything crossed for thursday. that should be the day we find out whether or not FI's daughter can come with us. nothing like cutting it close, huh? it'll give us just enough time to work with her teacher to get her assignments and all that organized. plus i'll have to tear through all her clothes to make sure she has what she needs! i hate all this uncertainty!!

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Originally Posted by caribbeanLover View Post
Michele, I know the feeling!!! but it must be worse to be having to work, but not be easy... 1 more day!!!

OMG Nat I love the garter, your mom did an amazing job. Plus it's your something old!!!
Good job!!!

I know it def crept on me too!!!

Are you all done plann Nat? if not hows everything coming along?

Meghan, can't wait to see your pretty bouquets you made!!!

So I made a few orders last week Monday, saying to myself I'll have plenty of time to recieve it in (curling iron, Pro-active, more tote bags) but I completely forgot there was no mail Friday or today!!!smile105.gif
Now I'm in panic mode!! lol ugh what'd I get myself into... I only had over a year and a half to order that stuff!!!

So back to my GF, who I think I no longer consider one. They place where I told her to book, was to book separately because she could only come for 4 days (room,then go to usairways to book the fligh as suppose to a package). The room you book and then they send you an email to fill out an authorization form, and you must send it back 48 hours latest, if not the money doesn't get taken off the card and you have no reservations.
ShE NEVER SENT THE FORM BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!! then I get a call saying her fake husband can't go, but maybe she should take her mom, that was yesterday... I told her game over!!! then today she calls and says she'll just come alone. I told her with what reservations!!!!
This has become way to much for me,especially a week before my wedding. If I get one more call (even tho FI doesn't want me to answer her calls anymore) I'll tell her she is no longer invited (I really will too, enough is enough.. I've been way to darn nice!!)
*sigh* sorry for my vent sad.gif who has these kinds of problems with guest booking a week before their wedding LOL!!!!! I have to laugh or I'll cry ( not about her not coming, but hows she going about everything, and adding extra stress.. trying not to let her get to me tho..def not loosing any sleep over it)
Seriously Tracy- I want to punch this chick for you!!!! Tell her it's too late and be done. voodoo.gif

Originally Posted by shortnsweet7675 View Post
Just wanted to share a photo of the garter that my mom made. It is my "something old". She made it out of the satin and lace from her wedding dress. The blue ribbon and rhinestone detail is not from her wedding dress, just something she decided to add to it. I'm so proud of her!

Click the image to open in full size.
So pretty!!!! i love when people are creative!

Originally Posted by ebredhawk View Post
michele, i think i'm losing my mind! i guess i was thinking that may 22nd was actually april 22nd.. i need help! that's my mom's birthday though, so a fun date either way!! :) here's hoping for a fast last day of work for you!

natasha, your garter looks JUST like mine, and mine's actually just my mom's old one. i love the "something old" thing! plus she made it for you, that's awesome!

tracy, that friend of yours is psycho! fingers crossed that the whole situation gets figured out soon! i can't imagine a huge vacation so last minute!

i have my fingers, toes, eyes, everything crossed for thursday. that should be the day we find out whether or not FI's daughter can come with us. nothing like cutting it close, huh? it'll give us just enough time to work with her teacher to get her assignments and all that organized. plus i'll have to tear through all her clothes to make sure she has what she needs! i hate all this uncertainty!!
I was thinking about that yesterday Erin - Iwill have everything crossed for you - I really hope things go your way. i'm hoping I can get internet on my phone in Jamaica- FI won't let me bring the laptop with me but I may try to log into bdw and facebook to check in - I will be having some serious withdrawals!
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Originally Posted by ebredhawk View Post
michele, i think i'm losing my mind! i guess i was thinking that may 22nd was actually april 22nd.. i need help! that's my mom's birthday though, so a fun date either way!! :) here's hoping for a fast last day of work for you!

natasha, your garter looks JUST like mine, and mine's actually just my mom's old one. i love the "something old" thing! plus she made it for you, that's awesome!

tracy, that friend of yours is psycho! fingers crossed that the whole situation gets figured out soon! i can't imagine a huge vacation so last minute!

i have my fingers, toes, eyes, everything crossed for thursday. that should be the day we find out whether or not FI's daughter can come with us. nothing like cutting it close, huh? it'll give us just enough time to work with her teacher to get her assignments and all that organized. plus i'll have to tear through all her clothes to make sure she has what she needs! i hate all this uncertainty!!
My mom's birthday is May 23!!! LOL! And FI's is today, and my dad's is this Friday! We've got a TON of birthdays this time of year so it's been hard to keep track of them with everything revolving around the wedding.

Cute garter Natasha. I just spoke to my grandma this morning and asked if she had something she could send down for me with my parents, since neither she or m grandpa are able to come with us. So I'm not sure what I'll even be getting (she mentioned pearls, I mentioned a pin or brooch) but she knows me well so I know it'll be good. And definitely special since it'll be a part of them with me on my wedding!

Erin - we'll have everything crossed here for you as well and hopefully the ruling goes in your favour!!! It would be heartbreaking after all this time if his daughter was NOT allowed to go so here's wishing you all the luck I can!!

On a "funny" note, FI and I received an email from one of our groomsmen this morning. He had tried on all the clothes we bought for the guys to wear (special ordered linen pants, basic cotton button down from Old Navy and flip flops from American Eagle) and he's decided that the only part that he likes and that fit well are the shoes!! He's already tried having the pants altered a little and still isn't happy with them, the shirt is too small in part and too large in part and he just doesn't think he looks good enough for a wedding!! Okay I understand that he doesn't want to look like a slob, but if you are the kind of person who has troubles with the fit of clothing, or is picky about your clothes - tell the person who is trying to be nice and buy you all your clothes ie. ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Granted that FI left it until the last minute a little to figure this stuff out for the guys but I don't even know what to say about someone being that concerned about what they're wearing (and a guy no less!!). So when I talked to FI about it quickly, I just said that I wanted nothing to do with making this work, that he needed to be the one to find time in the next day or two and figure it out with them. I'm TOTALLY not dealing with this one! AGGH!
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