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April 2010 Brides

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haha maybe i'm not a real bride afterall - I'm an emotional person but getting all these last minute details together just doesn't make me that emotional!!


Maybe it's because we're not planning any sort of speeches or anything - none from the wedding party, none from the parents (if we can help it at all) and no specific thank-you's other than to all our guests for coming down with us. I totally cried at my sisters wedding when I made my speech but I was like 16 yrs old. I should probably arm myself for some waterworks though b/c my sister can say anything and make me cry LOL!

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I am so happy you had a blast!!!!

You had a stripper!!! lol amazing!!! I never even ended up at a strip club, lucky you.. you didn't even have to go anywhere else!! Especially happy Kim was able to make it.

I can't say it enouhg how happy I am how many friendships have been made through this site.



I can get too that your (anyone) is to busy at this point of time to feel emotional

but like you said, be careful of your sis.. you might be surprised in the end you will cry (I hope for you, you don't, but it wouldn't matter.. they are happy tears)

No speeches? Good for you.. I feel like we are expected, so I just did it.

Altho I'm having a hard time coming up with a little saying for my parents.


This is what I have so far....


Hi guys, I hope your all having a good time, I just wanted to say a few words,

First thing is first, thank you all for being here, and making us feel special in travelling so far for us.

They say that a measure of one’s life is the company they surround themselves with. Looking around this room, I can see that my life is truly blessed. I want to thank all of you for being part of our special day, but even more importantly, thank you for being part of our lives. Our days are so much richer because of your presence.

To my girls,

They say that behind every good woman is a group of good women following her to the bathroom. I am so blessed to have a maid of honour and a group of bridesmaids who are not only my friends, but my family. You have helped me make this wedding into my dream day and I love you all.


Mom & Dad,

huh.gif (still need to come up with something)


To My New parents,


Thank you so much for welcoming me into your family with open arms from day one, especially for all the efforts you go through just to have me over for dinner. I appreciate and love you guys so much. Thank you for raising such a wonderful son I'm so blessed to have found him. I’m looking forward to our future together as a family.


And of course last but definitely not least,

A toast to my new husband, who has put up with my crying spells, saved me from chocolate cravings, helped me pick out nail polish colors, waited patiently while I changed my clothes for the 100th time, learned to put the toilet seat down, and who just signed up to do it forever. I am the luckiest woman on earth, To (Mike), the most patient man on the planet!

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AWw Tracy those are such good little speeches!! Good for you!


For your own parents, you could maybe say something about how well they taught you to become the person you are, or joke that they have officially made it through the trials of your younger years to see you off with your new husband who now has to deal with you (ha ha ha!). I'm all about keeping it light whenever possible.



I think the only time we'll really have to write something down is for the FAMILY dinner that we're having probably the night before. We figured that since our friends hugely outnumber the family members we have (as in, 25 to 7!) that we should set aside some time for them. Again, it's more for them than for us but I can deal with it. We'll probably say a thank you to our parents and familes at that point and at the same time ask them NOT to do any sort of speeches at our reception cheesy.gif I have no problem telling my parents that ahead of time but I think since FI's parents are totally more traditional then if they know ahead of time they will try to find a way around it. Anyways, that's why a more generic thank you at our reception dinner shouldn't be a problem. End story - FI and I really hate stuff like that (having to do it, or listen to it about us!) so the more we can avoid the happier we are.

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We bought our 1st house together in June 2009, we were NOT married by 12/31/09 and I alone claimed the house credit on my tax return. Yes - they made revisions to the 1st Time Homebuyer Tax Credit, and if you purchased your home after a certain date (which you did) you must file your taxes by paper. We did this too. You can always check the status of your tax return by going to: Where's My Refund - It's Quick, Easy, and Secure. and then follow the instructions. You will need to know the EXACT amount that you are getting back.


When you file your taxes by paper and have any returns directly deposited into your bank account, it usually take 6 weeks to recieve the funds. However, when you claimed the 1st time home buyer credit, you should expect it to take about 8 weeks to recieve, giving you opted to recieve your funds via direct deposit.


Were you unmarried on 12/31/09? If you were still single, then their only limited problems that could be going on. 1) You forgot to send in youd HUD 2) You didn't correctly complete the forms 3) You didn't sign something (which is what usually happens)


Yes - you will recieve a letter in the mail confirming any problems with your tax returns. They will give you instructions on how to fix it, and then you'll send all your stuff back to them. Try checking the status of it online, it should tell you if their are problems and what they are.

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Originally Posted by hoyt75 View Post
We bought our 1st house together in June 2009, we were NOT married by 12/31/09 and I alone claimed the house credit on my tax return. Yes - they made revisions to the 1st Time Homebuyer Tax Credit, and if you purchased your home after a certain date (which you did) you must file your taxes by paper. We did this too. You can always check the status of your tax return by going to: Where's My Refund - It's Quick, Easy, and Secure. and then follow the instructions. You will need to know the EXACT amount that you are getting back.

When you file your taxes by paper and have any returns directly deposited into your bank account, it usually take 6 weeks to recieve the funds. However, when you claimed the 1st time home buyer credit, you should expect it to take about 8 weeks to recieve, giving you opted to recieve your funds via direct deposit.

Were you unmarried on 12/31/09? If you were still single, then their only limited problems that could be going on. 1) You forgot to send in youd HUD 2) You didn't correctly complete the forms 3) You didn't sign something (which is what usually happens)

Yes - you will recieve a letter in the mail confirming any problems with your tax returns. They will give you instructions on how to fix it, and then you'll send all your stuff back to them. Try checking the status of it online, it should tell you if their are problems and what they are.
Thanks so much!! WE were not married and the website displays nothing which is why they called in. Thats when they told us there was a probelm and we would be notified what it was. What is a HUD? We didnt send anything in additional regarding the house for the credit? Maybe thats what we missed? I'm not sure! They cant even tell us when the letter will come explaining what we need to do next. They said in their system if everything went smooth and there was no error, we are slotted to get our returns back next week. Being that there is an issue, who knows when we will get them back now. voodoo.gif
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Tracy they are charging me 125 for hair and makeup - my mom 55 to do wash and blow out and 60 for my friend's make up. they wanted to charge my friend $110 just to do an updo - she said forget it!


I'm thinking about doing a "getting to know you" kind of thing at the "rehearsal dinner" the night before the wedding since my friends and FI's friends don't know each other too much. Any thoughts?


Tracy - those are really good! Everyone will love them!


I wrote a speech months ago to kind of thank people and toast them -my best friends and parents and inlaws and of course FI - I'm not sure I can make it through it without crying - it may be one of those things I decide to do last minute - FI has no idea that I wrote it so it would be a nice surprise.

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Originally Posted by taraappl View Post
Thanks so much!! WE were not married and the website displays nothing which is why they called in. Thats when they told us there was a probelm and we would be notified what it was. What is a HUD? We didnt send anything in additional regarding the house for the credit? Maybe thats what we missed? I'm not sure! They cant even tell us when the letter will come explaining what we need to do next. They said in their system if everything went smooth and there was no error, we are slotted to get our returns back next week. Being that there is an issue, who knows when we will get them back now. voodoo.gif
You're welcome. A HUD is also known as a closing statement. Not only did you need to complete the regular pages for the tax return, but you also needed to complete a special form to claim the home buyer credit, and you needed to send in a copy of your HUD behind that form. When you closed on the house, this was the form that broke down all the costs. It's usually 1 or 2 pages long.

We were suppose to have ours by April 6th, and when I checked today, it said April 20th, so I can certainly understand your frustration. We too originally planned to use this money for our wedding, but decided we didn't want to risk it with the IRS. Some people revised their 2008 taxes so they didn't have to wait until the end of 2009 to recieve the credit, and it took an average of 12 weeks for most of them to recieve their money. I know it's not good news, but hopefully your parents will understand that it's just a short term loan.
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Originally Posted by hoyt75 View Post
You're welcome. A HUD is also known as a closing statement. Not only did you need to complete the regular pages for the tax return, but you also needed to complete a special form to claim the home buyer credit, and you needed to send in a copy of your HUD behind that form. When you closed on the house, this was the form that broke down all the costs. It's usually 1 or 2 pages long.

We were suppose to have ours by April 6th, and when I checked today, it said April 20th, so I can certainly understand your frustration. We too originally planned to use this money for our wedding, but decided we didn't want to risk it with the IRS. Some people revised their 2008 taxes so they didn't have to wait until the end of 2009 to recieve the credit, and it took an average of 12 weeks for most of them to recieve their money. I know it's not good news, but hopefully your parents will understand that it's just a short term loan.
Well I'm sure thats exactly what the problem is then. I completed my taxes on taxact.com and when I completed everything, the system said nothing about including that form with it as well. Wonderful. The waiting game begins now.

Thanks for the info though! I really appreciate it.
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Originally Posted by echo2_62 View Post
Are you able to use a comb or wire wrap in your hair?? Either of those might get a bit better grab if you've got fine hair. Either that or you could find something similar to mine that is able to wrap all the way around your head a couple times? They're called hair vines (took me FOREVER to figure that out) and might work for you as well!
Originally Posted by Melidell View Post
I have really fine hair, too, so I feel your pain. I had a similar hairstyle, too, but I've been growing it out for the wedding so I can put it up. I honestly cannot wait untill we get back so I can cut it again. I got a facinator type thing for my hair and it has a smaller comb and it seems to hold okay- have you thought about something like that? Either way, your are so right, you'll be gorgeous!
Nice idea the hair vines, those look pretty. I'll see if I can find something not too expensive on Etsy. I'm also going to my stylist next week before I leave for a color & cut, so I'll ask her if I can do something with that hair of mine! Then I'll run to the store to buy something if she has a "magical trick".

Nice shot to grow hair for the wedding Melidell, didn't have time to do that! Or maybe not the courage to go looking like a teen again...

Originally Posted by taraappl View Post
Did anyone else buy a new home this past year and qualify for the first time home buyer's credit? UGH!!! We bought a new home last April and because we werent married Ben qualified for the credit. (If we were married when we bought it, we wouldnt have qualified because I've owned a house in the past 3 years) I dont know what is going on but we sent our taxes in the end of January and they still havent processed. The IRS is making people file on paper if you have that credit vs electronic. I think maybe too many people tried to scam the government in past years. Ben called them and they said there is an issue with our return. We are using that money to pay for the wedding and now they are telling us we may not get it by then?! Are you kidding mehuh.gif? We are super stressed. They couldnt tell us over the phone what was wrong, only that we'll get a letter that we'll need to address as soon as it arrives. She couldnt even tell me when the letter would get there. I emailed my dad this morning asking him if he could temorarily lend us the $$ until whatever is wrong got straightened out and he is hesitant to lend us that much money. If you knew my dad you would understand why. He has been burned lending money to people etc. I've however never asked him for money in my adult life ever so I'm hoping he agrees. Best case scenario, the money comes just in time I dont need to borrow it anyways. UGH...

Does anyone else know anyone who claimed this credit on their '09 taxes? If so, did everything process smoothly for themhuh.gif?

I'm hoping they dont try to reject it because I'm a co-owner on the home. The law specifically says that if we are unmarried my half of the credit can transfer to the qualifying party that co owns the home so that person would get the full credit. UGH...
Wow, that's real bad, hope you get the money before the wedding, you filed almost 2 months ago. At first I was wondering about the married thing, since it usually doesn't change anything, but realized you're across the border! Too many Canadians on this thread. Quite a mix-up since we also have a (much smaller) credit for home byers this year. I'm crossing my fingers for you!

Originally Posted by caribbeanLover View Post
Your not alone, just to show you how emotional l am.. I was getting together my thank you poems to my parents, bridesmaids and FI.. and I can't read through without crying!!!! I'm going to be horrible on the wedding day!!!
I'll be getting photo's taken while we/ I am getting ready. I'm the only one going to the spa tho for my hair, the rest of the girls/mom will be doing it their selves. The spa is charging me $130 to do my hair...no one else wants to pay those prices, and I don't blame them.. I don't either.. but it's a one and a life time thing.
I know your stress now, but I am 100% positive most of that will go out the window when you have your first meeting with your WC, your realize it's all up to her from that point on ,you can just go enjoy your vacation.
Originally Posted by jerseykitten View Post
Tracy they are charging me 125 for hair and makeup - my mom 55 to do wash and blow out and 60 for my friend's make up. they wanted to charge my friend $110 just to do an updo - she said forget it!

I'm thinking about doing a "getting to know you" kind of thing at the "rehearsal dinner" the night before the wedding since my friends and FI's friends don't know each other too much. Any thoughts?

Tracy - those are really good! Everyone will love them!

I wrote a speech months ago to kind of thank people and toast them -my best friends and parents and inlaws and of course FI - I'm not sure I can make it through it without crying - it may be one of those things I decide to do last minute - FI has no idea that I wrote it so it would be a nice surprise.
Yeah, that's one thing that's not cheap in those all inclusive, the spa prices! They charge more than my trendy pricey stylist in Montreal! Same thing for massages, in my resort it's 55$ for a half-hour massage (we get 1/2h free for groom & bride, wanted to get a whole hour...), I pay that for an hour here.

Tracy, loved your little speech and the funny things about your marvelous husband!
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LOL I love it!!!!!!!!!! thank you so so much for your great ideas, I totally stole it. This is what I came up with for my parents...

Mom & Dad,

Thank you for being the best teacher any child could ask for.

But Now that you have officially made it through the trials of my younger years you now can safely see me off with my new husband who now has to deal with me LOL. But don’t think you’ve gotten ridden of me just yet, I will always still be your little girl.

You’re my everything, I love you guys so much!!


I do love the way your going to do your 'sayings' this way it'll be out of the way you can just enjoy being a married couple on the day as suppose to worrying about saying a speech. That'll be nice to have just dinner with the family, I know you guys are having more friends then family, actually to come think about it, so are we!! and I'm still waiting to see if 6 other non family members will be attending.



I know it's off your topic, but I just love your sizzy pic, your beautiful, you guys make an adorable/good looking couple!!




$125 is still steep, but it does include the make-up which isn't toooo bad, still $$ but much more reasonable then my resort, which s $125-$130 for just a bloody updo, no make up, no wash or blow dry, just an updo!

Yeah that's just crazy what they want to charge other people, it's why I was looking for a simple way for the BM to do their hair. I found a aqua head band with a flower to the side, looks pretty ,elegant, and the girls like it. We'll just hairspray their hair to assure it doesn't keep flying everywhere.


Thanks!! :)

Why not try add a little jokes here and there to try and Help YOU from not crying, it's why my speech is all humour and hardly any seriousness in it. or I'd just cry through the whole thing.

I wish I could keep secrets from the FI, I would have loved for him not to have known I have a speech. I didn't tell him I have one that includes him tho, not sure if he thinks it's just for the guest.

The only thing I've been able to keep a secret has been the BD book, and it's killing me!!!!! I think I might have mistakenly given him some clues tho sad.gif

BOooo I suck.

But if anyone ask me to keep a secret it's no problem, I just can't keep anything from him. I guess that a good thing huh!! lol



yeah!!!!!!!!!that's insane, I really honestly didn't think the most trendiest place in Montreal would be less then an updo at an all inclusive resort!!! my head is still trying to wrapped it around that price!! I was suppose to make an apt on the website, but I think I'll just wait until I get there, and see why it's so much!! $


LOL, I saw the poem somewhere, and I knew it was for me, it's so true.. took me years to train him to keep the sit down. You know what it took after years of yelling at him.

I woke up in the middle of the night (about 2 1/2 -3 years of living together, and yelling at him about the sit) I went pee in the dark, more then half asleep, and I just sat down, but he didn't put the sit down, and I fell in the bloody toilet!!!

LOL!!!!!!! I can laugh about now!!

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