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FSIL Charged us for her help!!!

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I have to vent...so my fiance was briefly married before, he married before he went off to Japan (marines), they were planning to do a big wedding when he got back a year later. Well that never happened, she broke it off 4 months later, and they had the wedding annulled. So whatever, no big deal to me.


However, in order for us to get married by the Church he had to have something signed by her. He asks his sister, who is also a bridesmaid, and was her friend back in the day, if she could do him the favor and get it signed. The Ex lives about 15 minutes away, again, no big deal, right?


Why does the Beatch, charge him $75huh.gif? He was on a time crunch and figured better to pay then to have to go see her and deal with it personally. She gets it signed and tells him I'll give you the form if you have my MONEY!! Who charges their brother for a favor like that?!?! According to her, they're close!


We are paying for the entire wedding, her room, a dinner cruise, and brunch the next day! And she hasn't helped OR offered to help with the wedding at all!!


Then my MOH, MY sister, organized my bachelorette party this past weekend, and she doesn't show up!! My sister tries to call her to find out if she's running late, and nothing!


UGH I'm so mad!! It's been a few days, and I'm still pissed!!


Sigh, on the bright side, I'll be in Cabo next week.

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How rude! I mean honestly that shoulda been done as a favor especially because you guys are covering so much for her during the wedding and she is part of the bridal party, but more so because that's her brother!!! I dont blame you girl, I woulda been taken aback by that too.


But yes you'll be in Cabo next week *YAY* and by the way, I love your monogram. It's too cute!!!! wink.gif

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That is just plain mean and un-sisterly!!! WOW!!

I would definetly avoid her in cAbo, maybe find a reason to make her pay something... like her hair! YES! Let her know that the 75$ your FI gave her was an advance for her hair, since she is vacationing on your dollar....

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I would watch out for that one. Or stuff her back under the rock she came from! That is a horrible way to treat you guys. How unappreciative could you be. I too would do what has laready been suggested and tell her you are deucting it from her bill! And don't pay for anything else for her. Tell that the well has run dry and you are just unable. If she really wants something or its important to her she will find a way. If she keeps being provided for she will always come asking.

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