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April 2010 Brides

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Originally Posted by echo2_62 View Post

That was probably Tonya sad.gif She and her fiance are no longer together so she hasn't been on the forum.
Aw that is sad! If it was in fact her, she had the wedding date booked that we wanted, lol. But, losing your fiance for sure trumps a wedding date! sad.gif

Originally Posted by ebredhawk View Post

i talked to my photographer the other day and she is all about doing part of our TTD shoot in a town so not every picture is just some variation of the beach. well, it turns out there is a really neat little town with a lot of old architecture and a really cool basillica about 40 min outside of PC. we're going to take a cab into the town for part of the day and do some of our TTD pictures there and then come back right before sunset and do the rest on the beach! i can't wait! although i'd be happy to avoid all the people starring at us with a photographer and video camera following us!
We're doing our TTD session in town as well! Puerto Morelos. For the exact same reasons--to give some variety to our pictures. Our photog has sent pics of all the beautifully colorful and antique doors in the town. It should make for great pics!! Although I have to say, I'm not excited AT ALL about getting all dolled up again the day after our wedding. I love my dress and am excited to wear it again, but the hair and makeup...ugh!
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Suzy & Mel... That talking in the sleep stuff would freak me out. Suzy, how did you react when you first saw that? And now your son too, that is so hilarious! Mel, you never wandered out of the house sleep walking did you?


Suzy, You might have a hard time sleeping alone if you are not used to it. After my FI leaves after visiting over the weekends, I have a hard time sleeping for a few days.


Originally Posted by caribbeanLover View Post

thanks I'll do just that today, let ya all know how my tylneol shopping went lol.

Darn, I forgot to mention that sometimes they have the travel packs of tylenol and advil in the checkout lanes of grocery stores and drug stores. You know how they try to lure you to buy just one more thing before you checkout.


Originally Posted by echo2_62 View Post
my problem isn't that I take up a lot of baggage, its usually that I'm overweight. I can pack more than you'd imagine into a single bag but it will also weigh close to my own weight! Oops! Just make sure you've got a scale nearby when you start packing so that you can figure out how much each bag weighs as you go and know which ones can fit a little more in them. It's all a game of tetris!!
I usually have the overweight issue too. I use those vacuum pack bags when I pack (the ones that you can just roll the air out of). When you use those, you can sure pack a lot of stuff in your luggage.


My FI bought me one of those travel luggage scales. He says its the best $20 he's ever spent. You just clip the scale strap to the handle of your luggage and lift the luggage for a few seconds and it reads the weight. It's been pretty accurate, like within 1/2 pound of the airport scales.


Originally Posted by echo2_62 View Post
You are too funny! The best way to figure out how much the bag weighs is to take your own weight then pick up the luggage and take your combined weight. Subtract one from the other and you're set!
That is exactly what I used to do before my FI bought me a luggage scale.
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Originally Posted by echo2_62 View Post
You are too funny! The best way to figure out how much the bag weighs is to take your own weight then pick up the luggage and take your combined weight. Subtract one from the other and you're set!
really, you guys really weigh yourself with your luggage... I really must be a weakling, because I'd never be able to stand on the scale/wii board and lift my luggage right.

Originally Posted by NyBeachBride View Post
i dont post too much on this thread but maybe i should start....april 18, 2010 at PPR in DR.....i got my dress this past sat wooooooooooo hooooooooooo
Welcome!! and congrats!!!

Originally Posted by Melidell View Post
Oh man, I totally talk in my sleep like that! I mumble a bit, but I talk clearly a lot also and apparently you can have a conversation with me when I'm out cold. My Dad does it, too. Nice to know I'll probably have sleep talking kids! I've also done some sleepwalking in the past but not since I was a kid- I get that from my Mom.
LOL I didn't realize you walk in your sleep too!! Me too I thought it was something I just had done when I was a kid, but sure enough FI saw me one morning when we was getting ready for work, walking around the place (he knew I was still asleep) a few months ago.

Originally Posted by ebredhawk View Post
you know it kim! did you go v-day weekend when they had that awesome sale? i did 8 min in the "platinum" bed since you got to use that for your first 2 sessions and i was burnt! that's the one where you only have a 1% chance of burning too! i'm basically albino still!

tracy, i just laughed out at the image of you creating a Mii character just to weigh your luggage! it's genius though!!

i'm a terrible person. there was a girl on here getting married same day, same resort as me, but then they decided to have a wedding at home instead. inside, i was secretly over-joyed!

i talked to my photographer the other day and she is all about doing part of our TTD shoot in a town so not every picture is just some variation of the beach. well, it turns out there is a really neat little town with a lot of old architecture and a really cool basillica about 40 min outside of PC. we're going to take a cab into the town for part of the day and do some of our TTD pictures there and then come back right before sunset and do the rest on the beach! i can't wait! although i'd be happy to avoid all the people starring at us with a photographer and video camera following us!
That's so funny, you guys go to the same tanning place?!?! You must live close to each other, or at least in the same town.

lol, yeah it's de funny everytime I log on the wii it gives you a msg like 'you know 'luggage' hasn't weight themselves in over xx amount time' lol I laugh everytime, but it should work!! I could no way no how do what Meghan does with lifting it!

Don't feel bad, I too feel a little (ok ok a lot)dissapointed that there is a girl getting married the same exact date, 2 brides on the resort isn't as special as one sad.gif
Ah well, she's supper nice so I just have to keep that in mind lol, I guess I have no choice but to share my day wink.gif

that's is going to be amazing pictures, Are you flying in your photographer?
I am so excited to see your pics, you photographer has a point about it being the same old same old pics, garden, beach, garden beach I can see how it'd get boring I really love the idea especially of all the architecture. I've never heard of the place, I should do some research, sounds like a place not to miss, would you have any links by chance?

Originally Posted by Melidell View Post
I tend to go close to my weight limit when I pack, too. It's shoes that do it for me, every time! At least the clothes we wear down south aren't too heavy though- sundresses, t-shirts and tanks, bathing suits, shorts. The extra wedding things are going to be a struggle, though- especially the mugs. I'll have to see what I can pawn off on other people!
me too, it's all about the shoes! for the oot bags.. as much as I would have love to hand them out when people arrived at the hotel, we just can't afford the room. So I decided I'll hand them out a few days before people arrive, and advise them they need to put it in their luggage right away (we'll go house to house lol) besides I have 4 people who will be there a few days before us, I'd like them to have the use of their oot bags. Maybe it'd could be an option for you. (although we have to bring 5 plus 'ours' with us for the out of towner's)

Originally Posted by jerseykitten View Post
Tracy - I'm not sure if i'd take tylenol if it wasn't in it's own packet. Even if I knew my sister made it herself...ok wait, i can't stand my sister...even if I knew my best friend made the packet...I think even generic Acetominophen packets would be better. But I've worked in the pharmaceutical industry for a while now so that kind of thing just makes me nervous.

I will definitely be going bare legged in the dress with black strappy sandals. I'm not sure what the chick in the picture was thinking with black tights but I don't like it like that.

I should be good at packing - we've done 10 days on the motorcycle - I have to pack light for that but when I have suitcases I go a little nuts. I will try to make a list...

I will start tanning in a few weeks...as FI works for a dermatologist on skin cancer, it's a sore subject here. And the dermatologist is his friend and will be at the wedding. FI wants to do Mystic Tan but I want to do the beds. i've never had a spray tan look good on me.

And it's SNOWING again here ladies...I was supposed to start my job today and they postponed it till Monday because it's supposed to snow through tomorrow. And 25-45 mph winds....seriously...I need spring!

But it's 79 degrees in Jamaica smile159.gif
I think you make a really good point about the tylneol packets,I definitely shouldn't make my own (just boogles my mind that I am going to spnd $30 for packets of tylneol) ah well what you going to do. I know people will take them that's for sure for a headache at one point or another during the week. Best best would be to go to walmart and spend $2 for 10 pills.
Sorry to hear you don't get along with your sister (funny comment though)
so glad I am an only child!
Thanks for your advice, an to you too Mel, really appreciate it!!

I agree tanning is really no good, I just say to myself as long as I don't make a routine out of it I'll be ok.I wore SPF everyone made fun of me, saying it wont help as there is no UV rays, must help a bit! lol
I wouldn't do the spray, but that's just my opinion, I remind myself everytime of the friend's episode when Ross goes to the both, he was suppose to turn around in 5 seconds, but he counted mississippi's and so he didn't turn in time and got a double spray on the same side. smile120.gif

It's snowing here to so much so, I didn't bother going to make my weddingstar order for my flutes and all that other stuff, do it tomorrow when the roads are a little more clear. Windy too. But I am sure your calling for more snow, we expect 5cm.
Be safe if you need to go anywhere
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Originally Posted by taylorwd View Post
Aw that is sad! If it was in fact her, she had the wedding date booked that we wanted, lol. But, losing your fiance for sure trumps a wedding date! sad.gif

We're doing our TTD session in town as well! Puerto Morelos. For the exact same reasons--to give some variety to our pictures. Our photog has sent pics of all the beautifully colorful and antique doors in the town. It should make for great pics!! Although I have to say, I'm not excited AT ALL about getting all dolled up again the day after our wedding. I love my dress and am excited to wear it again, but the hair and makeup...ugh!
You will fall in love with Puerto Morelos, we spent a day there when it was raining. There's a really cool old litehouse and long pier that will make for some great pics - have fun!
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Ok so I literally just wrote a 5 page novel in response and I lost it all...ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG


I am way too tired to write it all again, but let me just tell you all that it was good, and some parts were witty and other parts were fun - and now it's all gone, damned to unrecoverable computer hell........


Anyway, quick recap, welcome all new people to our April thread, we like it here. Time is coming quick, huh? Hope you enjoy it...


Shortnsweet, as far as the talking goes, we've been together 8 years so I really can't remember saying to myself, "Hmmm he sleep talks, weird." but I can tell you that since we had our son, I've developed "Mom Syndrome: (the inability to sleep soundly ever again) and the chatter annoys me most times...but you're also probably right, I won't be able to sleep when I'm all alone because I won't be used to the silence! Plus, Don't worry about living with your FI one bit; you're probably better off than most, because you don't have years of irritations built up!! lol


Mel and Shortnsweet, I do think Martez is going to be a sleep walker too! There have been many a nights that we've found him standing in his crib, chatting away - totally sleeping. Really Freaky, especially at 4 am...


For anyone thinking about Spray Tans/mystic tan just be aware and do some research because I've read a lot about it wearing off fast down south when you're in and out of the water a lot, and salt water is exfoliating, not to mention sand...some say it can look blotchy after a bit...just check it before you do it.


That's all I can think of for now, hope you ladies have a great night!!

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tracy, the town is called Higuey... GP may even have some day trips that go there. lots of shopping for traditional DR things. a former Dreams bride went there and wrote about it in her wedding review on here.. i can't find my link, but you can do a search for it. otherwise, google the name of the town and you'll find lots of information that way!

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Originally Posted by ebredhawk View Post
tracy, the town is called Higuey... GP may even have some day trips that go there. lots of shopping for traditional DR things. a former Dreams bride went there and wrote about it in her wedding review on here.. i can't find my link, but you can do a search for it. otherwise, google the name of the town and you'll find lots of information that way!
Thanks so much!! I'm going to look it up now

Suzy, your to cute!!
Yes very True Nat will not have a problem, they wont have all that build up lol!!!
Aww you poor thing, I am sure it happens to every mother, they never able to sleep in a deep sleep every again.
I've already started that with the whole wedding thing going through my head.
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Originally Posted by luv2sun View Post
You will fall in love with Puerto Morelos, we spent a day there when it was raining. There's a really cool old litehouse and long pier that will make for some great pics - have fun!
Wonderful! It'll make getting myself all pretty again worth it!
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I've been thinking a lot about tanning lately. One the one hand I want to hit a tanning bed a bit before I go (I've never done this, I'm usually very strict about sun and sunscreen) just so I won't be so glow in the dark for the wedding and so I'll have less chance of burning. The last time we went away we had to be really careful the first few days in the sun, even with really good sunscreen. On the other hand I know tanning isn't great for you (especially if you're as fair as I am). Aaarggghh. I'm torn. I can't believe I just wrote a whole post about tanning.


I'm heading to the pub tonight to drink some beers and watch the hockey game with my MOH (Gooooo Canada! Whooohooo!)- the Olympics hasn't been doing my diet any favours! Glad it's almost over. Anyone else have any weekend plans?

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