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April 2010 Brides

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Whoo-hoo! FI just called me to tell me that he's booked our legal day! April 23d, in the evening. I thought we were just going to the courthouse but he called a JP to come and do it at the hotel we'll be staying at. I'm so excited!


That's awesome - just a little extra specialness!


Michelle- I love the pictures from your spa night. The ones with you opening the gifts in front of your Mom and FMIL are just priceless lol!


I was seriously so embarassed - i do not talk about those things with my mom EVER, and FI's mom is pretty straightlaced - they were both very laid back about the whole thing - I was very red!


Megan- if you get a chance you should post a picture of your flowers- I'm dying to see them!


Yes you should cheer2.gif

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thanks so much everyone!!



i had my legal day today!! it was so cool...the mayor of my town married us in this chapel like place in the town hall. she grabbed a worker to be our witness and camera guy haha He took action shots!! which was pretty cool. they were both sooooooooooo nice!! the legal vows were actually really really nice!! we were both nervous i guess cuz it was LEGAL lol and also because the attention was on us. im actually glad because this was pratice for DR!! it was about 10 minutes. we exchanged rings. we will wear the rings only for today then not again until DR :) They even gave us a peice of cake they bought from a bakery and said good luck, here is your first peice of wedding cake!! so cute! we practiced feeding it to each other when we got home haha..going to dinner now!! We realized today that our numbers are very much the same which is so cool!! here goes: our legal day was today, 3/30, his birth day was today, 3/30, he turned 30 today, the year is '10, today was our 10 year anniversary, and my bday is 10/3, and ill be 30 on my bday this year!!! very cool!! we should play the lotto lol

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holy crap girl - lotto is right!!!! That's insane how all your birth dates and anniversary dates etc worked out like that. Crazy!!


I will do my best to post pictures but it most definitely won't be tonight because I am off to my trainers in a few minutes and then going to the Muse/Silversun Pickups concert tonight and I'm SO EXCITED! I actually saw Silversun Pickups in the summer and it was kind of supposed to be an anniversary thing for FI and I but then he had to work kind of last minute and couldn't go sad.gif So now we're making up for it, despite paying way more for tickets and having it at a busier venue. I'm going to be EXHAUSTED tomorrow though because I won't have had any downtime today to recoup. Whoever thought I should squeeze in one last training session today (me!) was completely and utterly crazy cheesy.gif LOL!

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your too funny,you sound exactly like me, I actually did re print a lot of the stuff FI did. Now he ask me if he can help I just say 'No thanks babe, I got it under control' HAHAH yah right, but just a lot easier then getting him to help.

Aww you have such a cute idea for your hankie's. I just decided to get it embroidered. It's cost less then $10 to have 'I love you Mom' on it. I just went with that.

Actually the guy who is doing it, turns out to be a TA as well, as speaks with the head person of TMR (the ppl I booked with and who screwed everything over) his going to contact them with all my proof and let him know what their customer service is doing!! pretty cool I thought.

All of the labels except for the spanish booklets i stole from everyone on here lol.

No one is going to notice you don't have things labelled that's for sure!!

Yes, post pics, I can't wait to see the flowers.

LOL I cracked up about your mail man/dog story. too funny. But not funny how he left the flowers. sad.gif Some people have no thought, these people (us) actually pay for these things!!



I forgot to mention (how could I!) how much I love your rings. They are also very unique. Did you pick your E-ring out or did the FI do that all on his own?



HAHA I did go crazy with the labels!! I hope everyone notices them, they were all very very time consuming lol.

yeah your so right, if she hasn't booked now, what are the chances she will now (she actually called me today, to ask me if I think the prices will drop in the next few day!!!) I'm just, well at a lost of words with that one.



Congrats on getting the legal date picked and sorted out. It's the day before I arrive back home, but I'll be thinking about you.


taylorwd ,

Thanks for the vote of encouragement, I'm currently feeling like a b'tch but your so right, I really had to put my foot down with her. Who in this world is so wishy washy so close to a date ya know!!

I'm glad to know I'm not the only one saying 'white lies' lol. I see it can be annoying and taking a lot of efforts trying to get payments from ppl. I'm sure your happy that's over with now!!



I just love love your saying!! and your so so right!!!! you made me laugh!!! thanks!! :)

Looks like it's all normal last min stuff. I think you have your self under major control, good for you!!!!!



LOL bring it on girl, I want to see someone out do me, so I don't feel so crazy lol!!

Can't wait to see everything you've done.

I know the feeling. I re loading my printer with ink when I bought the invite, and it actually lasted through all my printing. Hope you have the same luck! (stupid inks are sooo $$$$$)



Congrats on being a secret married couple!!!!!

That is amazing with all the special dates!! so when it's time to celebrate your anniversary will you celebrate your legal day, or the date you guys get married down south?

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You should totally play the lotto, those are amazing numbers, lol!


Meghan - I would be stoked to go to a Silversun concert. My fmil and I went the Paul McCartney concert at the new Cowboys stadium, we were 5 rows away from him and it was def the coolest thing I've ever done in my life. I hope you have a superb time tonight!


Tracy - thanks, but I feel like a mess on the inside! Espcially with work, it's starting to drive me nuts! I was really calm and cool about things until I packed by wedding dress and veil last night. After that I just got so excited and started dancing around the house!


FYI to everyone - it seems like everyone started calling me this week to make sure things were in place, and to ask me little q's. So be aware that your all your guests may start calling you in the few days before you go! Not like you need extra stress, but it's def been taking its toll on me!

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Thanks everyone for your compliments on my dress and bridesmaids†dresses!



Glad to hear your legal day is finally set and itâ€s so sweet that your FI arranged for it to take place at the hotel.


Originally Posted by jerseykitten View Post
Natasha - LOVE LOVE LOVE the dress on you! It looks so good - bustle looks good - i'm not sure about the necklace - I think it's too much for the dress - just my opinion.


Bridesmaid dress is pretty too and I love her shoes.


Rings are gorgeous.


I love all the pictures too - I'm still waiting for my girlfriend to send my fitting pictures - i finally got my spa day/shower pics - I'll put that thread up soon.

Thanks Michelle. Thatâ€s funny, my MOH said the same thing about the necklace. Itâ€s such a beautiful handmade necklace from an ETSY seller. If I donâ€t wear it with the dress, I will have to wear it with something the week of the wedding (maybe on one of the cruise formal nights). I have a backup rhinestone necklace & earring set to wear just in case.


Glad you noticed the bridesmaid shoes. We went back and forth on which shoes they would wear. We finally decided on this pair. They are gorgeous, but the heel is high. Glad they can walk in them because I sure couldnâ€t. Here is a side view of the shoe, donâ€t think you could see it in the pic of my sister.

Click the image to open in full size.



Originally Posted by echo2_62 View Post
Wow apparently yesterday/last night was totally a photo night and I missed out sad.gif I love seeing everything coming together finally!


Natasha - your dress and your bridesmaids dresses are really pretty! That deep red colour is very stunning and of course matches very well to your garnet rings wink.gif I love seeing all the original ideas that everyone has had for their rings, including yours! And it is such a great feeling when you know that your dress is really fitting the way you want it to and you don't look at it thinking "if we could just change this little thing" as much anymore. I picked mine up on the weekend and had to hug my alterations lady because I was so happy with it!

Thanks Meghan! It is so ironic that the deep-red color of the bridesmaids†dresses is… Garnet. Youâ€re so right, it is a great feeling to have the dress fitting correctly.


I was surprised with my real-touch flowers too. When my sister saw them for the first time this weekend, she kept saying “they feel so realâ€.


Your dog sounds sooo much like my Lab/Doberman mix. I tell everyone her bark is vicious, but all sheâ€ll do is lick you to death when she gets to you! And shame on the delivery man for leaving your box like that. Glad they only got a little smooshed and not worse than that.


I am totally a control freak too. I fussed at FI when we were putting together the OOT bags because he wasnâ€t trimming the edges of the bag tags right… and he had a paper cutter to cut them straight!


Originally Posted by caribbeanLover View Post

I forgot to mention (how could I!) how much I love your rings. They are also very unique. Did you pick your E-ring out or did the FI do that all on his own?

Thanks Tracy! We had discussed what kind of ring I wanted before we got engaged. I told him that I wanted something unique, like with my birthstone and his birthstone. He picked it out after that.


Originally Posted by hoyt75 View Post
FYI to everyone - it seems like everyone started calling me this week to make sure things were in place, and to ask me little q's. So be aware that your all your guests may start calling you in the few days before you go! Not like you need extra stress, but it's def been taking its toll on me!
Thanks for the heads up!


Originally Posted by SuzyQ76 View Post
Wow everything is really coming together for everyone isn't it!!!

I LOVE seeing all the pics, I have not been organized enough to get any pics taken, although I have gotten a few things done that I should have done a long time ago!!!!!!

SO at least I feel I'm getting somewhere!

Donâ€t worry, youâ€ll get it all done somehow. Especially with the help from Meghan, right?


Originally Posted by NyBeachBride View Post
thanks so much everyone!!



i had my legal day today...

Sounds like your legal day went well… youâ€ll have a nice story to tell your children.


Oh, you should definitely play the lotto with numbers like that!



Now on to my next project for the evening… finishing up the wedding pre-travel newsletters and updating my wedding website. FIâ€s birthday is this weekend, so I wonâ€t be able to get much wedding stuff done this weekend.

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Originally Posted by shortnsweet7675 View Post
Just wanted to share photos from my 2nd dress fitting today. My sister also had her bridesmaid dress fitting, but she did not need any alterations because the dress fit her perfectly. I still have one more fitting to approve the modification that is being done to the bodice of the dress. Iâ€m having a small ruffle edge added to the top of the bodice. This is to give me more coverage over the 2nd/3rd degree burns I have on my chest.
Your dress look great, it's nice when it's fitting properly, it makes such a big difference in look. And the bustle is quite special. I am totally in love with your rings, quite spectacular. They "fit" together without being too matchy, and both of you have something that you love There is something to be said about custom rings.

Originally Posted by hoyt75 View Post
Natasha - I love the way that your dress bussels in the back, that is honestly the prettiest bustle I have ever seen before!

Tracy - So proud of you for telling your friend to sh*t or get off the pot! Enough is enough, do it don't, make up your mind or make up their mind for them. That crap so gets on my nerves.

2 days to go! All wedding stuff is packed, need to pack our clothes tonight. Here's the list of things that I need to get done:
1. Call TA to find out how our arranged travel in Mexico works.
2. Pick up rx at pharmacy (need to fax copy of marriage license to FI new work first)
3. Determine cost of long term parking at airport
4. Some how get all my stuff together at work so I'm prepared to leave.
5. Bring the dog to fmil house to stay
6. Pick up wedding band on Wednesday
7. Already scheduled mani/pedi on Wednesday, can't forget to go!
8. Exchange shoes for FI for a larger size (I bought him Sperry's and they're too small)
9. Buy bateries for camera
10. Return 1 item to Kohls that didn't fit, and another pair of flip flops that didn't fit FI
11. Get all my receipts together in my wedding folder.

hmm... I guess that's all... I thougt I had a lot more to do than just that. Good to know I can relax a bit!
2 days, wow! And your todo list is already pretty small. Relax, and have a nice mani/pedi tomorrow.

Originally Posted by NyBeachBride View Post
thanks so much everyone!!

i had my legal day today!! it was so cool...the mayor of my town married us in this chapel like place in the town hall. she grabbed a worker to be our witness and camera guy haha He took action shots!! which was pretty cool. they were both sooooooooooo nice!! the legal vows were actually really really nice!! we were both nervous i guess cuz it was LEGAL lol and also because the attention was on us. im actually glad because this was pratice for DR!! it was about 10 minutes. we exchanged rings. we will wear the rings only for today then not again until DR :) They even gave us a peice of cake they bought from a bakery and said good luck, here is your first peice of wedding cake!! so cute! we practiced feeding it to each other when we got home haha..going to dinner now!! We realized today that our numbers are very much the same which is so cool!! here goes: our legal day was today, 3/30, his birth day was today, 3/30, he turned 30 today, the year is '10, today was our 10 year anniversary, and my bday is 10/3, and ill be 30 on my bday this year!!! very cool!! we should play the lotto lol
Congratulations! Nice to see they made a little something special for you, with the practice cake and all. And with those dates, you will have many reasons to celebrate both of your wedding days.

jerseykitten: great shower spa pics, I'd probably would have been very red as well... At least the moms didn't comment too much, those can be even more embarassing!
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Okay so I was really hoping to have a well developed planning thread created with wonderful excel attachments, but I don't forsee myself completing that within the next 24 hours. Therefore, I'm stuck posting just a few pics that I have taken and figured out how to upload. And for some reason, I still can't make stinkin' attachments (GRRRRR).


Background: Our colors our navy blue and white. Theme is 'paradise found...'


Beach towels that we are handing out at our family dinner on Thursday (only fam is going) Bought the towels from Kohls on sale for $2.70 each, embroidery for $5.00 each, bought 13 yards of ribbon for $12.00, and iron on letters for $3.30 for 1 packet of alphabet.


This is a close up of the cards that are tucked into the ribbon; it's the legend of the sand dollar and it has a prayer on it. Bought the cards for $1.00 per pack of 5, roll of ribbon for $1.39, sand dollars for $.30 each. I put the sand dollar where I wanted it on the card, wrapped the ribbon around it, and then hot glued the ribbon in the back.


This is the towl with out anything else


Bride and groom koozies that I bought at Jo Ann Fabric for apx $7.00


I made my own pretty hanger for pics of my dress. I bought the hanger at Wal Mart for $5.68 and the paint for $.99

This is the front, it has an H on it for our last name (HOYT)



This is the back side of the hanger



This is what will be sitting on the chairs at the ceremony. I made my own tears of joy packets. Bought the organza bags at Michaels for $2.70 for a package of 10, the tissues at Michaels for $10.00 for a package of 10 individually wrapped packages of tissues (think travel size kleenex packages), the 'love' hearts at Michaels for $1.00 for a package of 25, the bubbles at Michaels for $6.00 for a package of like a zillion and one, the ribbon at michaels for $1.39 for a whole roll (I think maybe 10 yards). Then I just stuffed the baggies with the tissues, added the love thing and tied it. For the bubbles I just added the love thing and made a bow out of the ribbon.




Unfortunately that's all the pics that I have. I do have navy blue chair sashes, navy blue fabric for the yuppa, ribbon for my bouquet and FI bout, and my sand ceremony kit. My sand ceremony vase I bought from Kirklands, so it's not really made to use for this purpose but I like it alot.

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NYBeachBride - Congratulations on your legal day! Definitely play those numbers!


Natasha - those shoes are awesome - I'm not sure I could walk in them for long, but they are hot! the necklace is pretty - you should definitely keep it - but i think your dress is so outstanding on it's own it might take away. It's hard with a strapless dress.


Jenna - AMAZING JOB on all your stuff! I love seeing what everyone else has done - it just makes me want to buy more things....I really need to control myself! And when are you leaving? Today? Tomorrow?


I was in traffic court for 4 hours last night from my accident 2 months ago - long story short - points on my license and $240 bucks - SIGH - and I have to take a defensive driving class to bring my points down.

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