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Does anyone know any Female B photgraphers in Michigan?

Preferrably in the Detroit/Ann Arbor Area.


My friend Holly and i have decided to do it as our gift for our hubbies :) I am going first and she wants to book right after me.


Now all we need is a good photographer.......

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not in Detroit but in Lansing. Jennifer Shelton


If you contact her, tell her I referred you to her.



Ladies, I just want to reiterate that there are amazingly talented male photographers who also shoot boudoir work. And limiting yourself to only female shooters I think is limiting the options you have.


I realize the comfort issue but male photographers are just as professional as female shooters and will make you just as comfortable as well. Many times they have female assistants or a make up artist for you. Plus, you'll have someone with you that you bring.


I highly recommend meeting your photographer first whether they are male or female so you are comfortable with them but especially if they are male, I know it would help.


All I'm saying is, give us guys a chance too. We want to make great photos for you too!!



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I don't know of a female photog in Michigan, but I was just reading this and wanted to add my two cents to what Jonathan said.


While I totally agree that there are lots of very talented male photogs out there that could produce some seriously sexy B photos, I personally know even though I might feel comfortable with a male that my FI would FLIP if he found out a guy took the pics... and yes, he'd totally ask.

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Tara- i totally agree.


Its not necessarily the comfort level- its the fact that how would my fiance feel knowing that another man took pics of me like that and he wasnt even there. I just think its kind of weird.


I am certainly going to meet with the photographer fist- however if i could just find one in my area first- that would be great!

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Originally Posted by amanda&gabe2008 View Post
Tara- i totally agree.

Its not necessarily the comfort level- its the fact that how would my fiance feel knowing that another man took pics of me like that and he wasnt even there. I just think its kind of weird.

I am certainly going to meet with the photographer fist- however if i could just find one in my area first- that would be great!

I agree. While its totally unfair for male photographers... my FI was be pissed, and it will totally ruin the gift.
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That's good to know there's one in Lansing!


Sorry Jonathan, but I just don't think too many brides are going to have a male take b-pics of them. And for exactly the reasons already mentioned I would never have considered a male photog even if they were awesome and their prices were great...Jeff would FLIP OUT if I was even remotely unclothed in front of another man, and rightly so. Sorry, just had to add my two cents!

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I don't understand why your FI's would freak out. I would think they'd be happy that you did it and that it was a great gift. They should know that a photographer is a professional just like a doctor would be.


Do all of you have female doctors? Would your FI's get upset over you having a male doctor? A photo shoot would be far less revealing than a doctors visit. How is that different?

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