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April 2010 Brides

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Originally Posted by caribbeanLover View Post
OMG!!! had my post, just about to post and it got deleted!!! WTF why does this happen sooo often!!! *sigh* here we go again.

Congrates on the job!!!! that's great and bonus, it's closer to home. And I am sure the FI would be more then will to help you out with the OOT bags since time is flying.

We are having the semi private dinner at one of the restaurants on the resort. And then having a private beach party with our own private bar tender. The beach will be decorated with teki torch's. So I am in the mist of trying to buy a docking system that will be low of enough, not to $$ and not to heavy for travel. Any suggestions?

Suzy, thank you for the comment on my out fits. I hope he likes them. I am sure he will. I am just so bloody nervous.
I found a lady in Cornwall (hour away from me) who does these session. She is charging me $75 including the hotel. It's only half hour session, with no photo's just the whole cd. I have a gf who is into graphic designs so I'll get her to touch up some photo's.
I figured since I wanted the photo's and I was on a tight budged, this would be perfect.
Another $75 for hair and make up. $180 in total to get the pics developed at walmart and an album.

All the new coming, Welcome. Glad to have you here with us.You all better be chatty lol! wink.gif

Meghan, I just love your hair pieces!!! Looks like the ones you twist in your hair, will you be doing that?
I have a vail, I am not sure if I should just leave it like that, or if I should get something like you have for the front. I've already picked my hair sytle. Maybe I could get your girls advice, leave it with just the vail, or add something to the front?

Click the image to open in full size.
Tracy! that happens to me all the time, and most the time I just don't bother rewriting everything because I don't have the time!! As far as a docking system goes, you should probably look into something that has battery power, I know i was looking at one from the brand Skull Candy, and it was a pretty good price and you could either plug it in or have full battery power...I think you should go on the Future Shop Canada website and just check out what they have and see what price you're willing to pay...or even ebay...I LOVE ebay...it's my dirty little addiction! lol
I liked the Skull Candy Dock because it was small and low profile so easy to pack...keep that in mind too!
Great price on the Boudoir session! Looks like we can't get anything cheaper than $400 here, then there's the book, hair & makeup, then an outfit or two - it's sad to say but somewhere between having a baby and 10 years ago my lingerie supply has depleted drastically!!!! lol
I do have 1 wicked pair of shoes to wear though...but that's about it!! lol

Love your hair too!!! SOooooooo Sooooo nice, You'll look beautiful!!!!
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Originally Posted by jerseykitten View Post
so my new news...as most of you know I left my job a week ago - the stress and the commute were too much for me - I wasn't planning on looking but keeping my options open in case something came up. Well, i got a call from someone I used to work with that heard i was available, he gave my resume to his boss - I talked to his boss for about 15 minutes on the phone yesterday and
this one is only about 30 minutes from home - less stressful environment. It's also a temporary situation - could possibly go permanent - i told them right away that i'd be gone for 2 weeks in April and they were fine with it.
So in one week i got a new car and a new job...
And i only get to take 2 weeks off...so much for wedding planning - at least I got my veil and i'll do the rest of the OOT stuff this week coming up.
It took me such a long time the last time I was out of work to find a job - this one just fell into my lap - I can't even believe it!
Congrats on the new job! Wow, that was super fast- good for you. Sounds like it'll be a better fit, with a wedding coming up less stress is a good thing.

Originally Posted by caribbeanLover View Post

We are having the semi private dinner at one of the restaurants on the resort. And then having a private beach party with our own private bar tender. The beach will be decorated with teki torch's. So I am in the mist of trying to buy a docking system that will be low of enough, not to $$ and not to heavy for travel. Any suggestions?

I have a vail, I am not sure if I should just leave it like that, or if I should get something like you have for the front. I've already picked my hair sytle. Maybe I could get your girls advice, leave it with just the vail, or add something to the front?

Click the image to open in full size.
I had FI looking at docking stations and he just ordered one last week. I can check and see what he bought, if you like (I don't remember- not really my thing). I think he spent 250 or 280, but he said he got a really good one on sale or something. I thought that was a bit much to spend, personally, but he's been really great about the wedding things I've been buying and I figured this was something he's excited about so why not. He's wanted one of these docking stations for a while anyway- we're going to stick it in our exercise room once the wedding is over plus we'll have it when we travel in the future, too.

I love that hair picture! I'd like to do something like that but my hair goes crazy in humidity (it's just wavy usually) so I think I'll play safe and wear it up. I like the flowers worked into it, too, are you planning on doing that? A jeweled barrette or something where it's pulled back in the front would be really pretty, plus you could keep it in even if you take your veil off after the ceremony.
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Originally Posted by jerseykitten View Post
Tracy - that's one of the pics I have saved for my hair too!

Thank you Suzy - I actually can't wait to start - with the new car I feel better having a job rather than just getting unemployment!
That's so funny!!! Think you'll go for that style?
btw the SUV does do good milages, I will definitely consider when my car payments are done with.
Congrats again on the new job, I wish I could be that lucky in finding a job (hasn't been easy at all!!)

Originally Posted by SuzyQ76 View Post
Tracy! that happens to me all the time, and most the time I just don't bother rewriting everything because I don't have the time!! As far as a docking system goes, you should probably look into something that has battery power, I know i was looking at one from the brand Skull Candy, and it was a pretty good price and you could either plug it in or have full battery power...I think you should go on the Future Shop Canada website and just check out what they have and see what price you're willing to pay...or even ebay...I LOVE ebay...it's my dirty little addiction! lol
I liked the Skull Candy Dock because it was small and low profile so easy to pack...keep that in mind too!
Great price on the Boudoir session! Looks like we can't get anything cheaper than $400 here, then there's the book, hair & makeup, then an outfit or two - it's sad to say but somewhere between having a baby and 10 years ago my lingerie supply has depleted drastically!!!! lol
I do have 1 wicked pair of shoes to wear though...but that's about it!! lol

Love your hair too!!! SOooooooo Sooooo nice, You'll look beautiful!!!!
Thanks so much for the suggestions, I'm going to re search this skull candy dock, never heard of it, definitely sounds interested.
It was a great deal, like you in montreal I couldn't find anyone under the $400mark either, I actually took the idea out of my head for doing one, until found this photographer.
Another reason I want to do the sessions, before I have baby. altho I am sure you look great (from your pics you do for sure!!) But I am sure it's not the same. I had to buy all the out fits (like I was saying never worn anything like this before) and I got everything half off and it still came up $100 as I didn't have the shoes, had to buy those as well.
Thank you so much, have you decided your hair style?
Who's doing their own hair and make up, and who is going to the spa?
I've decided to do my own make up, go the spa for the hair.
I am also doing TTD session, but will do my own hair that day (who else is doing this session?)

Originally Posted by Melidell View Post
Congrats on the new job! Wow, that was super fast- good for you. Sounds like it'll be a better fit, with a wedding coming up less stress is a good thing.

I had FI looking at docking stations and he just ordered one last week. I can check and see what he bought, if you like (I don't remember- not really my thing). I think he spent 250 or 280, but he said he got a really good one on sale or something. I thought that was a bit much to spend, personally, but he's been really great about the wedding things I've been buying and I figured this was something he's excited about so why not. He's wanted one of these docking stations for a while anyway- we're going to stick it in our exercise room once the wedding is over plus we'll have it when we travel in the future, too.

I love that hair picture! I'd like to do something like that but my hair goes crazy in humidity (it's just wavy usually) so I think I'll play safe and wear it up. I like the flowers worked into it, too, are you planning on doing that? A jeweled barrette or something where it's pulled back in the front would be really pretty, plus you could keep it in even if you take your veil off after the ceremony.
yes pleas, that would be amazing, if I could get some suggestion to know what to look out for, as i want the sound to be clear and crisp and loud enough to hear over each other and the waves/winds (since it's right on the beach)

Thanks, I do consider my self lucky one it comes down to humidity, as my hair is so flat it does nothing, ever! so it'll be definitely a challange to get it curly/wavy. I might have to consider a Plan B in case they wont be able to come through for me (due to my own hair)
if it does work out, I want the flowers exactly like the pic, makes it looks pretty.
Aww I like you idea, as I will be taking th vail off at some point, it definitely wont be a whole day night thing.
So use the barrette to take hair hair (bangs) to the back with that?
I love it, I think i'll just do that,thank you so much!!
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That's so funny!!! Think you'll go for that style?

btw the SUV does do good milages, I will definitely consider when my car payments are done with.

Congrats again on the new job, I wish I could be that lucky in finding a job (hasn't been easy at all!!)




Thanks so much for the suggestions, I'm going to re search this skull candy dock, never heard of it, definitely sounds interested.

It was a great deal, like you in montreal I couldn't find anyone under the $400mark either, I actually took the idea out of my head for doing one, until found this photographer.


I have to double check with my resort again on whether they have a dock or if we need to get one. Another thing to add to the list.


Thank you so much, have you decided your hair style?


These are some of the other styles I've pulled off the internet -

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I have very frizzy hair, but I get Keratin treatments every few months - if you can afford them they are totally worth it - my hair is never frizzy and I can blowdry and straighten it in about 10 minutes.



Who's doing their own hair and make up, and who is going to the spa?

I will most likely do my own makeup but will let the spa do my hair. I'm just not that good at it.



I've decided to do my own make up, go the spa for the hair.

I am also doing TTD session, but will do my own hair that day (who else is doing this session?)


I'm doing a TTD session the next day - I've been reading in a lot of the other girls' reviews that they slept in their hair and makeup and it was pretty much ok for the next day. I'm going to cross my fingers on that one - I have been testing out waterproof mascaras and eyeliners for that - Sephora brand of both seem to work well. I do NOT take pictures with no makeup on!






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congrats on the new job, michele!! it's crazy how stuff like that works out! and with your new, super powerful car, you'll be all set!!


in the spirit of sharing hair inspiration, here's a picture i don't think i've posted before. my MOH also does hair and makeup so she's doing mine for the wedding and she did a practice-run on a dummy. it looks a little creepy since it's just a head, but you get the idea! where the pin she used is will be the amazing hair piece that my photographer is making for me! i don't know anything about it yet besides her using pink veiling!!


Click the image to open in full size.


tracy, we're doing a ttd shoot too! from what i've read, a lot of the girls who don't do it, wish they had! we're even having our videographer shoot that part too, so we can remember everything that doesn't get captured in the pictures. i think i'm doing a more casual hair/makeup look, and again my photographer is making a hair piece (some kind of headband thing i think, for this shoot. i am really looking forward to it!

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Erin, that hair style is gorgeous! And different from anything I've seen! LOVE IT!


One of my bridesmaids is doing my hair (she's really good, we've done one trial so far, and I love it!), and my MOH is doing my makeup (had a Sephora trial on Saturday, not super impressed with the outcome, but learned a lot!)


We are doing a TTD session too, not sure about doing it the next day though, or the day after. I love the idea of sleeping in the hair and makeup on the wedding niht, and then letting everything down into messy curls (my photographer is adament that my hair should be down and messy, not "perfect" for the shoot), but I don't want to be super tired while doing it, either! So she's left it as "wait and see how you feel" the day after the wedding, and if I'm wiped, postpone to the next day. Ah, the beauty of a destination wedding! :0) This is my photographer's first destination wedding, so I really think she will go all out for everything, so she has it all for her portfolio. Are you all using your actual wedding dresses for the TTD? I thought I'd be okay with it, but every time I step into mine, I just know I couldn't do it! So I bought a dress for $99 from Sears to use.

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Michele, I love all the styles you've picked out, you'll definitely have to let us know which one you pick!!

I'm the same way with the hair (I can't do anything with it)

What a great idea, I wont take my hair apart when the wedding is over, and hopefully it'll be good to go for the next day (TTD)

Thanks for the great idea!!!




I love your hair style, and the hair pieces escpecially!!!

It's going to look stunning!!!

Aww your so lucky you don't have to worry about your hair or make-up as I am sure you trust her. I on the other hand have no idea how the resort spa is for hair. And if they'll be able to do what I want.

I am so glad I am doing a TTD, What another amazing idea.. to get in video taped. I'll so get someone to use my video camera to do that. (Vidergrapher isn't in our budged sad.gif )

Me too, I think this will be the funniest photo shoot ever!!!!



Are you flying in your own photographer?

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i've heard that the "morning after" makeup and hair let down look is what some people do, but how often does it really end up looking picture-worthy? :) unless i'm doing something wrong, i've never looked ready for a photo shoot after a night out!!


and i'm using my real dress... and it's funny because i have the same thought process, just a different conclusion. i love my dress SO much, that i can't imagine having those pictures done and not wearing for that too. it gives me another excuse to wear it since i probably won't ever again after that!

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