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A box of kittens....


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Little Sue is home and looking much better! I think we're going to try and keep them for another week or so, they seem very relaxed and comfortable in their little "kitten zone"-much more so than they were at the shelter. FI works from home so I think we'll be able to work it out. I'd like to keep the stress level down for them until Sue is feeling better.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Baby cats update!


The kittens are soooo cute. They're almost ready to go back to the shelter. We're going to miss them a ton but it will be nice to have our bathroom back.


I thought I'd upload pictures for two of them as follow up from the first pictures. Everybody is healthy and doing just fine.


This is Sue-she's a little drama queen!

Click the image to open in full size.


And this is Blinky-he's a little piglet! He eats twice as much as everybody else and probably outweighs them by the same.

Click the image to open in full size.

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oh my gosh Vikki they are so sweet! How are you ever going to let them go back to the shelter?! I really admire you for being a foster mom, its an amazing thing you are doing. We adopted our baby Abby from a foster home and it was so wonderful for her to be with people growing up.

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