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How to get people to RSVP

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Ugh, this was so annoying for us. We sent out 125 invites and by our RSVP date only about half the guests had responded. We gave people a 10 day grace period after the RSVP date. After that, we sent out emails, texts, and FB messages reminding them we needed their responses asap. Even that only got us about 10 more rsvp's. We wound up calling people to get their RSVP's and some guests were like "Oh, we had to mail that little card back to you?" I wanted to scream "NO I just put stamps and write please respond on things for fun!!!!". Even when we thought we had it all hammered down, we had some surprise guests rsvp. There was a family of 5 we could not get in contact with so just assumed if they didn't respond to any of our attempts they weren't coming. I got a call yesterday from her complaining that there were no rooms left in the block and that the prices were outrageous and a few other meaningless complaints. Eventhough I should of felt excited they were coming and sad it was going to cost so much, I didn't. Who waits 1 month to try and respond after the cut off date and then complains when they have problems?! Oh the joys of guest lists and RSVP's!

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ugh!  we only have 7 rooms left at the resort and probably 20 people who are "maybes" and i just dont know how or when I should press them-- i keep telling them that there arent very many rooms left, but no one seems to be in a rush.... so frustrating!

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Those who didn't RSVP, I would assume that they are not coming, and probably losers as well.

Meanwhile, I still have a few that are "still" looking for a travel buddy or doing the budgeting, my wedding is 1 month away and I sent out the invite in December 2010 and told everyone that I will have a DW in December 2009....so I also assume those "still" "undecided" losers are not coming.

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