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checking someone's email - advice please!


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That's awesome. It sounds like she's been struggling with this for a long time and maybe having to face it will allow her to get help. I think you did the right thing, my only caution to you is don't make her getting help and changing "your" problem. Be a friend, give support but she has to fix this, not you. Leaning on a friend isn't a bad thing but sometimes being too dependent can be. Know your boundaries. Other than that I'm so glad this is working out.

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Thats great that she was able to be honest, even if it took so long and so much water had to pass under your bridge. It takes hear to 'fess up to wrongdoing....


BUT, it takes even more to accept someone's apology when they've hurt you for no good reason other than their own hang ups. So, ((HUGS)) to YOU! You're a great friend.

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You're not wrong. To have a friend you have to know how to be one, and if she isn't being one to you then she doesnt deserve you as a friend. Is it sneaky to check email? YES! is it even worse to actually find what you thought was happening? YES! Drop her.

Chances are its jealousy on her part..people don't like to see others happy for some odd reason but it's true. I would end the friendship if you cant totally be yourself around someone and share every feeling comfortably then whats the point of having that person in your life?

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