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my kitty is in trouble!


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just venting about my horrific night! A small background is that FI & I just bought a house and officially moved in on saturday - woo hoo! He's adjusting to living with my VERY affectionate male cat. This cat always wants to be pet and is on your lap or following you around somewhere. (love it!)


sooooooooooo after spending 4 hours decorating the back of a jersey for my BF...I'm MOH and her b-party is this weekend, we're doing a cubs rooftop! Anyway I had decorated this jersey with paint and written "bride" on the back of it as well as the number 11 (day shes getting married)....RIGHT after I finish, the cat pushes the door open and runs through the newely painted jersey. I scream (it was blood curdling) and next thing you know the cat is sprinting away and there are bright blue paw prints all over our brand new carpet!


ahhhhhhhhhhhhh I just have to laugh. Which I can do after spending the next 2 hours trying to get those stains out! FI is convinced he can train the cat.............i wonder if he'll have any luck!


Poor thing is staying far from FI after being yelled at so much last night!

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oh my! this is SO something my girl cat would do. my hubby loves my boy cat but he isnt the biggest fan of my girl cat, i think because she is nervous around him haha :)

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Oh Josie. I am sad for your carpet and LMAO at the same time!


We are trying to figure out how to get one of our cats from clawing the corners of the moulding in our house. She has a scrather that she uses all the time, but she also uses the corners in the house. WTF?


I guess that's why cats rule the world.

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OMG! That is so funny!! Did you finally get the stains outhuh.gif

That is def something my cat would do...When she was a kitten my Roomate at the time, was making Rice Crispy treats..she had just poured the melted marshmellow in there and Bella (my cat) jumped right in there! Thankfully she wasn't hurt.

And another time I was making Jello shots and I had just finished them, they were all on this tray and I opened my refridgerater to put the tray in, and she used to LOVE going in the fridge, well as soon as I put them on the bottom shelf, she jumped RIGHT ON THEM! Not only was her white paw Red, but god knows how much vodka she was drinking trying to clean it off..LOL


Cats are so funny!! I'm sorry about your new rug :-(

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Josie! He sounds just like my SUPER affectionate kitty! Dave thinks he can teach him to stay off tables and stop scratching stuff. I don't think so, he's 10 and I've been trying to do that for 10 years. He also ruins all my craft projects (like our christmas stockings), but he's too adorable to get mad!

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