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Has anyone seen individual bath salts packets?

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Our hotel has jacuzzi tubs in every room, so I thought for the OOT bag I'd put little individual packets of bath salts for the ladies to use. We used them almost every day when we were on vacation with the tub!!

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There is a place out here by me in Bethesda, MD. It's Called Joyful Bath Co. They have some great stuff in and assortment of sizes, including what you might be looking for. I got my Fiance 2 jars for Valentines day this year and she loves them.


these are the two I got her, 'nilla butter milk and oatsy floatsie


Click the image to open in full size. Click the image to open in full size.


and yes they do have smaller packets


Click the image to open in full size.


Luxurious Therapeutic Bath Salts | Joyful Bath Co. | Did you take a bath today?


We are having our reception at a hotel and are having a lot of out of towners come in, including family from the Philippines and Norway. Our Plan is to make gift bags for the people that are staying at the hotel and this will be included in the bag along with some water bottles, alka-seltzer and some pepto.


I think she might be giving some to her Brides Maids as well.


I hope this helps.

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