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Walking Down the Aisle, both parents deceased.

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So.. both of my parents are deceased. I have two older brothers, only one may attend our wedding and a daughter that is 12. I really don't want to walk down the aisle alone. Should I walk down with my brother / daughter.... or would that be too weird?

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It's your wedding & you can do whatever you want!

I know of people who walked down alone, , had their children walk with them, or even a sibling. It is whatever makes you comfortable. If you had a special uncle/aunt/cousin/friend coming that you wanted to do it, you could go with that too!! I personally think it would be cute to walk with your daughter.

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Hey NJ Hunnie,


Your brother can walk you down the isle, or do you have your grandfather from either side, or possibly an elder Uncle to walk you down the isle? If not, then I think your brother is fine. Both my parents are deceased as well, and my Uncle (my mother's brother) and my grandma are going to walk me down the isle. As my grandfather was going to walk me, but he passed away a few months ago. Good luck...and don't worry...if you end up walking down the isle by yourself...strut girl...you will look beautiful and shine all the way down!

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I'm sorry to hear about your losses sad.gif I definitely think that on your wedding day you can choose whoever you want to walk you down the aisle. What does your daughter think? Does she want to walk with you, or have you asked her opinion on the best fit? I don't think you can make a wrong decision, so go with your gut!


best wishes!

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Originally Posted by SgtPepperette View Post
My father is passed, and I am estranged from my mom. I have 3 BIL's that I couldnt chose from...so I think Im going to walk down the isle alone, and my FI will meet me half way :)
That is so cute that FI will meet you half way! I love it! My father passed away in Dec. so my Mom will walk me.
It is your wedding and it is totally up to you what you want to do! I say anything goes!
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Definitely do whatever is more comfortable. I would chose the one who would not have a role otherwise. My father has recently passed away, and while it probably would have made sense to have my mother walk me down the aisle, I have asked my best guy friend as his wife will be my matron of honour so that they could both be involved.

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