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Wish me luck...going to pic up my dress from FMIL

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I agree I would just hand them the bill and make them pay for everything if they decided to crash your wedding!!!! You are such a strong person, remember to stand your ground and do you what you want.

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so my mom has bought her tickets along with my dad's and my two nephew's.

She has already gotten her timeshare for the week of July 22-29. LOL

The get to be in Cabo for the whole week while Erik and I get to be in Cabo for 4 days...not fair...oh well, we will go on a really vacation later when Erik has vacation time.


Yeah, this weekend should be exciting....I didn't stay with Erik last night but slept over at my parents (had to work in her area and didn't want to drive from Costa Mesa to Mission Viejo in the morning (about a 45min drive with Traffic)). So I'm not sure if Carol found out that I kind of told Mike (does that make any sense) and decided to call Erik.....Erik hasn't said anything to me.


I realy think he should mention it to his folks this weekend when we are at dinner....somehow I know it is going to be a topic of conversation....


oh yeah we are going to be in LA....so if anyone wants to meet up for drinks afterwards, great....pm me. I'm going to need a drink after dinner LOL

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oh yeah I forgot to mention, I took pictures of me in my dress yesterday after picking it up. I haven't tried this dress on since I bought it....and mind you it was big on me when I did buy it...well not that big. Anyways...I tried it on last night and it fits perfectly, though it's a bit long, so I'm just going to have seamstress shorten it a bit... :)


Yes, I'll show pictures when I get my usb cord from home LOL

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So Yesterday I'm at my mom's afterwork planning decorations and food for wedding dinner, when I get a call from Erik.


He says,"Soooooo, I got a surprise call from my mother and she says,'So do we need to get our tickets now?' Then she goes on about how my father told her that we are just getting married in Cabo in July. What did you tell my father? Now she is upset....I didn't tell her anything beacause I didn't know what you said to my father exactly.....I just changed the subject."


I told Erik that I told his father that we were THINKING about it but nothing was definate (sp?). Well Erik then went on to say that I put my foot in my mouth and that I didn't tell him everything and that his parents aren't stupid and would figure it out.....


I told him i'm glad that they figured it out. That it would give us a chance to tell them that we want to have wedding in Cabo and tell them that we only want these people there.

Erik then starts saying "I don't want to talk about it" and I say "You never want to talk about it."


So we'll see what happens this Sat. at dinner....

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Okay it's time to stop the maddnesssmile41.gif. Erik needs to put his foot down, stop blaming you for his mom's upset, and be honest about what your plans are. If he thinks by keeping the plans from his mom in order to delay the drama is a good idea, he is crazy. If she finds out any other way, or finds out how long the plans were made she is going to feel hurt and betrayed. I am a huge believer in honesty, it is the only way to live your life and be able to sleep peacefully at night. As long as your honest and firm with her she can be, unreasonabley, unhappy, but if you are less than honest she has a valid reason for being upset and will use that to her advantage in her relationship with you. Tel Erik if he is man enough to marry you, he needs to be man enough to stand up to his mommy!!! Sorry, I hope I'm not upsetting you, but I was married to a man who allowed his mom to much say in how we lived our lives, and it was a big part of the demise of our marriage. hug2.gif


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Oh my goodness! This is such a saga. Erik is kidding right? I mean, you were going to have to tell his parents eventually...when was he planning on doing it?


Oh well, who cares! You are getting married in Cabo this July - so that's all that matters!

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Erik was planning on telling them on July 1....so it will allow them some time to get tickets if they want to go to it and not enough time for others to show up randomly....

I don't know what he is thinking....


I told him that we could tell them this weekend, since they already have a hint about it....and I know that she will ask this weekend.


I told him we would have to do it together.

and since she knows now, do it sooner than later.


We didn't talk about it last night when I got home, he was already asleep....

So we will talk about it on Friday....we are going to go to San Diego Friday night so we can do a beach clean up on Sat. morning in La Jolla

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