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April 2010 Brides

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i feel like i've been freaking out for months!

Suzy the bouquet looks great!

Jenna - definitely get a photobucket account - i have over 1000 pictures in mine (not just wedding ladies - i keep all of my photos there for safe keeping)


I dropped off my first OOT bag tonight - my girlfriend wasn't home so i don't even know what she thinks till tomorrow...I know most people haven't ever gotten one of these but I really hope she likes it.

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Suzy, Love the bouquet. I guess you'll need to get cracking on some stuff, and just leave the none important things to last min, and if there is no time, no one will miss it.


Yaaah!!!! Let us know what she say tomorrow then!!

I can finally start handing mine out too, now that I got the brochures.... but I'll wait until the end of the week to see if the other 6 guest are coming. YES I'm still waiting for people to book.. this is so ridiculous!!

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OMG people haven't booked yet? I'd be insane! oh wait...I AM insane! i'd be telling them not to come. Seriously. I would. I'm at the point where if people wanted to come they should have booked already.


My girlfriend loved the OOT bag - she texted me last night about the Tshirt that says "I'd rather be at jim & michele's wedding"

I just posted the thread in the OOT section.



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A quick add-in since I just saw Michele's post - I would totally be insane if people were still not RSVP'd and/or booked. We had one guy who hadn't booked as of last week and then emailed to say he wasn't able to come now - but we suspected all along that this is what he would do so it was never a huge worry. There's only one item from vistaprint that I'd ordered with his name on it and that was the card to write in all our guests room numbers once we're there so I'm not too worried at all. Sadly there are a few other things I wanted to order from vistaprint but I don't think I have the mental capacity to take on any more projects right now!


I caved in and ordered some real-touch flowers yesterday. The woman I have been working with was fantastic and did her best to help me get what I wanted and have them sent from Ontario right away. She even post them with expedited shipping instead of standard so that they get here a little faster. And of course I have recruited the wonderful work of Suzy to help me get everything together!!!! LOL! Or at least, I think she knows that she's helping me - I'm just going to assume yes! HAHA!


So I'd mentioned a few posts back that I seem to have this monster list of DIY stuff to finish still and I realized that now that I have it written down it might be manageable despite the size. And then I figured why not go one step further and post it here... even though most of you are a few steps ahead of me already I think.


Music list - yes still have to do this!

Finish OOT bags - little stuff like tying pens on our postcards, making tags to know whose bag is whose etc

Finish hankies for mom's & gramma's - getting embroidery done this weekend

Finish assembling my favour boxes - just figured out how to do this last night! YAY!

Finish place cards for tables


Get all decorations items counted and packed together.

Put together bridesmaids gifts (and harass FI to finish the GM gifts!)

Print all emails, contracts, receipts; make copies of passports, credit cards, medical insurance cards, emergency phone numbers.


Oh and of course work, eat, sleep, workout, pack, panic and BREATHE! LOL!

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Originally Posted by caribbeanLover View Post
That's is soooo freaking adorable of him to do that, My FI would never think of something like that.
Well I am sure all the pics look just as good as this one. Just love it!!
How long have you guys been together?

We are getting married on the 22nd of April and our 2 year anniversary will be on the 29th of April. So... just about 2 years. Its a crazy long weird story. But, since I have time, I'll tell it :) Here are the characters in my story:

Ben - Fiance
Eric - Ex husband (Yes I've been married before. Not for very long. Married super young but have 2 beautiful little girls out of the deal)
Paul - Ex brother in law who I love and adore like my own brother (Eric's brother) I'm an only child so he is the only sibling I've ever known.. until now of course because I have Ben's sister... anywho.... back to the story lol..

Eric and I split but Paul was still very welcoming. He feels the same way about me that I do him. He often times invited me over for BBQ's at his house. One day I was over there and his next door neighbor walked up the driveway to see what was going on. I had seen him before but it had been a really long time (right after I had baby #2). He almost didnt recognize me becuase obviously after just having a baby you have a lot more weight etc. We started chatting and then he went home. Nothing more than that. A week later, I was at Paul's again. He happened to mention that the next door neighbor thought I was hot. HA! So.... back when MySpace was in, I went to Paul's page to make a comment. I happened to see that Ben was his top friend and was "online". I decided to send him a message just to start conversation with him. (I thought he was super hot too!) We messaged back and forth for about a week. Then we exchanged phone numbers and email and would chat that way. Then we finally decided enough was enough and we went on a date. We've been together ever since. He loves my kids like they were his own which is wonderful.

Ex husband wasnt too thrilled about the fact he knew Ben. They werent friends or anything, they just had a mutual friend. Still, he wasnt crazy about the idea. Now everything is just fine. Eric has moved on, remarried and has a baby on the way. He is finally getting his boy.... he begged me to have another one and I said no way. At that point we were having problems and that is not fair to anyone to bring another child into our relationship.

Anyways, thats my story. We bought a house together last April and have blended our family quite nicely if I do say so myself. (he also has 2 kids of his own) So between the 2 of us we have Kelsey 14, Caelyn 5, William 4, and Isabelle 3. The 3 little ones all have birthdays in the next couple of months. Caelyn and Isabelle are mine and Kelsey and William are his.

Phew! Thats the story. I know you didnt ask for it, but you got it anyways!
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Aww very sweet Tara! It's funny how you end up with the perfect person sometimes though! And I love your outlook on your past relationship - that even though it ended you have your two beautiful girls. More people should think that way!


And for photo books, check out the costco or walmart websites... I think I heard you can do them on there. Otherwise if you have a Mac computer (or know someone who does) they've definitely got an application through the Photo Album on there to do it. That might be the option I go with since I'm trying to learn how to use my Mac more frequently.

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Holy posts, Batman! I love this thread, there is always so much going on!


Originally Posted by caribbeanLover View Post
I just got my brochures in, and I love them. If it wasn't for you Michele, I wouldn't have been happy with them, Thank you so so much hug2.gif
They're looking great Tracy! I think your guests will love them. Glad I could help!


Originally Posted by ebredhawk View Post
i just noticed that there is now an april 2011 thread. holy moly, ladies!
I saw that, too. That's pretty wild- wonder if they'll end up with as many posts as this thread has gotten.


Originally Posted by SuzyQ76 View Post
Ok I know it's been way too long, but just though I'd pop in and say that I'm totally freaking out!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can't believe the time is almost here!! hahahaha Can't wait!


I have finished 1 BM bouquet - I have to tweak it a little bit, but all in all I'm pretty happy with how they turned out and the price can't be beat!! $13 each, not too bad, eh? Oh and my BM's Dresses FINALLY came in!!! and I love them, now just hoping that they all fit or I'll be screwed, lol, not really funny cause it's true - but they match the ribbon perfect too, considering I made the bouquets before the dresses came in! Phew!!!!!!!!!!!

I know what you mean, Suzy, I thought I was immune to the pre-wedding freakout but no, it's really starting to hit me. Can I mention how jealous I am that you and Meghan live so closely and can help each other out? I think that's so cool that you've met off of the boards. You're BM's bouquet is gorgeous- nicely done!


Originally Posted by jerseykitten View Post
OMG people haven't booked yet? I'd be insane! oh wait...I AM insane! i'd be telling them not to come. Seriously. I would. I'm at the point where if people wanted to come they should have booked already.
I totally agree. That would make me lose my mind and I think I'd tell them the same. I think Tracy must be a much more patient person that I am (not that that would be hard, patience may be a virtue but it's not one of mine).


Originally Posted by echo2_62 View Post
A quick add-in since I just saw Michele's post - I would totally be insane if people were still not RSVP'd and/or booked. We had one guy who hadn't booked as of last week and then emailed to say he wasn't able to come now - but we suspected all along that this is what he would do so it was never a huge worry. There's only one item from vistaprint that I'd ordered with his name on it and that was the card to write in all our guests room numbers once we're there so I'm not too worried at all. Sadly there are a few other things I wanted to order from vistaprint but I don't think I have the mental capacity to take on any more projects right now!

ards for tables

Funny how you just know sometimes, isn't it? We had a feeling about a few of our potential guests, too, and it turned out to be right. Be sure to post up some pictures of your flowers when you get them and good luck with your monster to-do list! I know you can do it!



Aw, what a sweet story, Tara. I'm so glad that things worked out so well for everyone. Your FI sounds like a real sweetheart and it sounds like you've got a great family together.



So I need to whine for a minute (again, I know). I'm home sick with some sort of nasty stomach bug and I'm feeling really sorry for myself. smile27.gif I've had it all week and managed to get to work but today I just couldn't do it. I've been doing really well with working out lately, too, but this is just sapping my energy which is discouraging. Blah. Maybe I'll take some pictures of some of my wedding stuff and post them up later to make myself feel better.

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Originally Posted by taraappl View Post
We are getting married on the 22nd of April and our 2 year anniversary will be on the 29th of April. So... just about 2 years. Its a crazy long weird story. But, since I have time, I'll tell it :) Here are the characters in my story:

Ben - Fiance
Eric - Ex husband (Yes I've been married before. Not for very long. Married super young but have 2 beautiful little girls out of the deal)
Paul - Ex brother in law who I love and adore like my own brother (Eric's brother) I'm an only child so he is the only sibling I've ever known.. until now of course because I have Ben's sister... anywho.... back to the story lol..

Eric and I split but Paul was still very welcoming. He feels the same way about me that I do him. He often times invited me over for BBQ's at his house. One day I was over there and his next door neighbor walked up the driveway to see what was going on. I had seen him before but it had been a really long time (right after I had baby #2). He almost didnt recognize me becuase obviously after just having a baby you have a lot more weight etc. We started chatting and then he went home. Nothing more than that. A week later, I was at Paul's again. He happened to mention that the next door neighbor thought I was hot. HA! So.... back when MySpace was in, I went to Paul's page to make a comment. I happened to see that Ben was his top friend and was "online". I decided to send him a message just to start conversation with him. (I thought he was super hot too!) We messaged back and forth for about a week. Then we exchanged phone numbers and email and would chat that way. Then we finally decided enough was enough and we went on a date. We've been together ever since. He loves my kids like they were his own which is wonderful.

Ex husband wasnt too thrilled about the fact he knew Ben. They werent friends or anything, they just had a mutual friend. Still, he wasnt crazy about the idea. Now everything is just fine. Eric has moved on, remarried and has a baby on the way. He is finally getting his boy.... he begged me to have another one and I said no way. At that point we were having problems and that is not fair to anyone to bring another child into our relationship.

Anyways, thats my story. We bought a house together last April and have blended our family quite nicely if I do say so myself. (he also has 2 kids of his own) So between the 2 of us we have Kelsey 14, Caelyn 5, William 4, and Isabelle 3. The 3 little ones all have birthdays in the next couple of months. Caelyn and Isabelle are mine and Kelsey and William are his.

Phew! Thats the story. I know you didnt ask for it, but you got it anyways!

What a great story!!!! Definitely a "And they lived happlily ever after..." kind!

Melidell - I'm sorry you're sick - i had a stomach bug a few months ago and it wasn't fun. Hope you feel better!

Meghan - you took my list

work, eat, sleep, workout, pack, panic and BREATHE! LOL!

Mine might be more like
work out

My bag with OOT and centerpiece stuff is packed - it also has fans for the ceremony and my placecards.

I have a packing list in my datebook - I made it while waiting an hour for the doctor last week.

I am very worried that FI doesn't have enough clothes and he doesn't have any sandals - I have to get him shopping this weekend.

Tracy - the people that haven't booked - i'm fascinated by this - are there still rooms left for them? my resort is full my wedding weekend. Are they still getting the same rate as your other guests or has it gone up?
i would be on the phone with them screaming!!!!
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