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April 2010 Brides

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Originally Posted by caribbeanLover View Post
wow lucky you for the luggage, we're allowed 2 peice of luggage totallying 55lbs (I got a special request and was added an extra 11lbs)
why don't you put your iron and what not in your checked luggage?!
Wow plus your doing reno?!?!?! I totally admir you, andall the girls also planning their AHR.
Originally Posted by Melidell View Post
I haven't packed much yet but I do have a wedding section in the spare room closet where I've been keeping everything together so nothing gets left behind. I went through my summer clothes last month and put the things that I want to bring in a suitcase along with all of my swimsuits but it's not really packed properly yet. I think I'll start packing the weekend before we leave, and finish up the day before we go (I'm off work that day). I'm still trying to decide what to take as carry on and what to pack, also. Is anyone having their FI take his suit/wedding clothes as carry on? I think I'd like to do that- it would be bad if our luggage went missing or was delayed and he had nothing to wear.
Originally Posted by jerseykitten View Post
do you know if your resort has hair dryers? maybe you don't need to take one - mine has them in the rooms
Yeah, the big reno was started in November and planned since last spring. We spent all our nights & weekends in Nov-Dec working on that. It is not done since we put time on the wedding thing after Chritsmas.

I'm super uber obsessive about not checking any "vital" items (in case my luggage goes missing) or electronics (because of theft) when I'm travelling. I don't know how I would deal with something important going missing. And since I'm styling my own hair, my own professional dryer is a must, the small hotel one won't cut it for my special day. I even put a small bottle of my usual shampoo & conditioner in my 3-1-1 bag, because I know how my har reacts to it (maybe a bit obsessive about my hair...)

Originally Posted by hoyt75 View Post
Good to know about being able to carry on actual sized bottles. Thanks Tracy!

We have 2 wedding bands b/c I found out that my mom is giving me my grandmother's wedding band, and I'm giving Shawn his grandfather's wedding band as a gift on our wedding day. He actually made his 1st wedding band on his own (he took a jewlery class in college). We had looked at his gpa's band a while back, but it was so tiny it wouldn't even fit on my pinky, and b/c of the design we thought it would be very difficult to have it sized to fit him. The guy making my wedding band, also made my ering, said he could size the ring for me. Nobody knows about me giving him the ring except for his gma (obviously) and I just know that it'll mean the world to him. They were very close.

I don't really know how we're going to work 2 wedding bands, but we'll figure it out!
That's such a cool idea!

Originally Posted by Melidell View Post
Hmmm... a packing list is a really good idea. I started one a while ago after I read a thread here about things that people wished they had brought but maybe I should also make a checklist of all the wedding stuff that I need to bring and just mark things off while I pack. I know it's all in one place but I am really paranoid about forgetting something important. I also need to make a shopping list of things to buy when we get to Halifax before the wedding (there is no where to shop up here, thank goodness for online shopping). I have so many wedding lists on the go right now it's insane!
Originally Posted by ebredhawk View Post
at the risk of everyone thinking that i'm a crazy, micro-managing weirdo.. i have attached my wedding packing list. this is ONLY wedding-related things... my packing list for myself and J is in my huge wedding file!

i have columns for what it is, whether it's packed yet (or where it will go), if it's in my bins of wedding things and i put special notes of who it needs to go to (deyanira and flori are my two WCs) once we get down there. i also started a key for the name of each person's bag, etc.

it may be a jumbled up mess, but it will give you an idea of all of the things we're bringing!

and omg, i just looked at the calendar at april 3rd is almost 2 weeks away!! eeeek!! michele, when did you start this thread, last summer? it seems like just a few months ago!
You are super normal girls! I also have different Excel list that I use on my travels: one for camping trips, one for beach vacay, one for plane, one for car trips. And very detailed lists down to little items: soap, socks, Tylenol, earrings, umbrella ... I have 2 columns, I check the first one when I pull out the item and know it is OK, and check the second when I pack it. I'm the queen of lists!

Originally Posted by jerseykitten View Post
Did I tell you guys that we had 2 people back out?
FI's cousin and his wife. She had brain surgery last week.Thankfully he's ok but can't travel. it actually made my seating arrangement go better so it's fine - and they were the one's bringing their kids - FI was convinced they would be bringing them to the wedding and he'd have to kick them out.
Wow, at least she's OK, not fun dealing with that. My FIL's wife (DBF's parents are divorced) has lung cancer and was admitted at the hospital last week, she probably won't leave because she needs the pain medication... We'll see how it goes, just hope she'll be OK till we come back.
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It seems like lately I just can't make any decisions. I'm hoping you can help me pick a style for me hair. I have picked 2, very different looks. I love both but also have issues with both.

I never wear my hair up, I don't think it looks good, my face is way to round, however FI loves it up... So I thought I'd do half up half down... but then figured I may be way to hot with this one..............

Click the image to open in full size.


so then I thought ,heck I'll just put it all up, and this is the one I only liked... but my issue is, I def don't want to wake up any earlier then I already have to, and def don't want to spend way to much time at the spa for my hair, so do you think this would take to much time to do? and will it hurt with all the freaking bobby pins?!?!

Click the image to open in full size.

Click the image to open in full size.


Wow, well I def admire you girl, for doing all of those things in less then a year!!!! Must be very stressful.


I wish I could say I'm really organized like you girls, I just have a word documents with a list, no sheet sad.gif Good for you girls tho, And def normal, especially for brides lol.

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Originally Posted by taylorwd View Post
Yikes, you just totally put things into perspective for me!! I'm about to blow up at my FI for not being around enough b/c he doesn't get home from work until almost midnight. In my mind he's not making the last minute wedding details a priority, and I've been biting my tongue but don't know how much longer I can! BUT, at least he comes home at night to crawl into bed with me.

I think you're handling things pretty well considering his upcoming schedule!! Just hold tight you're sooooo close!smile03.gif
hehe The other night I was working on our favours and asked FI why he wouldn't help me and his response was "the last time I worked on arts and crafts I was eight!" and then he started listing off the things he HAS been helpful with. It's true what he was saying, except his list was all things that were done MONTHS ago and mostly just involved him making a decision between two things! LOL! But at the least he's very supportive of whatever I'm working on - as long as he can still watch tv and be supportive. I think guys are missing some sort of wedding gene to be honest!

Originally Posted by ewok View Post
Yeah, the big reno was started in November and planned since last spring. We spent all our nights & weekends in Nov-Dec working on that. It is not done since we put time on the wedding thing after Chritsmas.

I'm super uber obsessive about not checking any "vital" items (in case my luggage goes missing) or electronics (because of theft) when I'm travelling. I don't know how I would deal with something important going missing. And since I'm styling my own hair, my own professional dryer is a must, the small hotel one won't cut it for my special day. I even put a small bottle of my usual shampoo & conditioner in my 3-1-1 bag, because I know how my har reacts to it (maybe a bit obsessive about my hair...)
My mom always told me that whenever I travel I should pack at least one bikini and a full change of clothes in my carry on so I fully agree with you on not checking the vitals.

Originally Posted by caribbeanLover View Post
It seems like lately I just can't make any decisions. I'm hoping you can help me pick a style for me hair. I have picked 2, very different looks. I love both but also have issues with both.
I never wear my hair up, I don't think it looks good, my face is way to round, however FI loves it up... So I thought I'd do half up half down...

so then I thought ,heck I'll just put it all up, and this is the one I only liked... but my issue is, I def don't want to wake up any earlier then I already have to, and def don't want to spend way to much time at the spa for my hair, so do you think this would take to much time to do? and will it hurt with all the freaking bobby pins?!?!
Tracy - I also had the first picture as one to do my hair from... actually I wound up with it saved about four times so I knew I must really like it. One other detail to take into consideration is your dress. What kind of back does it have? I voted for the half up/half down look but my dress also has the corset style from mid back down to my tailbone pretty much so I know that will help me vent a lot of my body heat. Whereas if your dress has a solid back right up to your shoulder blades then you might be cooler with the more full up-do. Just food for thought anyways.

And curling your hair like the second picture doesn't take *too* long and probably not any longer than the first picture. Anyone good with the bobby pins won't make them hurt either - mostly! There's always one or two that will dig in a bit but they can usually be adjusted for you. (I've worn my hair like in the second pic before!!). I say just go with what you're happiest with - how it looks with your dress and honestly FI will love however you wear it. I can bet he won't take his eyes off you cheesy.gif

AND p.s. you girls were BUSY yesterday! There were at least THREE PAGES that I didn't write on a single time which is insane!!! I know I probably missed a couple things to comment on too...
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tracy, both hair styles are really pretty and i agree with meghan, i don't think one will take longer than the other. one thing to consider though is whether you're getting married on the beach. i know some beaches can get pretty windy and i've seen beach ceremony pics where the bride has her hair all in her face! not a great look!

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I like the hair up picture, but both are really pretty Tracy. I agree that the up do won't take much longer, really. The other factor with wearing your hair down is the humidity- it can make it really hard for your hair to hold a curl so they might fall out by the end of the night. Either way will look gorgeous, though. Oh- and do you have really long hair plus lots of detail on the back of your dress? Wearing your hair down could hide some of your dress depending on where it comes to in the back, you know?

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I also have the first 1/2 up, 1/2 down picture! i think it's also how you're most comfortable. i never ever wear my hair up - i only put it in a pony tail at the gym. i'm used to having my hair on my neck, even in the summer. When i've tried my dress on with the veil, I've pt my hair in the 1/2 up, 1/2 down look with a clip and I like the way it looks - everyone knows me for my hair, so I want it to show.


PS, I had my second fitting yesterday - they need to put a drawstring stitch in the bustline so it doesn't gap - picking it up next weekend. My friend from California, who can't come to the wedding was in town so she was able to come to the fitting - bawling her eyes out seeing me in the dress...I was so happy she could be there!


I actually had to cut down on coffee I'm so hyper now!

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Originally Posted by Melidell View Post
I like the hair up picture, but both are really pretty Tracy. I agree that the up do won't take much longer, really. The other factor with wearing your hair down is the humidity- it can make it really hard for your hair to hold a curl so they might fall out by the end of the night. Either way will look gorgeous, though. Oh- and do you have really long hair plus lots of detail on the back of your dress? Wearing your hair down could hide some of your dress depending on where it comes to in the back, you know?
I concur with you... Both are pretty, but if you're getting married on the beach you might want to take into consideration the wind. And if your hais isn't naturally curly, or has a hard time in the humidity, you'll be in a fight trying to make it do what you want all night.
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LOL - I had to laugh a bit at the cautions about the humidity - I totally agree that it can cause problems but for me it makes me hair MORE curly than straight! Last time I went to Mexico I don't think I even bothered with my straightener at all. Wet hair + gel for me. If you're naturally straight though you won't have that issue.


Mel - your comments about the detail in the dress being hidden are the exact reasons I'm not wearing a veil! When I had my fitting with my sister the other week we tried a few different veils and not one suited me and/or the dress anyways, so I didn't feel bad about not wanting one to begin with. I love the corset tie back of my dress and totally don't want it covered!


Michele - that must have been so nice that your friend got to come to your dress fitting with you! Sounds like it was special for both of you and that's got to be such a good feeling considering she can't make it to your wedding.


I got an email from our photographer today, just working through some final details and that was enough to get me excited for the day! It's been a long couple weeks still dealing with the fallout from FI's bachelor party (if you can believe it's still on-going!) but today I've felt better than I have in all that time so it was good to be excited again!!

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